
moiraer 2024-9-9 22:41
題目: If a good is produced using inputs for which there are no substitutes, the good's 答案:elasticity of supply is likely to be small.
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2015年老千始祖🤩xxx.xxx11223 坐監係年輕人唯一既出路🔥🔥🔥 ...
MattChow 2024-9-9 20:59
2015年已經識得用幾個電話去呃人, 仲要呃左人10幾萬咁多喎,小朋友細路都呃, 唔洗問阿貴網上果D好評都係刷出黎, 24小時人在咁得閒日日係屋企唔洗番工呀。
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【題目】 Two goods are complements if a decrease in the price of one good
glitterzmc 2024-9-9 09:35
【題目】 Two goods are complements if a decrease in the price of one good decreases the demand for the other good. increases the demand for the other good. the demand for the other good does not change. None of above is correct 答: increases the demand for the other good. ...
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easyrank 2024-9-8 20:17
xxx.xxx11223講到自己幾清高,點知又咪係詐騙狗呃人錢 唔怪之得24小時都人在得閒啦 ,係咪有底搵唔到野做所以先得閒日日係屋企 單野上哂新聞,苦主罵梁姓騙徒細路錢都呃!!
7 次閱讀|0 個評論
park 2024-9-8 16:58
楓葉飄零秋風涼, 谷間幽靜雲霧長。 一聲清笛穿林過, 夢中少年正成章。
4 次閱讀|0 個評論
題目:Which of the following would be most likely to cause the demand for cheese .
glitterzmc 2024-9-8 13:23
Which of the following would be most likely to cause the demand for cheese to shift from D0 to D1? 答案: an increase in income, assuming cheese is a normal good
4 次閱讀|0 個評論
moiraer 2024-9-8 10:13
題目:在第一季TV動畫《鹿乃子乃子乃子虎視眈眈》中,請問以下哪位不是「小鹿社」成員 下载视频 投屏 复制链接 答案:貓山田根子
15 次閱讀|0 個評論
【題目】 The demand for Chocolate Chip Cookie ice cream is likely quite elastic ...
glitterzmc 2024-9-7 11:24
【題目】 The demand for Chocolate Chip Cookie ice cream is likely quite elastic because other flavors of ice cream are good substitutes for this particular flavor. the market is broadly defined. ice cream must be eaten quickly. this particular flavor of ice cream is viewed as a nec ...
5 次閱讀|1 個評論
在TV動畫《肌肉魔法使-MASHLE-》中,請問主角「馬修·班地德」最愛吃的東西是何者? ...
btb 2024-9-7 09:52
在TV動畫《肌肉魔法使-MASHLE-》中,請問主角「馬修·班地德」最愛吃的東西是何者? 泡芙
6 次閱讀|0 個評論
moiraer 2024-9-6 22:46
題目?; The prisoners ’ dilemma is a simple game in which : 答案: both parties are made worse off by follwing their own self-interests 下载视频 投屏 复制链接
10 次閱讀|0 個評論

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