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liHopenet 2025-2-18 00:22
【題目】 在第一季TV動畫《我內心的糟糕念頭》中,市川京太郎的Line頭貼是放誰? 雷姆 【題目】 在動漫及小說中,網友常戲稱的「如果智障有顏色,那麼一定是藍色」是指以下何人? 阿克婭(為美好世界獻上祝福!) 【題目】 Which of the following statement is normative? Higher taxes are needed to support education. 【題目】 在TV動畫《不要欺負我,長瀞同學》中,某人為了讓跟蹤狂死心曾要求主角八王子直人(學長)假裝成她的男朋友,請問某人是誰? 櫻(さくら) 【題目】 A multitasking operating system developed in the early 1970s at Bell Laboratories: UNIX 【題目】 If the quantity demanded increase as peoples incomes increase, the result of a normal good 【題目】 在動畫《SPY×FAMILY間諜家家酒》中,以下哪位是擁有讀心術的超能力者? 安妮亞·佛傑 【題目】 在第一季TV動畫《我內心的糟糕念頭》中,市川京太郎的Line頭貼是放誰? 雷姆 【題目】 If the market price is higher than the equilibrium price. a surplus exists and the market price will fall until it equals the equilibrium price and the surplus is eliminated. 【題目】 在第一季TV動畫《魔王軍最強的魔術師是人類》中,以下誰不知道主角「艾克」真實身分是人類? 帕斯狄歐 【題目】 The figure shows the market for books before and after a sales tax is introduced. The tax on books is ____ a book, buyers pay ____ of tax per book, and the governments tax revenue is ____. $1.20; $0.80; $12 【題目】 Good A and good B are substitutes in production. The demand for good A increases so that the price of good A rises. The increase in the price of good A shifts the supply curve of good B leftward. 【題目】 The demand for Chocolate Chip Cookie ice cream is likely quite elastic because other flavors of ice cream are good substitutes for this particular flavor. 【題目】 Crude oil can be refined into home heating oil or gasoline. If very cold weather caused the price of home heating oil to increase, then the equilibrium price of gasoline would rise. 【題目】 在TV動畫《不正經的魔術講師與禁忌教典》中,「Shock volt」的基本詠唱為「雷精啊 以紫電之衝擊 擊敗他(雷精よ・紫電の衝撃以って・撃ち倒せ)」,若改成「雷精啊 以紫電 之衝擊 擊敗他(雷精よ・紫電の・衝撃以って・撃ち倒せ)」會變怎樣? 向右轉 【題目】 0 A 1
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似丞相似 2024-12-21 00:45
A multitasking operating system developed in the early 1970s at Bell Laboratories: Unix
47 次閱讀|0 個評論
每日答題 Part.2 (持續更新中)
熱度 9 美樂地 2024-10-7 10:12
在動畫及小說中有許多異世界的作品,請問以下哪位主角是經由召喚前往異世界的? 答案: 深澄真(月光下的異世界之旅) 在 TV 動畫《我內心的糟糕念頭》中,主角山田杏奈的家是在大樓中的第幾樓? 答案: 16F 在漫畫及動畫《總之就是很可愛》中,請問女主角「由崎司」真實年齡大約幾歲? 答案: 80+ 在 TV 動畫《我推的孩子》中,星野愛的小孩星野愛久愛海(阿奎亞)前世的職業是什麼? 答案: 醫師 在 TV 動畫《葬送的芙莉蓮》中,請問以下哪位不是原「勇者一行人」? 答案: 費倫 在第一季 TV 動畫《敗北女角太多了!》中,主角溫水和彥用 4K 電視及 8K 電視形容女性,請問溫水的 4K 是指哪位女角? 答案: 八奈見杏菜 在第一季 TV 動畫《我內心的糟糕念頭》中,主角市川京太郎第一個加 Line 的異性同學是誰? 答案: 關根萌子 在第一季 TV 動畫《我內心的糟糕念頭》中,市川京太郎的 Line 頭貼是放誰? 答: 雷姆 在第一季 TV 動畫《魔王軍最強的魔術師是人類》中,以下誰不知道主角「艾克」真實身分是人類? 答: 帕斯狄歐 在第一季 TV 動畫《藥師少女的獨語》中,請問是何人擔任女主角「貓貓」的請假出宮的保人? 答: 李白 在 TV 動畫《不當哥哥了!(お兄ちゃんはおしまい!)》中,緒山真尋為何會從男人變成女兒身? 答: 喝了妹妹研發的藥水 在 TV 動畫《中二病也想談戀愛!》中,以下哪位不曾罹患「中二病」? 答: 五月七日茴香 在 TV 動畫《熊熊勇闖異世界》中,主角「優奈(ユナ)」的召喚獸有黑熊跟白熊,請問黑熊名叫什麼? 答案: 熊緩(くまゆる) 在小說《無職轉生~到了異世界就拿出真本事~》中,以下何者不是主角「魯迪烏斯 · 格雷拉特」的老婆? 答案: 諾倫 · 格雷拉特 在動畫及小說《不時輕聲地以俄語遮羞的鄰座艾莉同學》中,請問主角「久世政近」是「周防有希」的什麼人? 答案: 親哥哥 在 tv 動畫《地下城中的人》中,請問地下城寶箱中的寶物大多是如何產生的? 答案: 員工補貨 在第一季 TV 動畫《鹿乃子乃子乃子虎視眈眈》中,請問以下哪位不是「小鹿社」成員? 答案: 貓山田根子 在 TV 動畫《不要欺負我,長瀞同學》中,某人為了讓跟蹤狂死心曾要求主角八王子直人(學長)假裝成她的男朋友,請問某人是誰? 答案: 櫻(さくら) 在日本 TV 動畫中有許多經典角色,請問圖中的小可愛是誰? 答案: 井芹仁菜《 Girls Band Cry (ガールズバンドクライ)》 在動畫及小說《狼與辛香料》中,女主角「赫蘿」的真實身分是? 答案: 巨狼 在動畫《 SPY × FAMILY 間諜家家酒》中,以下哪位是擁有讀心術的超能力者? 答案: 安妮亞·佛傑 在 TV 動畫《不正經的魔術講師與禁忌教典》中,「 Shock volt 」的基本詠唱為「雷精啊 以紫電之衝擊 擊敗他(雷精よ・紫電の衝撃以って・撃ち倒せ)」,若改成「雷精啊 以紫電 之衝擊 擊敗他(雷精よ・紫電の・衝撃以って・撃ち倒せ)」會變怎樣? 答案: 向右轉 在動畫及小說《反派千金等級 99 ~我是隱藏頭目但不是魔王~》中,請問以下哪位愛上了主角「尤蜜拉 · 多克尼斯」? 答案: 派翠克·阿修巴頓 在動畫及漫畫《五等分的新娘(五等分の花嫁)》正傳中,主角「上杉風太郎」最終選擇誰成為伴侶? 答案: 中野四葉 在日本 TV 動畫中有許多經典角色,請問圖中的幽靈是誰? 答案: 八奈見杏菜《敗北女角太多了!》 在漫畫及動畫《戀上換裝娃娃》中,主角「五条新菜」原先立志成為的職業是何者? 答案:女兒節娃娃工匠 在動漫及小說中,網友常戲稱的「如果智障有顏色,那麼一定是藍色」是指以下何人? 答案: 阿克婭(為美好世界獻上祝福!) 在 TV 動畫《搖曳露營△》中,某位角色有養狗 ( 如下圖 ) ,請問飼主是誰? 答案: 齊藤惠那(斉藤 恵那) 在 TV 動畫《魔法禁書目錄》中,請問以下哪位不是超能力者 (Level 5) ? 答案: 白井黑子 在小說及動畫《我想成為影之強者!》中,以下何者不是七影? 答案: 拉姆達(ラムダ) 在 TV 動畫《轉生成女性向遊戲只有毀滅 END 的壞人大小姐》中,請問「卡塔莉娜·庫萊耶思」的初吻獻給誰? 答案: 吉奧多·史提亞德 在漫畫及動畫《迷宮飯》中,請問原先是為了拯救誰而返回地下城? 答案: 法琳·托登 在動畫及小說《刀劍神域》中,請問主角「桐谷和人」在現實中的戀人是誰? 答案: 結城明日奈 在 TV 動畫《 Lycoris Recoil 莉可麗絲》中,請問何人不是「 LycoReco 」的店員? 答案: 春川風希 在第一季 TV 動畫《敗北女角太多了!》中,因為發生了一些事,導致八奈見杏菜父親某月的薪資全部都用 O O 來支付,請問 O O 是什麼? 答案: 素麵 在 TV 動畫《 Lycoris Recoil 莉可麗絲》中,請問圖中角色手上拿的胖次是誰的? 答案: 井之上瀧奈 在 TV 動畫《敗北女角太多了!》中,「石蕗高中」的女學生制服上有幾個蝴蝶結? 答案: 4 個 在 TV 動畫《政宗君的復仇》 OAD 中,真壁政宗的母親擁有強大了遺傳因子,請問圖中中間角色是政宗君的誰? 答案: 媽媽
2623 次閱讀|2 個評論
MGG 2024-10-3 09:08
題目】 在日本TV動畫中有許多經典角色,請問圖中的幽靈是誰? 答: 八奈見杏菜《敗北女角太多了!》
53 次閱讀|0 個評論
每日答題:在tv動畫《地下城中的人》中,請問地下城寶箱中的寶物大多是如何產生的? ...
