- 110093
- 帖子
- 398
- 主題
- 398
- 精華
- 0
- 積分
- 391
- 楓幣
- 4131
- 威望
- 391
- 存款
- 0
- 贊助金額
- 0
- 推廣
- 0
- GP
- 405
- 閱讀權限
- 30
- 性別
- 保密
- 在線時間
- 6 小時
- 註冊時間
- 2015-8-12
- 最後登入
- 2015-9-5
- Triggerbot - autofire or hold key mode, changeable delay
- Aimbot - works with automatic weapons expect for the CZ-75
- Aimlock - selects the enemy closest to your crosshair and locks onto him. Works well with any weapon, especially the deagle and snipers =)
- GlowESP (wallhack) - teammates (green), enemies (red), blue (vulnerable enemies)
- Radarhack
- No flash hack
- Bunny hop
- Left ALT - hold LALT to lock onto an enemy
- SPACE - hold SPACE to use bunny hop
- MOUSE5 (a side button on gaming mice) and MMB (middle mouse button) - triggerbot hold keys
- F6 - cycle through triggerbot modes (autofire, hold key, disabled)
- SHIFT+F6 - cycle through triggerbot delays (10, 30 - default, 50, 80, 110, 140)
- F7 - toggle aimbot
- SHIFT+F7 - toggle aimbot mode (rage/legit)
- F8 - toggle aimlock
- SHIFT+F8 - toggle aimlock target (head/chest)
- F9 - toggle GlowESP
- SHIFT+F9 - toggle radar hack
- F10 - toggle no flash hack
- F11 - toggle bunny hop
If there's a conflict with your in-game binds, just change your binds, press ESCape to get into the game menu or alt-tab out whenever you want to reconfigure the cheat.
- offsets are updated automatically (pattern scanning) - a minor CS:GO update won't break the cheat and it might work with non-steam CS:GO too
- works in fullscreen and windowed modes
- disable your antivirus or add an exception if it detects this cheat as a virus. The mods who approve the file manually scan the file to make sure it's clean so you don't have to worry
- if the hack doesn't work, try running it with administrator rights (a rule of thumb - whenever CS:GO is run with admin rights, the cheat must be run with them too)
- windows XP is not supported. Upgrade your OS if possible
- this is a public version of the cheat, so use it at your own risk. VAC bans are delayed. There's no way to tell that the cheat is actually undetected.
- cheating blatantly in competitive will get you Overwatch banned. Don't overdo it! Casual/Demolition/Deathmatch/Arms Race/Community servers aren't Overwatched, so you can go crazy there =)
- if you've been banned, make sure it isn't OW and you haven't used other cheats lately so that you don't confuse other users
Virus scans:
Virustotal (7/56 [30/08/2015])
Jotti (5/21 [30/08/2015])
Puddin Poppin
a whole lot of other community members