- 133210
- 帖子
- 501
- 主題
- 501
- 精華
- 0
- 積分
- 502
- 楓幣
- 4944
- 威望
- 501
- 存款
- 0
- 贊助金額
- 0
- 推廣
- 0
- GP
- 510
- 閱讀權限
- 50
- 性別
- 保密
- 在線時間
- 10 小時
- 註冊時間
- 2016-3-28
- 最後登入
- 2016-4-20
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- <CheatTable CheatEngineTableVersion="19">
- <CheatEntries>
- <CheatEntry>
- <ID>1955</ID>
- <Description>"Teleport"</Description>
- <Options moHideChildren="1" moAllowManualCollapseAndExpand="1"/>
- <LastState/>
- <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
- <AssemblerScript>[ENABLE]
- aobscanmodule(_TeleportCode,TheDivision.exe,F3 0F 10 48 70 F3 0F 10 70)
- aobscanmodule(_SaveWAyPointCoordCode,TheDivision.exe,F3 0F 10 81 88 00 00 00 * * * * 40)
- aobscanmodule(_GetPlayerCoord,TheDivision.exe,F3 0F 10 50 70 F3 0F 10)
- alloc(teleportmem,2048,TheDivision.exe)
- alloc(newmem,2048,TheDivision.exe)
- alloc(newmem1,2048,TheDivision.exe)
- registersymbol(z_coord)
- registersymbol(x_coord)
- registersymbol(y_coord)
- registersymbol(z_coord_undo)
- registersymbol(x_coord_undo)
- registersymbol(y_coord_undo)
- Registersymbol(SaveWaypointCoord_X)
- Registersymbol(SaveWaypointCoord_Y)
- Registersymbol(SaveWaypointCoord_Z)
- registersymbol(s_enable)
- registersymbol(l_enable)
- registersymbol(u_enable)
- Registersymbol(_WriteWayPointCoordsToPlayerLocation)
- Registersymbol(_TeleportCode)
- Registersymbol(_SaveWAyPointCoordCode)
- Registersymbol(GetPlayerCoord_X)
- Registersymbol(GetPlayerCoord_Y)
- Registersymbol(GetPlayerCoord_Z)
- Registersymbol(_GetPlayerCoord)
- Registersymbol(base)
- Registersymbol(Z_Coord_Value)
- alloc(s_enable,4)
- alloc(l_enable,4)
- alloc(u_enable,4)
- alloc(z_coord,4)
- alloc(x_coord,4)
- alloc(y_coord,4)
- alloc(z_coord_undo,4)
- alloc(x_coord_undo,4)
- alloc(y_coord_undo,4)
- alloc(SaveWaypointCoord_X,4)
- alloc(SaveWaypointCoord_Y,4)
- alloc(SaveWaypointCoord_Z,4)
- alloc(_WriteWayPointCoordsToPlayerLocation,4)
- alloc(GetPlayerCoord_X,4)
- alloc(GetPlayerCoord_Y,4)
- alloc(GetPlayerCoord_Z,4)
- alloc(Z_Coord_Value,8)
- alloc(base,8)
- label(returnteleport)
- label(originalcodeteleport)
- label(exitteleport)
- label(save_coord)
- label(load_coord)
- label(undo_coord)
- label(returnhere)
- label(originalcode)
- label(exit)
- label(WriteWayPointCoordsToPlayerLocation)
- label(returnhere1)
- label(originalcode1)
- label(exit1)
- newmem1: //this is allocated memory, you have read,write,execute access
- mov [base],rax
- originalcode1:
- movss xmm2,[rax+70]
- exit1:
- jmp returnhere1
- newmem:
- movss xmm1,[rcx+00000080]
- movss [SaveWaypointCoord_X],xmm1
- movss xmm1,[rcx+00000084]
- movss [SaveWaypointCoord_Z],xmm1
- movss xmm1,[rcx+00000088]
- movss [SaveWaypointCoord_Y],xmm1
- originalcode:
- movss xmm0,[rcx+00000088]
- exit:
- jmp returnhere
- teleportmem:
- cmp [s_enable],1
- je save_coord
- cmp [l_enable],1
- je load_coord
- cmp [u_enable],1
- je undo_coord
- cmp [_WriteWayPointCoordsToPlayerLocation],1
- je WriteWayPointCoordsToPlayerLocation
- jmp originalcodeteleport
- save_coord:
- mov [s_enable],0
- movss xmm12,[rax+70]
- movss [x_coord],xmm12
- movss xmm12,[rax+74]
- movss [z_coord],xmm12
- movss xmm12,[rax+78]
- movss [y_coord],xmm12
- jmp originalcodeteleport