熱度 2 water530 2024-10-2 00:13
323 次閱讀|1 個評論
楓恋 2024-9-18 08:43
【題目】 在TV動畫《轉生成女性向 遊戲 只有毀滅END的壞人大小姐》中,請問「卡塔莉娜·庫萊耶思」的初吻獻給誰? 吉奧多·史提亞德 - 【題目】 在動漫及小說中,網友常戲稱的「如果智障有顏色,那麼一定是藍色」是指以下何人? 阿克婭 (為美好世界獻上祝福!) - 【題目】 在動畫及小說《反派千金等級99~我是隱藏頭目但不是魔王~》中,請問以下哪位愛上了主角「尤蜜拉·多克尼斯」? 派翠克·阿修巴頓 - 【題目】 在動畫及小說《異世界悠閒農家》中,請問以下哪位是村長「街尾火樂」的第一夫人? 露露西・露 - 【題目】 在動畫及小說中有許多異世界的作品,請問以下哪位主角是經由召喚前往異世界的? 深澄真(月光下的異世界之旅) - 【題目】 在TV動畫《轉生成女性向 遊戲 只有毀滅END的壞人大小姐》中,請問「卡塔莉娜·庫萊耶思」的初吻獻給誰? 吉奧多·史提亞德 - 【題目】 在TV動畫《我內心的糟糕念頭》中,主角山田杏奈的家是在大樓中的第幾樓? 16 - 【題目】 Which of the following would be most likely to cause the demand for cheese to shift from D0 to D1? 下列哪一項最可能導致乳酪需求從 D0 轉向 D1? an increase in income, assuming cheese is a normal good 收入增加,假設起司是正常商品 - 【題目】 在TV動畫《葬送的芙莉蓮》中,請問以下哪位不是原「勇者一行人」? 費倫 - 題目】 在TV動畫《肌肉魔法使-MASHLE-》中,請問主角「馬修·班地德」最愛吃的東西是何者? 泡芙 - 在TV動畫《我推的孩子》中,星野愛的小孩星野愛久愛海(阿奎亞)前世的職業是什麼? 醫師 - 【題目】 在動畫《盾之勇者成名錄》中,以下哪位並非是人類或亞人,而是魔物? 答案: 菲洛 - 【題目】 在第一季TV動畫《我內心的糟糕念頭》中,主角市川京太郎第一個加Line的異性同學是誰? 小林千尋 山田杏奈 吉田芹那 關根萌子 - 在第一季TV動畫《敗北女角太多了!》中,主角溫水和彥用4K電視及8K電視形容女性,請問溫水的4K是指哪位女角? 八奈見杏菜 - 在第一季TV動畫《我內心的糟糕念頭》中,市川京太郎的Line頭貼是放誰? 答: 雷姆 - 【題目】 在第一季TV動畫《藥師少女的獨語》中,請問是何人擔任女主角「貓貓」的請假出宮的保人? 李白 - 在TV動畫《熊熊勇闖異世界》中,主角「優奈(ユナ)」的召喚獸有黑熊跟白熊,請問黑熊名叫什麼? 答案: 熊緩(くまゆる) - 在漫畫及動畫《總之就是很可愛》中,請問女主角「由崎司」真實年齡大約幾歲? 答案: 81+ -
0 個評論
每日答題 (公式)
MGG 2024-7-6 09:25
題目】 答: 0 A 1
68 次閱讀|0 個評論
MGG 2024-3-2 09:25
2024-03-31 【題目】 If a fall in the price of good A increases the quantity demanded of good B, A and B are complements 2024-03-29 【題目】 Bonds that have an option exercisable by the issuer to retire them at a stated dollar amount prior to maturity are known as: Callable bonds. 2024-03-26 【題目】 The kinked demand curve model was developed to help explain. rigidities in prices in oligopolistic industries. 2024-03-24 【題目】 Assume that we have a demand curve of the form.log(Q)=a-b×log(P)+c×log(I), where Q=quantity, P=price, I=income, and a, b, and c are positive constants. The income and price elasticities for the demand curve represented above are always constant. 2024-03-23 【題目】 A simple linear demand function may be stated as Q= a-bP+cI where Q is quantity demanded , P is the product price, and I is consumer income. To compute an appropriate value for c, we can use observed values for Q and I and then set the estimated income elasticity of demand equal to. c(I/Q) 2024-03-21 【題目】 If price exceeds average costs under pure competition, in the long run ,______ firms will enter the industry, supply will ______, and price will be driven ______. more ; increase ; down 2024-03-05 題目】 The statement “An increase in the price of gasoline will lead to a decrease in the amount purchases” is a positive statement. 2024-03-02 題目 】Suppose the demand and supply functions for a certain goods are given by: QD=10-P QS=P-4 答: 9.0
159 次閱讀|0 個評論
熱度 1 MGG 2024-2-9 14:45
2024-02-27 【題目】 Which of the following statements is true? Oligopolists : behave interdependently. tend to produce the monopoly output and sell at the monopoly price when they are able to collude . Will consider the potential response of its rivals when making business decisions. all of the above. 答 2024-02-24 【題目】 Which of the following is the amount a person would invest now to receive a greater amount in the future? Present value 2024-02-22 【題目】 A competitive firm will tend to expand its output so long as: Marginal revenues is greater than marginal cost. 2024-02-21 【題目】 Which of the following is an imperative programming language? Ada. 2024-02-20 【 題目】 A decrease in the supply raises its equilibrium price and decreases its equilibrium quantity. 2024-02-16 【題目】 Suppose A, B and C are three points on a linear demand as in the figure below. The comparison of price elasticities is A B C. 2024-02-14 【題目】 Apples and oranges are substitute goods. A freeze in Florida destroyed a good portion of the orange crop. Ceteris paribus, the price of both apples and oranges will rise. 2024-02-13 【題目】 The kinked demand curve model assumes that a firm's rivals will follow the firm's price decreases but not its price increases 2024-02-12 【題目】 If the price of the Walkman is below the equilibrium price, there will be a ______ of Walkmans and the Price will ______. shortage; rise 2024-02-11 【題目】 If the quantity demanded increase as peoples incomes increase, the result of a normal good. 2024-02-10 【題目】 CDC character set contains 64 characters, To represent any possible 10 character string needs at least 60 2024-02-09 【題目】 You are an economist for the Taipei City Subway Commission. Presently, the price of a subway ride is $80, and 250,000 seats are filled weekly. The income elasticity of demand is -0.60. If a recession lowered area incomes by 5%, how many additional seats per week would the subway need? 250,000*0.6*5%=7,500
130 次閱讀|0 個評論
熱度 2 美樂地 2024-1-28 10:59
【題目】 Let A = J e1(1nx)2 dx , then 答案: 0 A 1 Let a= ∫ 1 0 x5(1-x3)1/3 dx , then 答案: 0A1 Let A be the area between the curves y = sin x and y = sin 2x from x = 0 to x = π 。 then 答案: 2 A 3 For implicit function 2xy+ex+y -2=0 dy/dx (0,ln2)= ? 答案: -1 - ln2 Suppose the demand and supply functions for a certain goods are given by : QD=10-P QS=P-4 Find the total economic surplus generated at the market equilibrium 答案: 9.0 for the function f(X)=3 √ x(x-7) ² which of the following statements are true ? 答案: f (7) = 0 is a relative minimum Assume that we have a demand curve of the form.log(Q)=a-b×log(P)+c×log(I), where Q=quantity, P=price, I=income, and a, b, and c are positive constants. The income and price elasticities for the demand curve represented above are always 答案: constant A decrease in the supply 答案: raises its equilibrium price and decreases its equilibrium quantity. A short piece of information used to authenticate a message is commonly referred to as 答案: MAC A firm in pure competition would shut down when 答案: price is less than average variable cost. A competitive firm will tend to expand its output so long as : 答案: Marginal revenues is greater than marginal cost. A multitasking operating system developed in the early 1970s at Bell Laboratories : 答案: UNIX A freeze that destroys half of the water lily crop in Tainan would likely raise the price of water lily. 答案: reducing the quantity demanded for water lily and increasing the demand for tea A profit-maximizing firm in a competitive market is able to sell its product for $7. At its current level of output, the firm’s average total cost is $10. The firm’s marginal cost curve crosses its marginal revenue curve at an output level of 9 units. The firm experiences a 答案: loss of exactly $27. Apples and oranges are substitute goods. A freeze in Florida destroyed a good portion of the orange crop. Ceteris paribus, the price of 答案: both apples and oranges will rise. Two goods are complements if a decrease in the price of one good 答案: increases the demand for the other good. Levi’s jeans sell for $100 a pair. Suppose at the profit maximizing quantity, Levi’s average total cost was $110 and Average variable cost was $55, which statement is true ? 答案: Levi ’ s will produce in the short run but go out of business in the long run Raisin bran and milk are complementary goods. A decrease in the price of raisins will 答案: increase consumer surplus in the market for raisin bran and increase producer surplus in the market for milk. Economic scarcity arises from 答案: limited resources and expanding wants. What kind of virus is typically hidden in MS word file ? 答案: macro In long-run equilibrium of a competitive market, the number of firms in the markets adjusts so that all of the market demand is satisfied at a price equal to 答案: minimum average total cost Under which of the following conditions would the interdiction of illegal drugs result in a decrease in the quantity of drugs sold and in a decrease in total spending on illegal drugs by drug users ? 答案: The price elasticity of demand for illegal drugs is 1.3 Nick can purchase each milkshake for $2. For the first milkshake purchased Nick is willing to pay $4, for the second milkshake $3, for the third milkshake $2 and for the fourth milkshake $1. What is the value of Nick's consumer surplus ? 答案: 3 CDC character set contains 64 characters, To represent any possible 10 character string needs at least 答案: 60 In the short run the magnitude of the own price elasticity of demand for ice cream : 答案: is lower than in the long run. What would happen to the equilibrium price and quantity of coffee if the wages of coffee-bean pickers fell and the price of tea fell ? 答案: Price will fall and the effect on quantity is ambiguous 「 Last October, due to an early frost, the price for a pumpkin increased by 10 percent.As a result, the quantity demanded decreased from 2 million to 1.5 million. 」 Based on this statement, the 答案: demand for pumpkins is elastic. Good A and good B are substitutes in production. The demand for good A increases so that the price of good A rises. The increase in the price of good A shifts the 答案: supply curve of good B leftward. You are an economist for the Taipei City Subway Commission. Presently, the price of a subway ride is $80, and 250,000 seats are filled weekly. The income elasticity of demand is -0.60. If a recession lowered area incomes by 5 % , how many additional seats per week would the subway need ? 答案: 7,500 seats Producer surplus is the : 答案: difference between revenue and variable cost of production. Consumer surplus is : 答案: the difference between the price one is willing to pay and the price one has to pay A simple linear demand function may be stated as Q= a-bP+cI where Q is quantity demanded , P is the product price, and I is consumer income. To compute an appropriate value for c, we can use observed values for Q and I and then set the estimated income elasticity of demand equal to. 答案: c(I / Q) The figure shows the market for books before and after a sales tax is introduced. The tax on books is ____ a book, buyers pay ____ of tax per book, and the governments tax revenue is ____. 答案: $1.20; $0.80; $12 If the price of the Walkman is below the equilibrium price, there will be a _______ of Walkmans and the price will _______. 答案: shortage; rise If resources are used efficiently, then ____. 答案: consumer surplus plus producer surplus is maximized If price exceeds average costs under pure competition, in the long run ,______ firms will enter the industry, supply will ______, and price will be driven ______. 答案: more; increase; down (In C) int x=1; if (x=2) x=3; the value of x is ____. 答案: 3 Converting from type ____ to type ____ will result in the loss of data. 答案: int, char Each standard library has a corresponding : 答案: Header file Crude oil can be refined into home heating oil or gasoline. If very cold weather caused the price of home heating oil to increase, then 答案: the equilibrium price of gasoline would rise. Bonds that have an option exercisable by the issuer to retire them at a stated dollar amount prior to maturity are known as : 答案 : Callable bonds. For a good that is a necessity, 答案: demand tends to be inelastic. When demand increases and supply decreases, the 答案: equilibrium price rises, and the equilibrium quantity might increase, decrease, or remain constant. When marginal profit equals zero. 答案: profit is maximized. Which of the following statements is true ? Oligopolists : 答案: all of the above. Which of the following would be most likely to cause the demand for cheese to shift from D0 to D1 ? 答案: an increase in income, assuming cheese is a normal good Which of the following statement is normative ? 答案: Higher taxes are needed to support education. Which paradigm most accurately describes BASIC ? 答案: Imperative or procedural Which of the following acronyms refers to ports on laptop computer that accept small cards that server as expansion boards ? 答案: PCMCIA Which of the following factors would not cause the demand curve for a given product to shift ? 答案: Changes in price. Which of the following is the amount a person would invest now to receive a greater amount in the future ? 答案: Present value Which of the following is an imperative programming language ? 答案: Ada Which of the following system is used to manage information about customers, interact with customers, and to improve a company's relationship with its customers ? 答案: CRM The expansion of capital that can occur in the long-run but not in the short-run, means that the long-run supply is 答案: more elastic than the short-run supply curve. The most fundamentaleconomic problem is 答案: scarcity. The owner of a local hot dog stand has estimated that if he lowers the price of hot dogs from $2.00 to $1.50, he will increase sales from 400 to 500 hot dogs per day. Using the midpoint formula, the demand for hot dogs is 答案: inelastic The statement “An increase in the price of gasoline will lead to a decrease in the amount purchases” is 答案 : a positive statement The demand for a product tends to be inelastic if. 答案: a small proportion of consumer's income is spent on the good. The kinked demand curve model was developed to help explain. 答案: rigidities in prices in oligopolistic industries. The supply curve for a good or service shows the sellers’ 答案: minimum acceptable price. The demand for Chocolate Chip Cookie ice cream is likely quite elastic because 答案: other flavors of ice cream are good substitutes for this particular flavor. The kinked demand curve model assumes that a firm's rivals will 答案: follow the firm's price decreases but not its price increases The fallacy of composition is evident in which of the following statements ? 答案: If each farmer works harder all farmers will be richer. The price elasticity of demand for cigarettes is 0.4. If government wants to reduce smoking by 10 percent, by how much should it raise the price of cigarettes by imposing a tax ? 答案: by 25 percent The prisoners ’ dilemma is a simple game in which : 答案: both parties are made worse off by following their own self-interests. Suppose A, B and C are three points on a linear demand as in the figure below. The comparison of price elasticities is 答案: ABC Suppose the price elasticity of demand for oil is 0.1. price elasticity of supply for oil is 0. In order to lower the price of oil by 20 percent, the quantity of oil supplied must be increased by 答案: 2 percent. Suppose there are only two firms supplying in the market and they produce a homogeneous good. Two firms produce the good with the same constant marginal cost. Firms compete by setting price simultaneously . The equilibrium price of both firms must 答案: equal to the marginal cost. Suppose that the price of eggs increases from 75 cents to $1.00 per dozen and as a result a typical farmer experiences a decrease in egg sales from 300 to 200 dozen per week. Using the method of average values, the price elasticity of demand is 答案: 1.4 Suppose the price of a good rises. When will the resulting substitution effect reduce the quantity demanded of the good ? 答案: Always Suppose the price elasticity of demand for tickets of Taiwan High Speed Railway (THSR) is 1.5.Ceteris paribus, when THSR reduces its prices, its revenue 答案: will go up. Suppose the demand for gourmet coffee can be represented by a linear demand curve. When income rises cause the demand curve for gourmet coffee shift to the right parallelly : 答案: becomes less elastic at the price that prevailed before the change in income If cigarettes and marijuana had been found to be substitutes, a tax placed on cigarettes would 答案: increase the demand for marijuana If a fall in the price of good A increases the quantity demanded of good B, 答案: A and B are complements If a good is produced using inputs for which there are no substitutes, the good's 答案: elasticity of supply is likely to be small. If the market price is higher than the equilibrium price. 答案: a surplus exists and the market price will fall until it equals the equilibrium price and the surplus is eliminated. If resources are used efficiently, then _____. 答案: consumer surplus plus producer surplus is maximized If the quantity demanded increase as peoples incomes increase, the result of 【解答】 a normal good. If a price increase of 5 percent increases the quantity demanded of another good by 2 percent, the goods must be and the cross elasticity of demand equals 答案 : substitutes; 0.4. 「微管仲,吾其被髮左衽矣。」的「微」字字義與下列何者相同? 答案: 「微」夫人之力,不及此 ( 甲 ) 子夏問曰:「『巧笑倩兮,美目盼兮,素以為絢兮。』何謂也?」子曰:「繪事後素。」曰:「禮後乎?」子曰:「起予者商也!始可與言《詩》已矣。」 ( 乙 ) 子夏曰:「日知其 所亡,月無忘其所能,可謂好學也已矣。」根據這兩段引文,子夏應列在孔門四科中的哪一科 答案: 文學
738 次閱讀|0 個評論
謎者 2023-11-6 12:07
【題目】CDC character set contains 64 characters, To represent any possible 10 character string needs at least 答案:60Bits.
