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Pokemon Go 官方公布全文
As we race towards 2017, we wanted to take a moment and thank you for your support. We’re excited for December because we have a few new experiences and in-game events planned for you before wrapping up the year. While we cannot share all the details yet, keep an eye out on our social media channels on December 12th for details about the first addition of more Pokémon into Pokémon GO.
In addition, we are thrilled to announce that we are working with Sprint to create a special Pokémon GO experience at over 10,500 Sprint locations around the United States. As part of this collaboration, Sprint, Boost Mobile and Sprint at RadiOShack stores will become PokéStops and Gyms, giving you even more places to stock up on Poké Balls and Razz Berries and to battle your friends. Sprint locations will also feature in-store charging stations to keep your Pokémon GO sessions going even longer. Sprint also brings a great network and an unlimited data plan to support your search for Pokémon no matter where they are hiding.
— John Hanke and the Pokémon GO team
- See more at: http://www.e-zone.com.hk/channelnews.php?id=20656#sthash.pxN0X38B.dpuf
資訊重點:Pokemon Go透過官方 Facebook 專頁正式公布,會為 Pokemon Go 遊戲加入更多小精靈!詳細資料,要在 12 月 12 日才會在官方社交媒體上透露(只是透漏非執行....)。同時官方公布將會跟美國電訊商 Sprint 合作,於全美國 10,500 個 Sprint 地點(包括零售點等)新增 Pokemon Go 遊戲體驗,當中將指定店舖變成 PokeStop 或道館(Gym)。部分店舖亦會增設充電站,為玩家充電,長時間「作戰」。
官方亦有提到已計劃一些 in-game event,應該是聖誕節特別活動。
- See more at: http://www.e-zone.com.hk/channelnews.php?id=20656#sthash.pxN0X38B.dpuf
希望各位能幫點個評分+個GP! 讓我有更多發帖的動力!!