- load_coord:
- mov [l_enable],0
- cmp [z_coord],0
- je originalcodeteleport
- // Save actual Position (for UNDO TELEPORT) when press LOAD POSiTiON
- movss xmm12,[rax+70]
- movss [x_coord_undo],xmm12
- movss xmm12,[rax+74]
- movss [z_coord_undo],xmm12
- movss xmm12,[rax+78]
- movss [y_coord_undo],xmm12
- // Save actual Position (for UNDO TELEPORT) when press LOAD POSiTiON
- movss xmm12,[x_coord]
- movss [rax+70],xmm12
- movss xmm12,[z_coord]
- movss [rax+74],xmm12
- movss xmm12,[y_coord]
- movss [rax+78],xmm12
- jmp originalcodeteleport
- undo_coord:
- mov [l_enable],0
- mov [s_enable],0
- mov [u_enable],0
- cmp [z_coord_undo],0
- je originalcodeteleport
- movss xmm12,[x_coord_undo]
- movss [rax+70],xmm12
- movss xmm12,[z_coord_undo]
- movss [rax+74],xmm12
- movss xmm12,[y_coord_undo]
- movss [rax+78],xmm12
- jmp originalcodeteleport
- ///////////////TELEPORT TO WAYPOiNT//////////////
- WriteWayPointCoordsToPlayerLocation:
- mov byte ptr [_WriteWayPointCoordsToPlayerLocation],0
- movss xmm12,[rax+70]
- movss [x_coord_undo],xmm12
- movss xmm12,[rax+74]
- movss [z_coord_undo],xmm12
- movss xmm12,[rax+78]
- movss [y_coord_undo],xmm12
- movss xmm1,[SaveWaypointCoord_X]
- movss [rax+70],xmm1
- movss xmm1,[SaveWaypointCoord_Y]
- movss [rax+78],xmm1
- // no Z Coord for waypoint
- // Fix Fall trough ground
- fld [rax+74]
- fld [Z_Coord_Value]
- faddp
- fstp [rax+74]
- originalcodeteleport:
- movss xmm1,[rax+70]
- exitteleport:
- jmp returnteleport
- _TeleportCode:
- jmp teleportmem
- returnteleport:
- _SaveWAyPointCoordCode:
- jmp newmem
- nop
- nop
- nop
- returnhere:
- _GetPlayerCoord:
- jmp newmem1
- returnhere1:
- x_coord:
- dd 0
- z_coord:
- dd 0
- y_coord:
- dd 0
- s_enable:
- dd 0
- l_enable:
- dd 0
- x_coord_undo:
- dd 0
- z_coord_undo:
- dd 0
- y_coord_undo:
- dd 0
- u_enable:
- dd 0
- SaveWaypointCoord_X:
- dd 0
- SaveWaypointCoord_Y:
- dd 0
- SaveWaypointCoord_Z:
- dd 0
- Z_Coord_Value:
- dq (float)125
- Unregistersymbol(z_coord)
- Unregistersymbol(x_coord)
- Unregistersymbol(y_coord)
- Unregistersymbol(z_coord_undo)
- Unregistersymbol(x_coord_undo)
- Unregistersymbol(y_coord_undo)
- Unregistersymbol(s_enable)
- Unregistersymbol(l_enable)
- Unregistersymbol(u_enable)
- Unregistersymbol(SaveWaypointCoord_X)
- Unregistersymbol(SaveWaypointCoord_Y)
- Unregistersymbol(SaveWaypointCoord_Z)
- Unregistersymbol(_WriteWayPointCoordsToPlayerLocation)
- Unregistersymbol(_TeleportCode)
- Unregistersymbol(GetPlayerCoord_X)
- Unregistersymbol(GetPlayerCoord_Y)
- Unregistersymbol(GetPlayerCoord_Z)
- Unregistersymbol(_GetPlayerCoord)
- Unregistersymbol(base)
- Unregistersymbol(Z_Coord_Value)
- dealloc(z_coord)
- dealloc(x_coord)
- dealloc(y_coord)
- dealloc(z_coord_undo)
- dealloc(x_coord_undo)
- dealloc(y_coord_undo)
- dealloc(s_enable)
- dealloc(l_enable)
- dealloc(u_enable)
- dealloc(teleportmem)
- dealloc(SaveWaypointCoord_X)
- dealloc(SaveWaypointCoord_Y)
- dealloc(SaveWaypointCoord_Z)
- dealloc(_WriteWayPointCoordsToPlayerLocation)
- dealloc(newmem)
- dealloc(GetPlayerCoord_X)
- dealloc(GetPlayerCoord_Y)
- dealloc(GetPlayerCoord_Z)
- dealloc(newmem1)
- dealloc(base)
- dealloc(Z_Coord_Value)
- _TeleportCode:
- movss xmm1,[rax+70]
- _SaveWAyPointCoordCode:
- movss xmm0,[rcx+00000088]
- _GetPlayerCoord:
- movss xmm2,[rax+70]
- </AssemblerScript>
- <CheatEntries>
- <CheatEntry>
- <ID>2079</ID>
- <Description>"!Numpad + = Save Pos, - = Load Pos, * = Undo, / = Waypoint"</Description>
- <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
- <Color>0000FF</Color>
- <GroupHeader>1</GroupHeader>
- </CheatEntry>
- <CheatEntry>
- <ID>2078</ID>
- <Description>"[Triggers]"</Description>
- <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
- <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
- <Color>FF0000</Color>
- <GroupHeader>1</GroupHeader>
- <CheatEntries>
- <CheatEntry>
- <ID>1956</ID>
- <Description>"Save Position"</Description>
- <Color>404080</Color>
- <VariableType>Byte</VariableType>
- <Address>s_enable</Address>
- <Hotkeys>
- <Hotkey>
- <Action>Set Value</Action>
- <Keys>
- <Key>107</Key>
- </Keys>
- <Value>1</Value>
- <ID>0</ID>
- </Hotkey>
- </Hotkeys>
- </CheatEntry>
- <CheatEntry>
- <ID>1957</ID>
- <Description>"Load Position"</Description>
- <Color>404080</Color>
- <VariableType>Byte</VariableType>
- <Address>l_enable</Address>
- <Hotkeys>
- <Hotkey>
- <Action>Set Value</Action>
- <Keys>
- <Key>109</Key>
- </Keys>
- <Value>1</Value>
- <ID>0</ID>
- </Hotkey>
- </Hotkeys>
- </CheatEntry>
- <CheatEntry>
- <ID>1958</ID>
- <Description>"Under Teleport"</Description>
- <Color>404080</Color>
- <VariableType>Byte</VariableType>
- <Address>u_enable</Address>
- <Hotkeys>
- <Hotkey>
- <Action>Set Value</Action>
- <Keys>
- <Key>106</Key>
- </Keys>
- <Value>1</Value>
- <ID>0</ID>
- </Hotkey>
- </Hotkeys>
- </CheatEntry>
- <CheatEntry>
- <ID>1959</ID>
- <Description>"Teleport to Waypoint"</Description>
- <Color>404080</Color>
- <VariableType>Byte</VariableType>
- <Address>_WriteWayPointCoordsToPlayerLocation</Address>
- <Hotkeys>
- <Hotkey>
- <Action>Set Value</Action>
- <Keys>
- <Key>111</Key>
- </Keys>
- <Value>1</Value>
- <ID>0</ID>
- </Hotkey>
- </Hotkeys>
- </CheatEntry>
- </CheatEntries>
- </CheatEntry>
- <CheatEntry>
- <ID>2004</ID>
- <Description>"[Location Presets]"</Description>
- <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
- <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
- <Color>FF0000</Color>
- <GroupHeader>1</GroupHeader>
- <CheatEntries>
- <CheatEntry>
- <ID>2009</ID>
- <Description>"Save Current Location Preset"</Description>
- <Options moHideChildren="1" moAllowManualCollapseAndExpand="1"/>
- <LastState/>
- <Color>008000</Color>
- <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
- <AssemblerScript>[ENABLE]
- //code from here to '[DISABLE]' will be used to enable the cheat
- LuaCall(SaveLocationPreset())
- </AssemblerScript>
- </CheatEntry>
- </CheatEntries>
- </CheatEntry>
- <CheatEntry>
- <ID>1960</ID>
- <Description>"[DEBUG]"</Description>
- <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
- <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
- <Color>0080FF</Color>
- <GroupHeader>1</GroupHeader>
- <CheatEntries>
- <CheatEntry>
- <ID>2077</ID>
- <Description>"Teleport Height"</Description>
- <Color>808080</Color>
- <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
- <Address>Z_Coord_Value</Address>
- </CheatEntry>