個人分類: 每日答題|152 次閱讀|0 個評論
southdog6932 2022-10-16 03:52
Levi’s jeans sell for $100 a pair. Suppose at the profit maximizing quantity, Levi’s average total cost was $110 and Average variable cost was $55, which statement is true? ans: Levi’s will produce in the short run but go out of business in the long run What kind of virus is typically hidden in MS word file? ans marco Good A and good B are substitutes in production. The demand for good A increases so that the price of good A rises. The increase in the price of good A shifts the ans: supply curve of good B leftward. In the short run the magnitude of the own price elasticity of demand for ice cream ans: is lower than in the long run. The expansion of capital that can occur in the long-run but not in the short-run, means that the long-run supply is ans: more elastic than the short-run supply curve. Suppose the demand for gourmet coffee can be represented by a linear demand curve. When income rises cause the demand curve for gourmet coffee shift to the right parallelly: ans: becomes less elastic at the price that prevailed before the change in income You are an economist for the Taipei City Subway Commission. Presently, the price of a subway ride is $80, and 250,000 seats are filled weekly. The income elasticity of demand is -0.60. If a recession lowered area incomes by 5%, how many additional seats per week would the subway need? ans: 7,500 seats The most fundamentaleconomic problem is ans: Scarcity Consumer surplus is: ans: the difference between the price one is willing to pay and the price one has to pay If cigarettes and marijuana had been found to be substitutes, a tax placed on cigarettes would ans: increase the demand for marijuana If the price of the Walkman is below the equilibrium price, there will be a _______ of Walkmans and the price will _______. ans: shortage; rise A profit-maximizing firm in a competitive market is able to sell its product for $7. At its current level of output, the firm’s average total cost is $10. The firm’s marginal cost curve crosses its marginal revenue curve at an output level of 9 units. The firm experiences a ans: loss of exactly $27. If cigarettes and marijuana had been found to be substitutes, a tax placed on cigarettes would ans: increase the demand for marijuana. A profit-maximizing firm in a competitive market is able to sell its product for $7. At its current level of output, the firm’s average total cost is $10. The firm’s marginal cost curve crosses its marginal revenue curve at an output level of 9 units. The firm experiences a ans: loss of exactly $27. The figure shows the market for books before and after a sales tax is introduced. The tax on books is ____ a book, buyers pay ____ of tax per book, and the governments tax revenue is ____. ans: $1.20; $0.80; $12 Which of the following statements is true? Oligopolists : ans: all of the above. The most fundamentaleconomic problem is ans: scarcity Nick can purchase each milkshake for $2. For the first milkshake purchased Nick is willing to pay $4, for the second milkshake $3, for the third milkshake $2 and for the fourth milkshake $1. What is the value of Nick's consumer surplus? ans: 3 -0 Raisin bran and milk are complementary goods. A decrease in the price of raisins will ans: ncrease consumer surplus in the market for raisin bran and increase producer surplus in the market for milk Raisin bran and milk are complementary goods. A decrease in the price of raisins will ans: increase consumer surplus in the market for raisin bran and increase producer surplus in the market for milk Levi’s jeans sell for $100 a pair. Suppose at the profit maximizing quantity, Levi’s average total cost was $110 and Average variable cost was $55, which statement is true? ans: Levi’s will produce in the short run but go out of business in the long run Raisin bran and milk are complementary goods. A decrease in the price of raisins will ans: increase consumer surplus in the market for raisin bran and increase producer surplus in the market for milk In the short run the magnitude of the own price elasticity of demand for ice cream: ans: is lower than in the long run. Crude oil can be refined into home heating oil or gasoline. If very cold weather caused the price of home heating oil to increase, then ans: the equilibrium price of gasoline would rise. In long-run equilibrium of a competitive market, the number of firms in the markets adjusts so that all of the market demand is satisfied at a price equal to ans: minimum average total cost A competitive firm will tend to expand its output so long as: ans: Marginal revenues is greater than marginal cost. For a good that is a necessity ans: demand tends to be inelastic If resources are used efficiently, then ____. ans: consumer surplus plus producer surplus is maximized If a fall in the price of good A increases the quantity demanded of good B, ans: A and B are complements If cigarettes and marijuana had been found to be substitutes, a tax placed on cigarettes would ans: increase the demand for marijuana. The statement “An increase in the price of gasoline will lead to a decrease in the amount purchases” is ans: a positive statement. Which of the following is the amount a person would invest now to receive a greater amount in the future? ans: Present value Which of the following is the amount a person would invest now to receive a greater amount in the future? ans: Present value If resources are used efficiently, then _____. ans: consumer surplus plus producer surplus is maximized Which of the following acronyms refers to ports on laptop computer that accept small cards that server as expansion boards? ans: PCMCIA Suppose the demand for gourmet coffee can be represented by a linear demand curve. When income rises cause the demand curve for gourmet coffee shift to the right parallelly: ans: becomes less elastic at the price that prevailed before the change in income The figure shows the market for books before and after a sales tax is introduced. The tax on books is ____ a book, buyers pay ____ of tax per book, and the governments tax revenue is ____. ans: 1.20; $0.80; $12 Producer surplus is the : ans: difference between revenue and variable cost of production. Which of the following would be most likely to cause the demand for cheese to shift from D0 to D1? ans: an increase in income, assuming cheese is a normal good Producer surplus is the : ans: difference between revenue and variable cost of production. The demand for Chocolate Chip Cookie ice cream is likely quite elastic because ans: other flavors of ice cream are good substitutes for this particular flavor. Which of the following factors would not cause the demand curve for a given product to shift? ans: Changes in price. Suppose A, B and C are three points on a linear demand as in the figure below. The comparison of price elasticities is ans: A B C The kinked demand curve model assumes that a firm's rivals will ans: follow the firm's price decreases but not its price increases Suppose the price of a good rises. When will the resulting substitution effect reduce the quantity demanded of the good? ans: Always. Economic scarcity arises from ans: limited resources and limitless wants The owner of a local hot dog stand has estimated that if he lowers the price of hot dogs from $2.00 to $1.50, he will increase sales from 400 to 500 hot dogs per day. Using the midpoint formula, the demand for hot dogs is ans: inelastic. Under which of the following conditions would the interdiction of illegal drugs result in a decrease in the quantity of drugs sold and in a decrease in total spending on illegal drugs by drug users? ans: The price elasticity of demand for illegal drugs is 1.3. Producer surplus is the : ans: difference between revenue and variable cost of production A short piece of information used to authenticate a message is commonly referred to as ans: MAC Two goods are complements if a decrease in the price of one good ans: increases the demand for the other good If price exceeds average costs under pure competition, in the long run ,______ firms will enter the industry, supply will ______, and price will be driven ______. ans: more; increase; down For a good that is a necessity ans: demand tends to be inelastic A short piece of information used to authenticate a message is commonly referred to as ans: MAC The kinked demand curve model was developed to help explain ans: rigidities in prices in oligopolistic industries When demand increases and supply decreases, the ans: equilibrium price rises, and the equilibrium quantity might increase, decrease, or remain constant. Raisin bran and milk are complementary goods. A decrease in the price of raisins will ans: increase consumer surplus in the market for raisin bran and increase producer surplus in the market for milk A simple linear demand function may be stated as Q= a-bP+cI where Q is quantity demanded , P is the product price, and I is consumer income. To compute an appropriate value for c, we can use observed values for Q and I and then set the estimated income elasticity of demand equal to. ans: c(I/Q) The figure shows the market for books before and after a sales tax is introduced. The tax on books is ____ a book, buyers pay ____ of tax per book, and the governments tax revenue is ____. ans: $1.20; $0.80; $12 「微管仲,吾其被髮左衽矣。」的「微」字字義與下列何者相同? ans: 「微」夫人之力,不及此 What kind of virus is typically hidden in MS word file? ans: marco For a good that is a necessity, ans: demand tends to be inelastic. If resources are used efficiently, then ans: consumer surplus plus producer surplus is maximized What kind of virus is typically hidden in MS word file? ans: marco Which paradigm most accurately describes BASIC? ans: Imperative or procedural If the quantity demanded increase as peoples incomes increase, the result of ans: a normal good If the market price is higher than the equilibrium price. ans: a surplus exists and the market price will fall until it equals the equilibrium price and the surplus is eliminated A freeze that destroys half of the water lily crop in Tainan would likely raise the price of water lily ans: reducing the quantity demanded for water lily andincreasing the demand for tea Which of the following is an imperative programming language? ans: Ada Suppose that the price of eggs increases from 75 cents to $1.00 per dozen and as a result a typical farmer experiences a decrease in egg sales from 300 to 200 dozen per week. Using the method of average values, the price elasticity of demand is ans: 1.4 Which of the following statement is normative? ans: Higher taxes are needed to support education. Suppose the demand and supply functions for a certain goods are given by: QD=10-P QS=P-4 Find the total economic surplus generated at the market equilibrium ans: 9.0 Which of the following system is used to manage information about customers, interact with customers, and to improve a company's relationship with its customers? ans: CRM The prisoners’ dilemma is a simple game in which ans: both parties are made worse off by following their own self-interests Each standard library has a corresponding: ans: Header file If a price increase of 5 percent increases the quantity demanded of another good by 2 percent, the goods must be and the cross elasticity of demand equals ans: substitutes 0.4 Converting from type ____ to type ____ will result in the loss of data ans: int, char Converting from type ____ to type ____ will result in the loss of data. ans: int, char The price elasticity of demand for cigarettes is 0.4. If government wants to reduce smoking by 10 percent, by how much should it raise the price of cigarettes by imposing a tax? ans: by 25 percent If a good is produced using inputs for which there are no substitutes, the good's ans: elasticity of supply is likely to be small For implicit function 2xy+ex+y -2=0 dy/dx (0,ln2)=? ans: -1 - ln2 Assume that we have a demand curve of the form.log(Q)=a-b×log(P)+c×log(I), where Q=quantity, P=price, I=income, and a, b, and c are positive constants. The income and price elasticities for the demand curve represented above are always ans: constant. Let a=∫1 0 x5(1-x3)1/3 dx,then ans: 0 A 1 Crude oil can be refined into home heating oil or gasoline. If very cold weather caused the price of home heating oil to increase, then ans: the equilibrium price of gasoline would rise. A multitasking operating system developed in the early 1970s at Bell Laboratories: ans: UNIX Let A = J e1(1nx)2 dx , then ans: 0 A 1 A decrease in the supply ans: raises its equilibrium price and decreases its equilibrium quantity. CDC character set contains 64 characters, To represent any possible 10 character string needs at least ans: 60 bits The supply curve for a good or service shows the sellers’ ans: minimum acceptable price. The fallacy of composition is evident in which of the following statements? ans: If each farmer works harder all farmers will be richer. Suppose the price elasticity of demand for oil is 0.1. price elasticity of supply for oil is 0. In order to lower the price of oil by 20 percent, the quantity of oil supplied must be increased by ans: 2 percent. The demand for a product tends to be inelastic if. ans: a small proportion of consumer's income is spent on the good Let A be the area between the curves y = sin x and y = sin 2x from x = 0 to x = π 。then ans: 2 A 3 Suppose the price elasticity of demand for tickets of Taiwan High Speed Railway (THSR) is 1.5.Ceteris paribus, when THSR reduces its prices, its revenue ans: will go up. When marginal profit equals zero. ans: profit is maximized. for the function f(X)=3√x(x-7)² which of the following statements are true ? ans: f (7) = 0 is a relative minimum (In C) int x=1; if (x=2) x=3; the value of x is ans: 3 Crude oil can be refined into home heating oil or gasoline. If very cold weather caused the price of home heating oil to i ans: the equilibrium price of gasoline would rise 「Last October, due to an early frost, the price for a pumpkin increased by 10 percent.As a result, the quantity demanded decreased from 2 million to 1.5 million.」 Based on this statement, the ans: demand for pumpkins is elastic. Bonds that have an option exercisable by the issuer to retire them at a stated dollar amount prior to maturity are known as: ans: Callable bonds. (甲)子夏問曰:「『巧笑倩兮,美目盼兮,素以為絢兮。』何謂也?」子曰:「繪事後素。」曰:「禮後乎?」子曰:「起予者商也!始可與言《詩》已矣。」(乙)子夏曰:「日知其 所亡,月無忘其所能,可謂好學也已矣。」根據這兩段引文,子夏應列在孔門四科中的哪一科 ans: 文學 Apples and oranges are substitute goods. A freeze in Florida destroyed a good portion of the orange crop. Ceteris paribus, the price of ans: A.both apples and oranges will rise. A firm in pure competition would shut down when ans: price is less than average variable cost. The kinked demand curve model was developed to help explain. ans: rigidities in prices in oligopolistic industries.
