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- 註冊時間
- 2019-8-31
- 最後登入
- 2019-9-15
A mod that saves your position, model, money, and weapons when you exit the game, then spawns the player back at that location, with the same model, money, and weapons when you start the game again.
You can also change the settings so you can manually set a position to spawn at later.
Install Script Hook V.
Install Script Hook V .NET.
Extract LastLocation.dll and LastLocation.ini to within the scripts folder in your GTA V directory.
安裝Script Hook V.
安裝Script Hook V .NET。
將LastLocation.dll和LastLocation.ini解壓縮到GTA V目錄的scripts文件夾中。
By default the script is set to automatically save the player's position and model and load it on game start-up.
If you set the AUTOMATIC ini setting to False, press End by default to save your position.
If you manually set a position, by default when you start the game and the position is loaded, it will be removed so that the next time you start up you won't be in the same position again. You can change this by setting MANUAL_ALWAYS_KEEP_POSITION to True.
如果將AUTOMATIC ini設置為False,請在默認情況下按End保存您的位置。
如果您手動設置位置,默認情況下,當您開始遊戲並加載位置時,它將被刪除,以便下次啟動時您不會再次處於相同位置。 您可以通過將MANUAL_ALWAYS_KEEP_POSITION設置為True來更改此設置。
This mod does not always work. Usually this is either because your last save point is a Quick Save, or because the game is forcing you to enter a mission.
To make the player spawn at a new location I had to remove the camera animations that happen at startup. Now there is just a simple fade-in from black screen.
這個mod並不總是有效。 通常這是因為您的上一個保存點是快速保存,或者因為遊戲強制您進入任務。
為了讓播放器在新位置產生,我不得不刪除啟動時發生的相機動畫。 現在只有黑屏的簡單淡入。
Configurable settings in INI file:
AUTOMATIC: Whether to save the player's position automatically or not. If this is set to False you have to press the manual save key to save your position.
MANUAL_SAVE_KEY: The key to save your position when AUTOMATIC is set to False.
MANUAL_REMOVE_SAVED_POSITION_KEY: The key to remove your saved position when AUTOMATIC is set to False. Set to None to disable.
MANUAL_ALWAYS_KEEP_POSITION: Whether to keep the saved position after game start when AUTOMATIC is set to False. If this is set to True, on EVERY game start you will start at your saved position.
SAVE_PLAYER_MODEL: Whether to remember the player's model or not.
SAVE_POSITION_INTERVAL: The interval in milliseconds at which to save the player's position to the INI file. If you set this too low you'll lag.
TIME_TO_FADE_IN: How long it takes in milliseconds for the fade-in that happens at game startup to fade in fully.
AUTOMATIC:是否自動保存玩家的位置。 如果設置為False,則必須按手動保存鍵才能保存位置。
MANUAL_ALWAYS_KEEP_POSITION:當AUTOMATIC設置為False時,是否在遊戲開始後保持已保存的位置。 如果此項設置為True,則在每個遊戲開始時,您將從保存的位置開始。
SAVE_POSITION_INTERVAL:將播放器的位置保存到INI文件的時間間隔(以毫秒為單位)。 如果你設置得太低,你就會滯後。
- v1.4:
- Fixed some teleporting and model issues.
- Added saving of money and weapons (and ammo).
- v1.3:
- Added ability to remember player's model (enabled by default).
- Fixed black screen flickering sometimes.
- v1.2:
- Fixed player placement when spawning. You will no longer spawn on the top of buildings when you were previously inside them.
- Fixed accuracy of TIME_TO_FADE_IN. If you're updating the mod I suggest changing TIME_TO_FADE_IN to a larger value such as 3000.
- Fixed temporary incorrect camera placement and low quality map when starting game.
- Position is no longer continuously saved when not moving/AFK.
- v1.1:
- Added ability to save position manually.
- Added ability to remove manually saved position.
- Open-sourced (because I forgot to earlier).