- <CheatEntry>
- <ID>1967</ID>
- <Description>"Base Address"</Description>
- <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
- <Color>808080</Color>
- <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
- <Address>base</Address>
- </CheatEntry>
- <CheatEntry>
- <ID>1961</ID>
- <Description>"Player Position X"</Description>
- <Color>808080</Color>
- <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
- <Address>base</Address>
- <Offsets>
- <Offset>70</Offset>
- </Offsets>
- <Hotkeys>
- <Hotkey>
- <Action>Increase Value</Action>
- <Keys>
- <Key>39</Key>
- </Keys>
- <Value>1</Value>
- <ID>0</ID>
- </Hotkey>
- <Hotkey>
- <Action>Decrease Value</Action>
- <Keys>
- <Key>37</Key>
- </Keys>
- <Value>1</Value>
- <ID>1</ID>
- </Hotkey>
- </Hotkeys>
- </CheatEntry>
- <CheatEntry>
- <ID>1962</ID>
- <Description>"Player Position Z"</Description>
- <Color>808080</Color>
- <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
- <Address>base</Address>
- <Offsets>
- <Offset>74</Offset>
- </Offsets>
- </CheatEntry>
- <CheatEntry>
- <ID>1963</ID>
- <Description>"Player Position Y"</Description>
- <Color>808080</Color>
- <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
- <Address>base</Address>
- <Offsets>
- <Offset>78</Offset>
- </Offsets>
- <Hotkeys>
- <Hotkey>
- <Action>Increase Value</Action>
- <Keys>
- <Key>38</Key>
- </Keys>
- <Value>1</Value>
- <ID>0</ID>
- </Hotkey>
- <Hotkey>
- <Action>Decrease Value</Action>
- <Keys>
- <Key>40</Key>
- </Keys>
- <Value>1</Value>
- <ID>1</ID>
- </Hotkey>
- </Hotkeys>
- </CheatEntry>
- <CheatEntry>
- <ID>1964</ID>
- <Description>"Waypoint Coordinate X"</Description>
- <Color>808080</Color>
- <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
- <Address>SaveWaypointCoord_X</Address>
- </CheatEntry>
- <CheatEntry>
- <ID>1965</ID>
- <Description>"Waypoint Coordinate Z"</Description>
- <Color>808080</Color>
- <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
- <Address>SaveWaypointCoord_Z</Address>
- </CheatEntry>
- <CheatEntry>
- <ID>1966</ID>
- <Description>"Waypoint Coordinate Y"</Description>
- <Color>808080</Color>
- <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
- <Address>SaveWaypointCoord_Y</Address>
- </CheatEntry>
- <CheatEntry>
- <ID>2000</ID>
- <Description>"Undo Player Position Y"</Description>
- <Color>808080</Color>
- <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
- <Address>y_coord_undo</Address>
- <Hotkeys>
- <Hotkey>
- <Action>Increase Value</Action>
- <Keys>
- <Key>38</Key>
- </Keys>
- <Value>1</Value>
- <ID>0</ID>
- </Hotkey>
- <Hotkey>
- <Action>Decrease Value</Action>
- <Keys>
- <Key>40</Key>
- </Keys>
- <Value>1</Value>
- <ID>1</ID>
- </Hotkey>
- </Hotkeys>
- </CheatEntry>
- <CheatEntry>
- <ID>1999</ID>
- <Description>"Undo Player Position Z"</Description>
- <Color>808080</Color>
- <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
- <Address>z_coord_undo</Address>
- </CheatEntry>
- <CheatEntry>
- <ID>1998</ID>
- <Description>"Undo Player Position X"</Description>
- <Color>808080</Color>
- <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
- <Address>x_coord_undo</Address>
- <Hotkeys>
- <Hotkey>
- <Action>Increase Value</Action>
- <Keys>
- <Key>39</Key>