個人分類: 每日答題|159 次閱讀|0 個評論
熱度 1 vipswish2008 2022-10-8 08:00
1081105題目 which of the following would be most likely to cause the demand for cheese to shift from d0 to d1 答案:C an increase in income, assuming cheese is a normal good 1081106題目 For implicit function 2xy + ex-y-2 = 0, dy / dx |(0,ln2) 答案:B -1-ln2 1081107題目 Producer surplus is the: 答案:A, difference between revenue and variable cost of production. 1081108題目 (In C)int x = 1; if(x = 2)x = 3; the value of x is____。 答案:D,3 1081109版本 Consumer surplus is: 提示:這句話問的是經濟盈餘(消費者剩餘) 答案:B, the difference between the price one is willing to pay and the price one has to pay 1081110題目 Suppose there are only two firms supplying in the market and they produce a homogeneous good. Two firms produce the good with the same constant marginal cost. Firms compete by setting price simultaneously . The equilibrium price of both firms must 答案: D , equal to the marginal cost. 1081112題目 The price elasticity of demand for cigarettes is 0.4.If government wants to reduce smoking by 10 percent, by how much should it raise the price of cigarettes by imposing a tax? (A)25% (B)50% (C)10% (D)20% 答案:25% 1081113題目 which paradigm most accurately describes basic 答案:A, Imperative or procedural 1081116題目 What would happen to the equilibrium price and quantity of coffee if the wages of coffee - bean pickers fell and the price of tea fell? 答案:A , Price will fall and the effect on quantity is ambiguous. 1081119題目 【題目】 Nick can purchase each milkshake for $2. For the first milkshake purchased Nick is willing to pay $4, for the second milkshake $3, for the third milkshake $2 and for the fourth milkshake $1. What is the value of Nick's consumer surplus? 算法 應該是2 + 1 + 1-1 = 3 答案:C,3 1081121題目 【 題目 】 If resources are used efficiently , then ____ 〜 答案:A, consumer surplus plus producer surplus is maximized. 1081124題目 Which of the following is an imperative programming language? 答案: D ,Ada 1081125題目 Suppose A, B and C are three points on a linear demand as in the figure below. The comparison of price elasticities is 答案:B , ABC 1081127題目 CDC character set contains 64 characters, To represent any possible 10 character string needs at least 答案: D,60Bits 1081128題目 The kinked demand curve model assumes that a firm's rivals will 答案:C,follow the firm's price decreases but not its price increases. 1081130題目 Two goods are complements if a decrease in the price of one good 答案:C, increases the demand for the other good. 1081203 題目 A competitive firm will tend to expand its output so long as: 答案:B,Marginal revenues is greater than marginal cost. 1081204 題目 If a price increase of 5 percent increases the quantity demanded of another good by 2 percent, the goods must be and the cross elasticity of demand equals 答案: D,substitutes; 0.4. 1081205 題目 【題目】Q:Suppose the demand and supply functions for a certain goods are given by: QD=10-P QS=P-4 Find the total economic surplus generated at the market equilibrium A:6.0 B: 10.5 C:4.5 D:9.0 【解答】:D 9.0 感謝 34樓 1081208 題目 Which of the following statements is true? Ollgopollsts : 提示: 這題是問壟斷機制,選項都有所以是以上所有 答案:A,all of the above. 1081215 題目 Economic scarcity arises from 答案:D, limited resources and limitless wants. 非常感謝 qwas963563 提供訂正 1081218 題目 the supply curve for a good or service shows the sellers’ 答案:B,minimun accptable price. 感謝 27樓 提供 1081223 題目 a multitasking operating system developed in the early 1970s at bell laboratories 答案:C,UNIX 1081226 題目 The prisoners' dllemma is a simple game in which: 答案:C,both parties are made worse off by following their own self-interests. 感謝 69樓 提供 1081227 題目 The fallacy of composition is evident in which of the following statements? 答案:B, if each famer works harder all famers will be richer. 感謝 37樓 提供 1090115題目 What kind of virus is typically hidden in MS word file? 答案:C,macro 感謝 13樓 , 111樓 提供 1090124題目 Suppose that the price of eggs increases from 75 cents to $1.00 per dozen and as a result a typical farmer experiences a decrease in egg sales from 300 to 200 dozen per week. Using the method of average values, the price elasticity of demand is 答案:A,1.4 版上有找到 來源 說明其實答案的英文錯誤的只是正確選項對話還是1.4沒有更改。 感謝 88樓 , 111樓 提供 1090202題目 When marginal profit equals zero. 答案:C,profit is maximized 感謝 31樓 , 124樓 提供 1090209題目 A simple linear demand function may be stated as Q = a - bP +cI where Q is quantity demanded, P is the product price, and I is consumerincome. To compute an appropriate value for c, we can use observed values for Q and I and then setthe estimated income elasticity of demand equal to: 答案:C , c(I/Q) 感謝 48樓 、 82樓 提供 1090223題目 Which of the following is the amount a person would invest now to receive a greater amount in the future? 答案 D , Present value 感謝 71樓 提供 1090316題目 The fallacy of composition is evident in which of the following statements? 答案 : B, If each farmer works harder all farmers will be richer. 感謝 37樓 提供 1090517題目 apples and oranges are substitute goods. a freeze in florida destroyed a good portion of the orange crop. ceteris paribus, the price of 答案:A,both apples amd oranges will rise 感謝 85樓 提供 1090527題目 A short piece of information used to authenticate a message is commonly referred to as 答案:B , MAC 感謝 44樓 提供 1090530題目 Suppose the demand for gourmet coffee can be represented by a linear demand curve. When income rises cause the demand curve for gourmet coffee shift to the right parallelly: 答案: A,becomes less elastic at the price that prevailed before the change in income 感謝 178樓 、 2 33樓 提供 1090606題目 A profit-maximizing firm in a competitive market is able to sell its product for $7. At its current level of output, the firm’s average total cost is $10. The firm’s marginal cost curve crosses its marginal revenue curve at an output level of 9 units. The firm experiences a 答案: A, loss of exactly $27. 1090607題目 The figure shows the market for books before and after a sales tax is introduced. The tax on books is ____ a book, buyers pay ____ of tax per book, and the governments tax revenue is ____. 答案:C, $1.20; $0.80; $12 1090608題目 【 題目】The expansion of capital that can occur in the long-run but not in the short-run, means that the long-run supply is 答案:C , more elastic than the short-run supply curve. 感謝 35樓 提供 1090625題目 Which of the following acronyms refers to ports on laptop computer that accept small cards that server as expansion boards? 答案:A ,PCMCIA 1090814題目 「Last October, due to an early frost, the price for a pumpkin increased by 10 percent.As a result, the quantity demanded decreased from 2 million to 1.5 million.」 Based on this statement, the 答案:B, demand for pumpkins is elastic. 感謝 29樓 提供 1090819題目 【題目】 You are an economist for the Taipei City Subway Commission. Presently, the price of a subway ride is $80, and 250,000 seats are filled weekly. The income elasticity of demand is -0.60. If a recession lowered area incomes by 5%, how many additional seats per week would the subway need? 答案:C, 7500 seats 感謝 67樓 提供 1090929題目 【題目】 The kinked demand curve model was developed to help explain. 答案 A , rigidities in prices in oligopolistic industries. 1091022題目 【題目】 Suppose the price elasticity of demand for tickets of Taiwan High Speed Railway (THSR) is 1.5.Ceteris paribus, when THSR reduces its prices, its revenue 答案 A , will go up. 1091101題目 【題目】 A decrease in the supply 答案: B ,raises its equilibrium price and decreases its equilibrium quantity 1100228題目 【題目】 Each standard library has a corresponding: 答案 D ,Header file 1100306題目 【題目】 Raisin bran and milk are complementary goods. A decrease in the price of raisins will 答案 D, increase consumer surplus in the market for raisin bran and increase producer surplus in the market for milk 1101216題目 【題目】 The most fundamentaleconomic problem is 答案 A ,scarcity. 每日答題系列集中串 題目 Which of the following would be most likely to cause the demand for cheese to shift from D0 to D1? 答案 :C 題目 for implicit function 2xy+ex-y-2=01 dy/dx|(0,ln2) 答案 :B -1-ln2 題目 Producer surplus is the : 答案 :A difference between revenue and variable cost of production. . 題目 (In C) int x=1; if (x=2) x=3; the value of x is ____. 答案 : D , 3 題目 Consumer surplus is: TIPS: 這題目問的是經濟盈餘 ( 消費者剩餘 ) 答案 :B ,the difference between the price one is willing to pay and the price one has to pay 題目 Suppose there are only two firms supplying in the market and they produce a homogeneous good. Two firms produce the good with the same constant marginal cost. Firms compete by setting price simultaneously . The equilibrium price of both firms must 正解應該是 equal to the marginal cost. 題目 The price elasticity of demand for cigarettes is 0.4. If government wants to reduce smoking by 10 percent, by how much should it raise the price of cigarettes? The answer is_____ (A) by 25 percent (B) by 50 percent (C) by 10 percent (D) by 20 percent 答案 :A, by25 percent 題目 Which paradigm most accurately describes BASIC? 答案 :A, Imperative or procedural 題目 What would happen to the equilibrium price and quantity of coffee if the wages of coffee-bean pickers fell and the price of tea fell? 答案 :A, Price will fall and the effect on quantity is ambiguous 題目 Nick can purchase each milkshake for $2. For the first milkshake purchased Nick is willing to pay $4, for the second milkshake $3, for the third milkshake $2 and for the fourth milkshake $1. What is the value of Nick's consumer surplus? 算法應該是 2+1+1-1=3 答案 :C ,3 【題目】 If resources are used efficiently, then _____. 如果資源得到有效利用,則 _____ 。 消費者剩餘加上生產者剩餘最大化 ~ 答案 :A ,consumer surplus plus producer surplus is maximized 題目 Which of the following is an imperative programming language? 答案 : D ,Ada 題目 Suppose A, B and C are three points on a Linear demand as in the figure below. The comparison of price elasticities is 答案 :B , ABC 題目 CDC character set contains 64 characters, To represent any possible 10 character string needs at least 答案 : D,60Bits 題目 The kinked demand curve model assumes that a firm's rivals will 答案 :C,follow the firm's price decreases but not its price increases. 題目 Two goods are complements if a decrease in the price of one good 答案 :C,increases the demand for the other good. 題目 A competitive firm will tend to expand its output so long as: 答案 :B,Marginal revenues is greater than marginal cost. 題目 If a price increase of 5 percent increases the quantity demanded of another good by 2 percent, the goods must be and the cross elasticity of demand equals 答案 : D,substitutes; 0.4. 【題目】 Q : Suppose the demand and supply functions for a certain goods are givenby: QD=10-P QS=P-4 Find the total economic surplus generated at the market equilibrium A : 6.0 B : 10.5 C : 4.5 D : 9.0 【解答】: D 9.0 題目 Economic Scarcity arises from? 答案: D limited resources and expanding wants. 題目 The supply curve for a good or service shows the sellers’ 答案: B ,minimun accptable price. 題目 A multitasking operating system developed in the early 1970s at Bell Laboratories 答案: C ,UNIX 題目 The prisoners ’ dilemma is a simple game in which : 答案: C ,both parties are made worse off by follwing their own self-interests 題目 The fallacy of composition is evident in which of the following statements? 答案: B ,If each farmer works harder all farmers will be richer. 題目 What kind of virus is typically hidden in MS word file? 答案: C ,macro 題目 Suppose that the price of eggs increases from 75 cents to $1.00 per dozen and as a result a typical farmer experiences a decrease in egg sales from 300 to 200 dozen per week. Using the method of average values, the price elasticity of demand is 答案: A ,1.4 題目 When marginal profit equals zero. 