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【作業系統】:windows All
Freegate (自由門) 是一款專門用來突破網路封鎖的翻牆或代理 (proxy) 軟體,免安裝。在中國大陸以及埃及、敘利亞、伊朗、沙烏地阿拉伯等對網際網路實施管制和審查的國家,許多用戶使用自由門來存取被各該國政府封鎖的網站。自由門提供代理控制功能,使用者可以選擇讓所有網站透過自由門來存取,也可以使部分網站不透過自由門存取 (黑名單),或者只允許部分網站透過自由門存取 (白名單)。
這款免費軟體簡單易用,程式執行後會自動搜尋可使用的代理伺服器並透過加密通道對外連線,將視窗縮到最小即可正常運作。連線成功後,會開啟 Internet Explorer (IE) 視窗,此時 IE 瀏覽器已經被設定好 Proxy 代理伺服器的 IP,表示您的 IP 已經變成外國的 IP 了。如果連線一直不成功,可嘗試從自由門設定中的「翻牆通道」區塊變更不同的連線通道。
事實上,您可開啟 IE 瀏覽器的設定頁面來做檢查,從「工具」→「網際網路選項」開啟設定視窗,在「連線」頁籤中點擊「區域網路 (LAN) 設定」,其中的「Proxy伺服器」如果有自動勾選並填上「」與「8580」,那就表示您的電腦已經可以透過自由門所提供的代理伺服器來上網。如果使用 IE 以外的其它瀏覽器來存取,則須手動設定代理為 或者安裝代理擴充套件。
Freegate is an anti-censorship software for secure and fast Internet access. It is portable and easy to use. Your first decision is whether or not you want to route through its proxy itself or another source. The easiest way to get started is to select “All websites go through Freegate proxy” as the first choice. Otherwise, you’ll need to decide about direct Chineses connections, as well as exceptions and whitelists.
By default, the control window opens only during the initial launch, but later changes can be made via the Settings window. The main program window displays the image of a dove with a branch in its mouth on the upper right corner.
The program featured only a few buttons and a space for displaying some information. When the program started, it displayed information that it was connecting to servers and then stated that it had connected to seven servers at port 8580, Tunnel (A).
The Settings button allowed us to make more configurations than the ones we did during the initial launch. For example, we could change the default local proxy port, tunnel and proxy mode. However, we did not need to make any configuration for the program to work. Please note that the program works with Internet Explorer.
Freegate v7.87.exe
(7.2 MB, 下載次數: 13)