- </Keys>
- <Value>1</Value>
- <ID>0</ID>
- </Hotkey>
- <Hotkey>
- <Action>Decrease Value</Action>
- <Keys>
- <Key>37</Key>
- </Keys>
- <Value>1</Value>
- <ID>1</ID>
- </Hotkey>
- </Hotkeys>
- </CheatEntry>
- <CheatEntry>
- <ID>2003</ID>
- <Description>"Saved Player Position X"</Description>
- <Color>808080</Color>
- <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
- <Address>x_coord</Address>
- <Hotkeys>
- <Hotkey>
- <Action>Increase Value</Action>
- <Keys>
- <Key>39</Key>
- </Keys>
- <Value>1</Value>
- <ID>0</ID>
- </Hotkey>
- <Hotkey>
- <Action>Decrease Value</Action>
- <Keys>
- <Key>37</Key>
- </Keys>
- <Value>1</Value>
- <ID>1</ID>
- </Hotkey>
- </Hotkeys>
- </CheatEntry>
- <CheatEntry>
- <ID>2002</ID>
- <Description>"Saved Player Position Z"</Description>
- <Color>808080</Color>
- <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
- <Address>z_coord</Address>
- </CheatEntry>
- <CheatEntry>
- <ID>2001</ID>
- <Description>"Saved Player Position Y"</Description>
- <Color>808080</Color>
- <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
- <Address>y_coord</Address>
- <Hotkeys>
- <Hotkey>
- <Action>Increase Value</Action>
- <Keys>
- <Key>38</Key>
- </Keys>
- <Value>1</Value>
- <ID>0</ID>
- </Hotkey>
- <Hotkey>
- <Action>Decrease Value</Action>
- <Keys>
- <Key>40</Key>
- </Keys>
- <Value>1</Value>
- <ID>1</ID>
- </Hotkey>
- </Hotkeys>
- </CheatEntry>
- </CheatEntries>
- </CheatEntry>
- </CheatEntries>
- </CheatEntry>
- </CheatEntries>
- <UserdefinedSymbols/>
- <LuaScript>CheatTable = getAddressList()
- if not PreTimer then PreTimer = nil end
- function UnfreezeLocationPresetsTimer()
- PreTimer = createTimer(nil)
- PreTimer.OnTimer = UnfreezeLocationPresets
- PreTimer.Interval = 100
- PreTimer.Enabled = true
- end
- function UnfreezeLocationPresets()
- if PreTimer ~= nil then PreTimer.Enabled = false; object_destroy(PreTimer); end
- local Presets = CheatTable.getMemoryRecordByDescription("[Location Presets]")
- for i = Presets.Count-1,0,-1 do
- memoryrecord_unfreeze(Presets.Child[i])
- end
- end
- function SaveLocationPreset(argx, argy, argz)
- UnfreezeLocationPresetsTimer()
- local LocTable = CheatTable.getMemoryRecordByDescription("[Location Presets]")
- local BaseAddr = readQword(getAddress("base"))
- local PlayerX, PlayerY, PlayerZ = argx, argy, argz
- if not LocTable or not BaseAddr then return end
- if not PlayerX then PlayerX = readFloat(BaseAddr+0x70) end
- if not PlayerY then PlayerY = readFloat(BaseAddr+0x78) end
- if not PlayerZ then PlayerZ = readFloat(BaseAddr+0x74) end
- if not PlayerX then return end
- local LocPreset = CheatTable.createMemoryRecord()
- memoryrecord_appendToEntry(LocPreset,LocTable)
- LocPreset.Description = 'Custom Location Preset'
- LocPreset.Type = vtAutoAssembler
- LocPreset.Script = "[ENABLE]\nLuaCall(SetPlayerPosition("..PlayerX..","..PlayerY..","..PlayerZ.."))\n[DISABLE]"
- end
- function SetPlayerPosition(argx, argy, argz)
- UnfreezeLocationPresetsTimer()
- local BaseAddr = readQword(getAddress("base"))
- if not BaseAddr then return end
- writeFloat(BaseAddr+0x70, argx)
- writeFloat(BaseAddr+0x78, argy)
- writeFloat(BaseAddr+0x74, argz)
- end
- </LuaScript>
- </CheatTable>
複製代碼 |