答案: C ,profit is maximized. A simple linear demand function may be stated as Q = a - bP +cI where Q is quantity demanded, P is the product price, and I is consumerincome. To compute an appropriate value for c, we can use observed values for Q and I and then setthe estimated income elasticity of demand equal to: 答案: C , c(I/Q) 【題目】 If the market price is higher than the equilibrium price. a surplus exists and the market price will fall until it equals the equilibrium price and the surplus is eliminated. a shortage exists and the equilibrium price will rise until it equals the market price and the shortage is eliminated. a shortage exists and the market price will fall until it equals the equilibrium price and the shortage is eliminated. a surplus exists and the equilibrium price will rise until it equals the market price and the surplus is eliminated. 答案 :A If a good is produced using inputs for which there are no substitutes, the good's elasticity of supply is likely to be large. elasticity of demand will be large. elasticity of demand will be small. elasticity of supply is likely to be small. 答案 D elasticity of supply is likely to be small. Suppose the price elasticity of demand for oil is 0.1. price elasticity of supply for oil is 0. In order to lower the price of oil by 20 percent, the quantity of oil supplied must be increased by 20 percent. 200 percent. 2 percent. 0.2 percent. 【題目】 ( 甲 ) 子夏問曰:「『巧笑倩兮,美目盼兮,素以為絢兮。』何謂也?」子曰:「繪事後素。」曰:「禮後乎?」子曰:「起予者商也!始可與言《詩》已矣。」 ( 乙 ) 子夏曰:「日知其 所亡,月無忘其所能,可謂好學也已矣。」根據這兩段引文,子夏應列在孔門四科中的哪一科 言語 德行 政事 文學 Let 2X^2Y-4Y^3=4 and find the value of point (2,1)Y'' A 0 B -13 C -15 D 10 答案 C 【題目】 Levi’s jeans sell for $100 a pair. Suppose at the profit maximizing quantity, Levi’s average total cost was $110 and Average variable cost was $55, which statement is true? Levi’s will produce in the short run but go out of business in the long run Levi’s will shut down in the short run and go out of business in the long run Levi’s will not produce in the short run and n in the long run Levi’s will produce in the short and long run Levi’s will produce in the short run but go out of business in the long run 【題目】 When demand increases and supply decreases, the equilibrium quantity decreases, and the equilibrium price might rise, fall, or remain constant. equilibrium quantity increases, and the equilibrium price might rise, fall, or remain constant. equilibrium price falls, and the equilibrium quantity might increase, decrease, or remain constant. equilibrium price rises, and the equilibrium quantity might increase, decrease, or remain constant. 答案 : equilibrium price rises, and the equilibrium quantity might increase, decrease, or remain constant. 【題目】 If the price of the Walkman is below the equilibrium price, there will be a _______ of Walkmans and the price will _______. surplus; fall surplus; rise shortage; fall shortage; rise 答案 : shortage; rise 【題目 】 Converting from type ____ to type ____ will result in the loss of data. short, long bool, char float, double int, char 答案 : int, char 【題目】 What kind of virus is typically hidden in MS word file? A: Boot Strap Sector B:Trojan C: worm D: mac ro 答案 :D macro The owner of a local hot dog stand has estimated that if he lowers the price of hot dogs from $2.00 to $1.50, he will increase sales from 400 to 500 hot dogs per day. Using the midpoint formula, the demand for hot dogs is ANS : inelastic. 【題目】 If a good is produced using inputs for which there are no substitutes, the good's elasticity of demand will be small. elasticity of supply is likely to be small. elasticity of supply is likely to be large. elasticity of demand will be large. 答案 : elasticity of supply is likely to be small. 【題目】 The figure shows the market for books before and after a sales tax is introduced. The tax on books is ____ abook, buyers pay ____ of tax per book, and the governments tax revenue is ____. 答案 :$1.20; $0.80; $12 【題目】 Raisin bran and milk are complementary goods. A decrease in the price of raisins will decrease consumer surplus in the market for raisin bran and increase producer surplus in the market for milk. decrease consumer surplus in the market for raisin bran and decrease producer surplus in the market for milk. increase consumer surplus in the market for raisin bran and increase producer surplus in the market for milk. increase consumer surplus in the market for raisin bran and decrease producer surplus in the market for milk. 答案 : increase consumer surplus in the market for raisin bran and increase producer surplus in the market for milk If price exceeds average costs under pure competition, ____ firms will enter the industry, supply will ____, and price will be driven ____.Selected Answer: more; increase; down 【題目】 The demand for a product tends to be inelastic if. 答案: a small proportion of consumer's income is spent on the good. 題目 The statement “An increase in the price of gasoLine will lead to a decrease in the amount purchases” is 答案 :a positive statement. 題目 : Which of the following statement is normative ? 答案 :Higher taxes are needed to support education. 【題目】 Which paradigm most accurately describes BASIC? Imperative or procedural Logic Object oriented Functional 答案 Imperative 【題目】 Crude oil can be refined into home heating oil or gasoline. If very cold weather caused the price of home heating oil to increase, then the supply of gasoline would increase. the equilibrium price of gasoline would rise. (Ans) the demand of gasoline would decrease. the supply of home heating oil would decrease. 【題目】 Suppose the price of a good rises. When will the resulting substitution effect reduce the quantity demanded of the good? Only when the good is normal. Whenever the good is a non-Giffen good. Only when the good is inferior. Always. 【題目】 The supply curve for a good or service shows the sellers’ maximum acceptable price. average acceptable price. target price. minimum acceptable price. 答案 minimum acceptable price. 【題目】 Which of the following statements is true? Oligopolists : Will consider the potential response of its rivals when making business decisions. all of the above. tend to produce the monopoly output and sell at the monopoly price when they are able to collude . behave interdependently. 答案 :all of the above. 【題目】 「 Last October, due to an early frost, the price for a pumpkin increased by 10 percent.As a result, the quantity demanded decreased from 2 million to 1.5 million. 」 Based on this statement, the demand for pumpkins is inelastic. demand for pumpkins is elastic. demand for pumpkins is unit elastic. demand curve for pumpkins shifted rightward. 答案 : demand for pumpkins is elastic. 題目 Under which of the following conditions would the interdiction of illegal drugs result in a decrease in the quantity of drugs sold and in a decrease in total spending on illegal drugs by drug users? 【題目】 Let A = J e1(1nx)2 dx , then 答案 : 0 A 1 【題目】 Q : Suppose the demand and supply functions for a certain goods are given by: QD=10-P QS=P-4 Find the total economic surplus generated at the market equilibrium A : 6.0 B : 10.5 C : 4.5 D : 9.0 【解答】: D 9.0 【題目】 The expansion of capital that can occur in the long-run but not in the short-run, means that the long-run supply is 答案 :more elastic than the short-run supply curve. 【題目】 A competitive firm will tend to expand its output so long as: Marginal cost is less than average cost. Marginal revenues is greater than marginal cost. Marginal revenues is greater than the average cost. Marginal revenues is positive. 答案 :Marginal revenues is greater than marginal cost. 【題目】 What would happen to the equilibrium price and quantity of coffee if the wages of coffee-bean pickers fell and the price of tea fell? Quantity will fall and the effect on price is ambiguous. Quantity will rise and the effect on price is ambiguous. Price will rise and the effect on quantity is ambiguous. Price will fall and the effect on quantity is ambiguous. 答案 d Price will fall and the effect on quantity is ambiguous 【題目】 Q : The kinked demand curve model was developed to help explain. fluctuations of prices in pure competition. rigidities in prices in oligopolistic industries. none of the above. fluctuations in prices in oligopolistic industries. 【解答】 A : rigidities in prices in oligopolistic industries. 【題目】 for the function f(X)=3√x(x-7)² which of the following statements are true ? f (0) = 0 is a relative minimum f (x) is differentiable everywhere f (7) = 0 is a relative minimum f (x) has no relative maximum 答案 C 【題目】 Q : The most fundamentaleconomic problem is A : reducing unemployment. B : health and health care. C : decreasing the inflation rate. D : scarcity. 【解答】: D : scarcity. 題目 A short piece of information used to authenticate a message is commonly referred to as MAC hash digest stub 答案 :MAC Which of the following system is used to manage information about customers, interact with customers, and to improve a company's relationship with its customers? 答案 CRM The demand for Chocolate Chip Cookie ice cream is likely quite elastic because 答案 other flavors of ice cream are good substitutes for this particular flavor. 【題目】 A simple linear demand function may be stated as Q = a - bP +cI where Q is quantity demanded, P is the product price, and I is consumerincome. To compute an appropriate value for c, we can use observed values for Q and I and then setthe estimated income elasticity of demand equal to: c(I/Q) c(Q/I) -b(I/Q) Q/(cI) 答案 :c(I/Q) 【題目】 Which of the following factors would not cause the demand curve for a given product to shift? 答案 : Changes in price. Which of the following system is used to manage information about customers, interact with customers, and to improve a company's relationship with its customers? 以下哪個系統用於管理有關客戶的信息,與客戶互動以及改善公司與客戶的關係? 答案 CRMD 客戶關係管理 【題目】 The price elasticity of demand for cigarettes is 0.4. If government wants to reduce smoking by 10 percent, by how much should it raise the price of cigarettes by imposing a tax? by 50 percent by 20 percent by 10 percent by 25 percent 答案 題目】 If a fall in the price of good A increases the quantity demanded of good B, 如果商品 A 的價格下跌增加了商品 B 的需求量, B is a substitute for A, but A is a complement to B B 替代 A ,但 A 替代 B A and B are complements A 和 B 是補碼 A is a substitute for B, but B is a complement to A A 替代 B ,但 B 替代 A A and B are substitutes A 和 B 是替代品 【題目】 Which of the following acronyms refers to ports on laptop computer that accept small cards that server as expansion boards? 答案 :PCMCIA 【題目】 A decrease in the supply raises its equilibrium price and decreases its equilibrium quantity. lowers its equilibrium price and increases its equilibrium quantity. decreases both its equilibrium price and its equilibrium quantity. increases both its equilibrium price and its equilibrium quantity. 答案 raises its equilibrium price and decreases its equilibrium quantity. 【題目】 Assume that we have a demand curve of the form.log(Q)=a-b×log(P)+c×log(I), where Q=quantity, P=price, I=income, and a, b, and c are positive constants. The income and price elasticities for the demand curve represented above are always 答案 : constant. 【題目】 Suppose the price elasticity of demand for tickets of Taiwan High Speed Railway(THSR) is 1.5. Ceteris paribus, when THSR reduces its prices, its revenue 【題目】 Each standard library has a corresponding: Variable type Function Cd-rom Header file 答案 Header file 【題目】 Bonds that have an option exercisable by the issuer to retire them at a stated dollar amount prior to maturity are known as: 答案 : Callable bonds. If cigarettes and marijuana had been found to be substitutes, a tax placed on cigarettes would 答案 : increase the demand for marijuana. 【題目】 Q : Suppose the price elasticity of demand for tickets of Taiwan High Speed Railway (THSR) is 1.5.Ceteris paribus, when THSR reduces its prices, its revenue A : will go down. B : will remain the same. C : will go up. D : may go up or down. 【解答】: C will go up. Let A be the area between the curves y = sin x and y = sin 2x from x = 0 to x = π 。 