- 291309
- 帖子
- 520
- 主題
- 520
- 精華
- 0
- 積分
- 519
- 楓幣
- 335
- 威望
- 518
- 存款
- 0
- 贊助金額
- 0
- 推廣
- 0
- GP
- 10
- 閱讀權限
- 50
- 性別
- 保密
- 在線時間
- 12 小時
- 註冊時間
- 2020-10-5
- 最後登入
- 2020-12-14
【軟體名稱】:SereneScreen Marine Aquarium
【軟體類型】:桌面螢幕 (螢幕保護)
【作業系統】:windows All
Features :
You’ve seen aquarium programs before, but the realism of Marine Aquarium has led to over 20 million downloads, as well as regular appearances in movies, and on television. After years of development, SereneScreen Marine Aquarium 3 is not just an update to previous versions – the entire program has been re-written from the ground up as a full 3D environment, taking advantage of the increased capabilities of modern video cards. SereneScreen’s superwide virtual tank also now supports up to three monitors simultaneously.
SereneScreen Marine Aquarium is more than just an astounding spectacle, it’s also quite relaxing to watch the perfect movements of the coloured fish and listen to the sound. If you’re looking for an entertaining and impressively eye-catching way to occupy your idle monitors, SereneScreen is a great choice.
Marine Aquarium 是著名的海水魚虛擬水族館,屢獲軟件大獎。您只需要一個 LCD屏幕,連接上電腦,便能隨時享受觀賞珊瑚魚的樂趣,而又無需顧慮空間不足或費心打理。看著色彩絢麗的珊瑚魚在眼前自由自在地游動,配合您自選的柔和音樂及流水聲,讓您猶如置身於海底珊瑚世界中,感受無拘無束,享受自由自在的個人空間。
- 魚數量及種類均可自由配搭,讓您隨時變化魚類組合百看不厭
- 可播放流水聲或自選背景音樂,眼耳和心靈同時得到鬆弛
- 自訂水中時鐘顯示,讓您不會因沉醉觀魚而樂而忘返
- 可自訂個人化水晶標誌,寓意閣下如魚得水的祝願
- 可按不同環境調節水族館的光暗,讓您觀賞得更舒適
- 可接駁高清大電視,環迴感受珊瑚魚的逼真動態
SereneScreen Marine Aquarium v3.3.6381.zip
(4.13 MB, 下載次數: 8)