then 答案 : 2 A 3. You are an economist for the Taipei City Subway Commission. Presently, the price of a subway ride is $80, and 250,000 seats are filled weekly. The income elasticity of demand is -0.60. If a recession lowered area incomes by 5 % , how many additional seats per week would the subway need? 答案 7,500 seats In long-run equilibrium of a competitive market, the number of firms in the markets adjusts so that all of the market demand is satisfied at a price equal to 答案 minimum average total cost 【題目】 The figure shows the market for books before and after a sales tax is introduced. The tax on books is ____ a book, buyers pay ____ of tax per book, and the governments tax revenue is ____. 答案 $1.20; $0.80; $12 【題目】: Which of the following is the amount a person would invest now to receive a greater amount in the future? A : Stated interest rate B : Present value C : Future value D : Market interest rate 【解答】: B : Present value 【題目】 Q : The most fundamentaleconomic problem is A : reducing unemployment. B : health and health care. C : decreasing the inflation rate. D : scarcity. 【解答】: D : scarcity. 【題目】 For a good that is a necessity, its price elasticity equals one. the law of demand often does not apply. quantity demanded tends to respond substantially to a change in price. demand tends to be inelastic. 答案 demand tends to be inelastic. 【題目】: If the quantity demanded increase as peoples incomes increase, the result of A : a substitute. B : a complement. C : an inferior good. D : a normal good. 【解答】: D : a normal good. The statement “An increase in the price of gasoLine will lead to a decrease in the amount purchases” is a positive statement. 【題目】 Nick can purchase each milkshake for $2. For the first milkshake purchased Nick is willing to pay $4, for the second milkshake $3, for the third milkshake $2 and for the fourth milkshake $1. What is the value of Nick's consumer surplus? $10 $3 $9 $2 答案 $3 【題目】 :Which of the following acronyms refers to ports on laptop computer that accept small cards that server as expansion boards? 答案 : PCMCIA 【題目】「微管仲,吾其被髮左衽矣。」的「微」字字義與下列何者相同? A :「微」夫人之力,不及此 B :式「微」、式微,胡不歸 C :觀其所以「微」見其意者,皆聖賢相與警戒之義 D : 「微」風鼓浪,水石相搏 【解答】: A 「微」夫人之力,不及此 【題目】 Which of the following factors would not cause the demand curve for a given product to shift? changes in price 【題目】 ( 甲 ) 子夏問曰:「『巧笑倩兮,美目盼兮,素以為絢兮。』何謂也?」子曰:「繪事後素。」曰:「禮後乎?」子曰:「起予者商也!始可與言《詩》已矣。」 ( 乙 ) 子夏曰:「日知其 所亡,月無忘其所能,可謂好學也已矣。」根據這兩段引文,子夏應列在孔門四科中的哪一科 德行 言語 政事 文學 ( 答案 ) A simple linear demand function may be stated as Q= a-bP+cI where Q is quantity demanded , P is the product price, and I is consumer income. To compute an appropriate value for c, we can use observed values for Q and I and then set the estimated income elasticity of demand equal to. 答案 :c(I/Q) 題目 :Good A and good B are substitutes in production. The demand for good A increases so that the price of good A rises. The increase in the price of good A shifts the 答案 :supply curve of good B leftward. 【題目】 Suppose the price of a good rises. When will the resulting substitution effect reduce the quantity demanded of the good? Always. 【題目】 Apples and oranges are substitute goods. A freeze in Florida destroyed a good portion of the orange crop. Ceteris paribus, the price of both apples and oranges will fall. both apples and oranges will rise. oranges will fall and the price of apples will rise. oranges will rise and the price of apples will fall. 答案 : both apples and oranges will rise. 題目 : Producer surplus is the : 答案 :difference between revenue and variable cost of production. Two goods are complements if a decrease in the price of one good 答案 :C,increases the demand for the other good. 【題目】 Suppose that the price of eggs increases from 75 cents to $1.00 per dozen and as a result a typical farmer experiences a decrease in egg sales from 300 to 200 dozen per week. Using the method of average values, the price elasticity of demand is 答案 :1.4 題目 : A firm in pure competition would shut down when 答案 :price is less than average total cost. Nick can purchase each milkshake for $2. For the first milkshake purchased Nick is willing to pay $4, for the second milkshake $3, for the third milkshake $2 and for the fourth milkshake $1. What is the value of Nick's consumer surplus? 答案 :C ,3 題目 A competitive firm will tend to expand its output so long as: Marginal revenues is greater than marginal cost. 【題目】 A profit-maximizing firm in a competitive market is able to sell its product for $7. At its current level of output, the firm’s average total cost is $10. The firm’s marginal cost curve crosses its marginal revenue curve at an output level of 9 units. The firm experiences a 答案 :loss of exactly $27. 【題目】 A multitasking operating system developed in the early 1970s at Bell Laboratories: 答案 :UNIX A freeze that destroys half of the water lili crop in Tainan would likely raise the price of water lily, 答案 reducing the quantity demanded for water lily and increasing the demand for tea 題目 : Good A and good B are substitutes in production. The demand for good A increases so that the price of good A rises. The increase in the price of good A shifts the 答案 : supply curve of good B leftward. 【題目】 Q : Suppose the demand and supply functions for a certain goods are given 9.0 題目 :If the price of the Walkman is below the equilibrium price, there will be a _______ of Walkmans and the price will _______. surplus; fall surplus; rise shortage; fall shortage; rise 答案 : shortage; rise 題目 :In the short run the magnitude of the own price elasticity of demand for ice cream: is the same as in the long run. is lower than in the long run. is higher than in the long run. does not depend on the fact that ice cream can be frozen. 答案 : is lower than in the long run. 【題目】 Suppose that the price of eggs increases from 75 cents to $1.00 per dozen and as a result a typical farmer experiences a decrease in egg sales from 300 to 200 dozen per week. Using the method of average values, the price elasticity of demand is 答案 :1.4 【題目】 If the market price is higher than the equilibrium price. a surplus exists and the market price will fall until it equals the equilibrium price and the surplus is eliminated. Which of the following system is used to manage information about customers, interact with customers, and to improve a company's relationship with its customers? 答案 CRM 答案: D limited resources and expanding wants. 【題目】 What kind of virus is typically hidden in MS word file? A: Boot Strap Sector B:Trojan C: worm D: macro 答案 :D macro What kind of virus is typically hidden in MS word file? A: Boot Strap Sector B:Trojan C: worm D: mac ro macro Suppose that the price of eggs increases from 75 cents to $1.00 per dozen and as a result a typical farmer experiences a decrease in egg sales from 300 to 200 dozen per week. Using the method of average values, the price elasticity of demand is 0.8 1.4 1.75 3.0 答案 :1.4 【題目】 The fallacy of composition is evident in which of the following statements? If each farmer works harder all farmers will be richer. Under which of the following conditions would the interdiction of illegal drugs result in a decrease in the quantity of drugs sold and in a decrease in total spending on illegal drugs by drug users? The kinked demand curve model assumes that a firm's rivals will follow the firm's price decreases but not its price increases. 【題目】 Good A and good B are substitutes in production. The demand for good A increases so that the price of good A rises. The increase in the price of good A shifts the demand curve for good B leftward. supply curve of good B rightward. supply curve of good B leftward. ( 答案 ) demand curve for good B rightward. 【題目】 When marginal profit equals zero: the firm cannot exercise price discrimination. profit is maximized. the firm can increase profits by increasing output. the firm can increase profits by decreasing output. marginal revenue equals average revenue. 答案 : profit is maximized. 【題目】 A profit-maximizing firm in a competitive market is able to sell its product for $7. At its current level of output, the firm’s average total cost is $10. The firm’s marginal cost curve crosses its marginal revenue curve at an output level of 9 units. The firm experiences a loss of exactly $27. 【題目】 A freeze that destroys half of the water lily crop in Tainan would likely raise the price of water lily. reducing the demand for both water lily and tea. reducing the demand for water lily and increasing the demand for tea. reducing the quantity demanded for both water lily and tea. reducing the quantity demanded for water lily and increasing the demand for tea. The supply curve for a good or service shows the sellers’ 答案: minimun accptable price. Let A be the area between the curves y = sin x and y = sin 2x from x = 0 to x = π 。 then 答案 : 2 A 3. 【題目】 Assume that we have a demand curve of the form.log(Q)=a-b×log(P)+c×log(I), where Q=quantity, P=price, I=income, and a, b, and c are positive constants. The income and price elasticities for the demand curve represented above are always constant. equal to zero. equal to one. equal(i.e., income elasticity always equals price elasticity). 答案 constant Consumer surplus is: the price one is willing to pay divided by its actual price the difference between the price one is willing to pay and the price one has to pay negative for an inferior good the difference between the substitution and income effect 答案 B the difference between the price one is willing to pay and the price one has to pay 【題目】 A multitasking operating system developed in the early 1970s at Bell Laboratories: 答案 :UNIX Which paradigm most accurately describes BASIC? Imperative or procedural Which of the following would be most likely to cause the demand for cheese to shift from D0 to D1? 【題目】「微管仲,吾其被髮左袵矣。」句中「微」字與下列 選項中,何者之「微」字義同? ANS: 「微」夫人之力不及此 10900303 【題目】 1 A 2 2 A 3 0 A 1 3 A 4
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每日答題系列集中串 題目 Which of the following would be most likely to cause the demand for cheese to shift from D0 to D1? 答案 :C 題目 for implicit function 2xy+ex-y-2=01 dy/dx|(0,ln2) 答案 :B-1-ln2 題目 Producer surplus is the : 答案 :A difference between revenue and variable cost of production. . 題目 (In C) int x=1; if (x=2) x=3; the value of x is ____. 答案 : D , 3 題目 Consumer surplus is: TIPS: 這題目問的是經濟盈餘 ( 消費者剩餘 ) 答案 :B ,the difference between the price one is willing to pay and the price one has to pay 題目 Suppose there are only two firms supplying in the market and they produce a homogeneous good. Two firms produce the good with the same constant marginal cost. Firms compete by setting price simultaneously . The equilibrium price of both firms must 正解應該是 equal to the marginal cost. 題目 The price elasticity of demand for cigarettes is 0.4. If government wants to reduce smoking by 10 percent, by how much should it raise the price of cigarettes?The answer is_____ (A) by 25 percent (B) by 50 percent (C) by 10 percent (D) by 20 percent 答案 :A, by25 percent 題目 Which paradigm most accurately describes BASIC? 答案 :A, Imperative or procedural 題目 What would happen to the equilibrium price and quantity of coffee if the wages of coffee-bean pickers fell and the price of tea fell? 答案 :A, Price will fall and the effect on quantity is ambiguous 題目 Nick can purchase each milkshake for $2. For the first milkshake purchased Nick is willing to pay $4, for the second milkshake $3, for the third milkshake $2 and for the fourth milkshake $1. What is the value of Nick's consumer surplus? 算法應該是 2+1+1-1=3 答案 :C ,3 【題目】 If resources are used efficiently, then _____. 如果資源得到有效利用,則 _____ 。 消費者剩餘加上生產者剩餘最大化 ~ 答案 :A ,consumer surplus plus producer surplus is maximized 題目 Which of the following is an imperative programming language? 答案 : D ,Ada 題目 Suppose A, B and C are three points on a Linear demand as in the figure below. The comparison of price elasticities is 答案 :B , ABC 題目 CDC character set contains 64 characters, To represent any possible 10 character string needs at least 答案 : D,60Bits 題目 The kinked demand curve model assumes that a firm's rivals will 答案 :C,follow the firm's price decreases but not its price increases. 題目 Two goods are complements if a decrease in the price of one good 答案 :C,increases the demand for the other good. 題目 A competitive firm will tend to expand its output so long as: 答案 :B,Marginal revenues is greater than marginal cost. 題目 If a price increase of 5 percent increases the quantity demanded of another good by 2 percent, the goods must be and the cross elasticity of demand equals 答案 : D,substitutes; 0.4. 【題目】 Q : Suppose the demand and supply functions for a certain goods are givenby: QD=10-P QS=P-4 Find the total economic surplus generated at the market equilibrium A : 6.0 B : 10.5 C : 4.5 D : 9.0 【解答】: D9.0 題目 Economic Scarcity arises from? 答案: D limited resources and expanding wants. 題目 The supply curve for a good or service shows the sellers’ 答案: B ,minimun accptable price. 題目 A multitasking operating system developed in the early 1970s at Bell Laboratories 答案: C ,UNIX 題目 The prisoners’dilemma is a simple game in which : 答案: C ,both parties are made worse off by follwing their own self-interests 題目 The fallacy of composition is evident in which of the following statements? 答案: B ,If each farmer works harder all farmers will be richer. 題目 What kind of virus is typically hidden in MS word file? 答案: C ,macro 題目 Suppose that the price of eggs increases from 75 cents to $1.00 per dozen and as a result a typical farmer experiences a decrease in egg sales from 300 to 200 dozen per week. Using the method of average values, the price elasticity of demand is 答案: A ,1.4 題目 When marginal profit equals zero. 答案: C ,profit is maximized. A simple linear demand function may be stated as Q = a - bP +cI where Q is quantity demanded, P is the product price, and I is consumerincome. To compute an appropriate value for c, we can use observed values for Q and I and then setthe estimated income elasticity of demand equal to: 答案: C , c(I/Q) 【題目】 If the market price is higher than the equilibrium price. a surplus exists and the market price will fall until it equals the equilibrium price and the surplus is eliminated. a shortage exists and the equilibrium price will rise until it equals the market price and the shortage is eliminated. a shortage exists and the market price will fall until it equals the equilibrium price and the shortage is eliminated. a surplus exists and the equilibrium price will rise until it equals the market price and the surplus is eliminated. 答案 :A If a good is produced using inputs for which there are no substitutes, the good's elasticity of supply is likely to be large. elasticity of demand will be large. elasticity of demand will be small. elasticity of supply is likely to be small. 答案 D elasticity of supply is likely to be small. Suppose the price elasticity of demand for oil is 0.1. price elasticity of supply for oil is 0. In order to lower the price of oil by 20 percent, the quantity of oil supplied must be increased by 20 percent. 200 percent. 2 percent. 0.2 percent. 【題目】 ( 甲 ) 子夏問曰:「『巧笑倩兮,美目盼兮,素以為絢兮。』何謂也?」子曰:「繪事後素。」曰:「禮後乎?」子曰:「起予者商也!始可與言《詩》已矣。」 ( 乙 ) 子夏曰:「日知其 所亡,月無忘其所能,可謂好學也已矣。」根據這兩段引文,子夏應列在孔門四科中的哪一科 言語 德行 政事 文學 Let 2X^2Y-4Y^3=4 and find the value of point (2,1)Y'' A 0 B -13 C -15 D 10 答案 C 【題目】 Levi’s jeans sell for $100 a pair. Suppose at the profit maximizing quantity, Levi’s average total cost was $110 and Average variable cost was $55, which statement is true? Levi’s will produce in the short run but go out of business in the long run Levi’s will shut down in the short run and go out of business in the long run Levi’s will not produce in the short run and n in the long run Levi’s will produce in the short and long run Levi’s will produce in the short run but go out of business in the long run 【題目】 When demand increases and supply decreases, the equilibrium quantity decreases, and the equilibrium price might rise, fall, or remain constant. equilibrium quantity increases, and the equilibrium price might rise, fall, or remain constant. equilibrium price falls, and the equilibrium quantity might increase, decrease, or remain constant. equilibrium price rises, and the equilibrium quantity might increase, decrease, or remain constant. 答案 : equilibrium price rises, and the equilibrium quantity might increase, decrease, or remain constant. 【題目】 If the price of the Walkman is below the equilibrium price, there will be a _______ of Walkmans and the price will _______. surplus; fall surplus; rise shortage; fall shortage; rise 答案 : shortage; rise 【題目】 Converting from type ____ to type ____ will result in the loss of data. short, long bool, char float, double int, char 答案 : int, char 【題目】 What kind of virus is typically hidden in MS word file? A: Boot Strap Sector B:Trojan C: worm D: mac ro 答案 :D macro The owner of a local hot dog stand has estimated that if he lowers the price of hot dogs from $2.00 to $1.50, he will increase sales from 400 to 500 hot dogs per day. Using the midpoint formula, the demand for hot dogs is ANS : inelastic. 【題目】 If a good is produced using inputs for which there are no substitutes, the good's elasticity of demand will be small. elasticity of supply is likely to be small. elasticity of supply is likely to be large. elasticity of demand will be large. 答案 : elasticity of supply is likely to be small. 【題目】 The figure shows the market for books before and after a sales tax is introduced. The tax on books is ____ abook, buyers pay ____ of tax per book, and the governments tax revenue is ____. 答案 :$1.20; $0.80; $12 【題目】 Raisin bran and milk are complementary goods. A decrease in the price of raisins will decrease consumer surplus in the market for raisin bran and increase producer surplus in the market for milk. decrease consumer surplus in the market for raisin bran and decrease producer surplus in the market for milk. increase consumer surplus in the market for raisin bran and increase producer surplus in the market for milk. increase consumer surplus in the market for raisin bran and decrease producer surplus in the market for milk. 答案 :increase consumer surplus in the market for raisin bran and increase producer surplus in the market for milk If price exceeds average costs under pure competition, ____ firms will enter the industry, supply will ____, and price will be driven ____.Selected Answer: more; increase; down 【題目】 The demand for a product tends to be inelastic if. 答案: a small proportion of consumer's income is spent on the good. 題目 The statement “An increase in the price of gasoLine will lead to a decrease in the amount purchases” is 答案 :a positive statement. 題目 : Which of the following statement is normative ? 答案 :Higher taxes are needed to support education. 【題目】 Which paradigm most accurately describes BASIC? Imperative or procedural Logic Object oriented Functional 答案 Imperative 【題目】 Crude oil can be refined into home heating oil or gasoline. If very cold weather caused the price of home heating oil to increase, then the supply of gasoline would increase. the equilibrium price of gasoline would rise. (Ans) the demand of gasoline would decrease. the supply of home heating oil would decrease. 【題目】 Suppose the price of a good rises. When will the resulting substitution effect reduce the quantity demanded of the good? Only when the good is normal. Whenever the good is a non-Giffen good. Only when the good is inferior. Always. 【題目】 The supply curve for a good or service shows the sellers’ maximum acceptable price. average acceptable price. target price. minimum acceptable price. 答案 minimum acceptable price. 【題目】 Which of the following statements is true? Oligopolists : Will consider the potential response of its rivals when making business decisions. all of the above. tend to produce the monopoly output and sell at the monopoly price when they are able to collude . behave interdependently. 答案 :all of the above. 【題目】 「 Last October, due to an early frost, the price for a pumpkin increased by 10 percent.As a result, the quantity demanded decreased from 2 million to 1.5 million. 」 Based on this statement, the demand for pumpkins is inelastic. demand for pumpkins is elastic. demand for pumpkins is unit elastic. demand curve for pumpkins shifted rightward. 答案 : demand for pumpkins is elastic. 題目 Under which of the following conditions would the interdiction of illegal drugs result in a decrease in the quantity of drugs sold and in a decrease in total spending on illegal drugs by drug users? 【題目】 Let A = J e1(1nx)2 dx , then 答案 : 0 A 1 【題目】 Q : Suppose the demand and supply functions for a certain goods are given by: QD=10-P QS=P-4 Find the total economic surplus generated at the market equilibrium A : 6.0 B : 10.5 C : 4.5 D : 9.0 【解答】: D 9.0 【題目】 The expansion of capital that can occur in the long-run but not in the short-run, means that the long-run supply is 答案 :more elastic than the short-run supply curve. 【題目】 A competitive firm will tend to expand its output so long as: Marginal cost is less than average cost. Marginal revenues is greater than marginal cost. Marginal revenues is greater than the average cost. Marginal revenues is positive. 答案 :Marginal revenues is greater than marginal cost. 【題目】 What would happen to the equilibrium price and quantity of coffee if the wages of coffee-bean pickers fell and the price of tea fell? Quantity will fall and the effect on price is ambiguous. Quantity will rise and the effect on price is ambiguous. Price will rise and the effect on quantity is ambiguous. Price will fall and the effect on quantity is ambiguous. 答案 d Price will fall and the effect on quantity is ambiguous 【題目】 Q : The kinked demand curve model was developed to help explain. fluctuations of prices in pure competition. rigidities in prices in oligopolistic industries. none of the above. fluctuations in prices in oligopolistic industries. 【解答】 A : rigidities in prices in oligopolistic industries. 【題目】 for the function f(X)=3√x(x-7)² which of the following statements are true ? f (0) = 0 is a relative minimum f (x) is differentiable everywhere f (7) = 0 is a relative minimum f (x) has no relative maximum 答案 C 【題目】 Q : The most fundamentaleconomic problem is A : reducing unemployment. B : health and health care. C : decreasing the inflation rate. D : scarcity. 【解答】: D : scarcity. 題目 A short piece of information used to authenticate a message is commonly referred to as MAC hash digest stub 答案 :MAC Which of the following system is used to manage information about customers, interact with customers, and to improve a company's relationship with its customers? 答案 CRM The demand for Chocolate Chip Cookie ice cream is likely quite elastic because 答案 other flavors of ice cream are good substitutes for this particular flavor. 【題目】 A simple linear demand function may be stated as Q = a - bP +cI where Q is quantity demanded, P is the product price, and I is consumerincome. To compute an appropriate value for c, we can use observed values for Q and I and then setthe estimated income elasticity of demand equal to: c(I/Q) c(Q/I) -b(I/Q) Q/(cI) 答案 :c(I/Q) 【題目】 Which of the following factors would not cause the demand curve for a given product to shift? 答案 : Changes in price. Which of the following system is used to manage information about customers, interact with customers, and to improve a company's relationship with its customers? 以下哪個系統用於管理有關客戶的信息,與客戶互動以及改善公司與客戶的關係? 答案 CRMD 客戶關係管理 【題目】 The price elasticity of demand for cigarettes is 0.4. If government wants to reduce smoking by 10 percent, by how much should it raise the price of cigarettes by imposing a tax? by 50 percent by 20 percent by 10 percent by 25 percent 答案 題目】 If a fall in the price of good A increases the quantity demanded of good B, 如果商品 A 的價格下跌增加了商品 B 的需求量, B is a substitute for A, but A is a complement to B B 替代 A ,但 A 替代 B A and B are complements A 和 B 是補碼 A is a substitute for B, but B is a complement to A A 替代 B ,但 B 替代 A A and B are substitutes A 和 B 是替代品 答案 : A and B are complements. 【題目】 Which of the following acronyms refers to ports on laptop computer that accept small cards that server as expansion boards? 答案 :PCMCIA 【題目】 A decrease in the supply raises its equilibrium price and decreases its equilibrium quantity. lowers its equilibrium price and increases its equilibrium quantity. decreases both its equilibrium price and its equilibrium quantity. increases both its equilibrium price and its equilibrium quantity. 答案 raises its equilibrium price and decreases its equilibrium quantity. 【題目】 Assume that we have a demand curve of the form.log(Q)=a-b×log(P)+c×log(I), where Q=quantity, P=price, I=income, and a, b, and c are positive constants. The income and price elasticities for the demand curve represented above are always 答案 : constant. 【題目】 Suppose the price elasticity of demand for tickets of Taiwan High Speed Railway(THSR) is 1.5. Ceteris paribus, when THSR reduces its prices, its revenue 【題目】 Each standard library has a corresponding: Variable type Function Cd-rom Header file 答案 Header file 【題目】 Bonds that have an option exercisable by the issuer to retire them at a stated dollar amount prior to maturity are known as: 答案 : Callable bonds. If cigarettes and marijuana had been found to be substitutes, a tax placed on cigarettes would 答案 : increase the demand for marijuana. 【題目】 Q : Suppose the price elasticity of demand for tickets of Taiwan High Speed Railway (THSR) is 1.5.Ceteris paribus, when THSR reduces its prices, its revenue A : will go down. B : will remain the same. C : will go up. D : may go up or down. 【解答】: C will go up. Let A be the area between the curves y = sin x and y = sin 2x from x = 0 to x = π 。 then 答案 : 2 A 3. You are an economist for the Taipei City Subway Commission. Presently, the price of a subway ride is $80, and 250,000 seats are filled weekly. The income elasticity of demand is -0.60. If a recession lowered area incomes by 5 % , how many additional seats per week would the subway need? 答案 7,500 seats In long-run equilibrium of a competitive market, the number of firms in the markets adjusts so that all of the market demand is satisfied at a price equal to 答案 minimum average total cost 【題目】 The figure shows the market for books before and after a sales tax is introduced. The tax on books is ____ a book, buyers pay ____ of tax per book, and the governments tax revenue is ____. 答案 $1.20; $0.80; $12 【題目】: Which of the following is the amount a person would invest now to receive a greater amount in the future? A : Stated interest rate B : Present value C : Future value D : Market interest rate 【解答】: B : Present value 【題目】 Q : The most fundamentaleconomic problem is A : reducing unemployment. B : health and health care. C : decreasing the inflation rate. D : scarcity. 【解答】: D : scarcity. 【題目】 For a good that is a necessity, its price elasticity equals one. the law of demand often does not apply. quantity demanded tends to respond substantially to a change in price. demand tends to be inelastic. 答案 demand tends to be inelastic. 【題目】: If the quantity demanded increase as peoples incomes increase, the result of A : a substitute. B : a complement. C : an inferior good. D : a normal good. 【解答】: D : a normal good.The statement “An increase in the price of gasoLine will lead to a decrease in the amount purchases” is a positive statement. 【題目】 Nick can purchase each milkshake for $2. For the first milkshake purchased Nick is willing to pay $4, for the second milkshake $3, for the third milkshake $2 and for the fourth milkshake $1. What is the value of Nick's consumer surplus? $10 $3 $9 $2 答案 $3 【題目】 :Which of the following acronyms refers to ports on laptop computer that accept small cards that server as expansion boards? 答案 :PCMCIA 【題目】「微管仲,吾其被髮左衽矣。」的「微」字字義與下列何者相同? A :「微」夫人之力,不及此 B :式「微」、式微,胡不歸 C :觀其所以「微」見其意者,皆聖賢相與警戒之義 D : 「微」風鼓浪,水石相搏 【解答】: A 「微」夫人之力,不及此 【題目】 Which of the following factors would not cause the demand curve for a given product to shift? changes in price 【題目】 ( 甲 ) 子夏問曰:「『巧笑倩兮,美目盼兮,素以為絢兮。』何謂也?」子曰:「繪事後素。」曰:「禮後乎?」子曰:「起予者商也!始可與言《詩》已矣。」 ( 乙 ) 子夏曰:「日知其 所亡,月無忘其所能,可謂好學也已矣。」根據這兩段引文,子夏應列在孔門四科中的哪一科 德行 言語 政事 文學 ( 答案 ) A simple linear demand function may be stated as Q= a-bP+cI where Q is quantity demanded , P is the product price, and I is consumer income. To compute an appropriate value for c, we can use observed values for Q and I and then set the estimated income elasticity of demand equal to. 答案 :c(I/Q) 題目 :Good A and good B are substitutes in production. The demand for good A increases so that the price of good A rises. The increase in the price of good A shifts the 答案 :supply curve of good B leftward. 【題目】 Suppose the price of a good rises. When will the resulting substitution effect reduce the quantity demanded of the good? Always. 【題目】 Apples and oranges are substitute goods. A freeze in Florida destroyed a good portion of the orange crop. Ceteris paribus, the price of both apples and oranges will fall. both apples and oranges will rise. oranges will fall and the price of apples will rise. oranges will rise and the price of apples will fall. 答案 :both apples and oranges will rise. 題目 : Producer surplus is the : 答案 :difference between revenue and variable cost of production. Two goods are complements if a decrease in the price of one good 答案 :C,increases the demand for the other good. 【題目】 Suppose that the price of eggs increases from 75 cents to $1.00 per dozen and as a result a typical farmer experiences a decrease in egg sales from 300 to 200 dozen per week. Using the method of average values, the price elasticity of demand is 答案 :1.4 題目 :A firm in pure competition would shut down when 答案 :price is less than average total cost. Nick can purchase each milkshake for $2. For the first milkshake purchased Nick is willing to pay $4, for the second milkshake $3, for the third milkshake $2 and for the fourth milkshake $1. What is the value of Nick's consumer surplus? 答案 :C ,3 題目 A competitive firm will tend to expand its output so long as: Marginal revenues is greater than marginal cost. 【題目】 A profit-maximizing firm in a competitive market is able to sell its product for $7. At its current level of output, the firm’s average total cost is $10. The firm’s marginal cost curve crosses its marginal revenue curve at an output level of 9 units. The firm experiences a 答案 :loss of exactly $27. 【題目】 A multitasking operating system developed in the early 1970s at Bell Laboratories: 答案 :UNIX A freeze that destroys half of the water lili crop in Tainan would likely raise the price of water lily, 答案 reducing the quantity demanded for water lily and increasing the demand for tea 題目 : Good A and good B are substitutes in production. The demand for good A increases so that the price of good A rises. The increase in the price of good A shifts the 答案 :supply curve of good B leftward. 【題目】 Q : Suppose the demand and supply functions for a certain goods are given 9.0 題目 :If the price of the Walkman is below the equilibrium price, there will be a _______ of Walkmans and the price will _______. surplus; fall surplus; rise shortage; fall shortage; rise 答案 : shortage; rise 題目 :In the short run the magnitude of the own price elasticity of demand for ice cream: is the same as in the long run. is lower than in the long run. is higher than in the long run. does not depend on the fact that ice cream can be frozen. 答案 : is lower than in the long run. 【題目】 Suppose that the price of eggs increases from 75 cents to $1.00 per dozen and as a result a typical farmer experiences a decrease in egg sales from 300 to 200 dozen per week. Using the method of average values, the price elasticity of demand is 答案 :1.4 【題目】 If the market price is higher than the equilibrium price. a surplus exists and the market price will fall until it equals the equilibrium price and the surplus is eliminated. Which of the following system is used to manage information about customers, interact with customers, and to improve a company's relationship with its customers? 答案 CRM 答案: Dlimited resources and expanding wants. 【題目】 What kind of virus is typically hidden in MS word file? A: Boot Strap Sector B:Trojan C: worm D: macro 答案 :D macro What kind of virus is typically hidden in MS word file? A: Boot Strap Sector B:Trojan C: worm D: mac ro macro Suppose that the price of eggs increases from 75 cents to $1.00 per dozen and as a result a typical farmer experiences a decrease in egg sales from 300 to 200 dozen per week. Using the method of average values, the price elasticity of demand is 0.8 1.4 1.75 3.0 答案 :1.4 【題目】 The fallacy of composition is evident in which of the following statements? If each farmer works harder all farmers will be richer. Under which of the following conditions would the interdiction of illegal drugs result in a decrease in the quantity of drugs sold and in a decrease in total spending on illegal drugs by drug users? The kinked demand curve model assumes that a firm's rivals will follow the firm's price decreases but not its price increases. 【題目】 Good A and good B are substitutes in production. The demand for good A increases so that the price of good A rises. The increase in the price of good A shifts the demand curve for good B leftward. supply curve of good B rightward. supply curve of good B leftward. ( 答案 ) demand curve for good B rightward. 【題目】 When marginal profit equals zero: the firm cannot exercise price discrimination. profit is maximized. the firm can increase profits by increasing output. the firm can increase profits by decreasing output. marginal revenue equals average revenue. 答案 : profit is maximized. 【題目】 A profit-maximizing firm in a competitive market is able to sell its product for $7. At its current level of output, the firm’s average total cost is $10. The firm’s marginal cost curve crosses its marginal revenue curve at an output level of 9 units. The firm experiences a loss of exactly $27. 【題目】 A freeze that destroys half of the water lily crop in Tainan would likely raise the price of water lily. reducing the demand for both water lily and tea. reducing the demand for water lily and increasing the demand for tea. reducing the quantity demanded for both water lily and tea. reducing the quantity demanded for water lily and increasing the demand for tea. The supply curve for a good or service shows the sellers’ 答案: minimun accptable price. Let A be the area between the curves y = sin x and y = sin 2x from x = 0 to x = π 。 then 答案 : 2 A 3. 【題目】 Assume that we have a demand curve of the form.log(Q)=a-b×log(P)+c×log(I), where Q=quantity, P=price, I=income, and a, b, and c are positive constants. The income and price elasticities for the demand curve represented above are always constant. equal to zero. equal to one. equal(i.e., income elasticity always equals price elasticity). 答案 constant Consumer surplus is: the price one is willing to pay divided by its actual price the difference between the price one is willing to pay and the price one has to pay negative for an inferior good the difference between the substitution and income effect 答案 B the difference between the price one is willing to pay and the price one has to pay 【題目】 A multitasking operating system developed in the early 1970s at Bell Laboratories: 答案 :UNIX Which paradigm most accurately describes BASIC? Imperative or procedural Which of the following would be most likely to cause the demand for cheese to shift from D0 to D1? 【題目】「微管仲,吾其被髮左袵矣。」句中「微」字與下列 選項中,何者之「微」字義同? ANS: 「微」夫人之力不及此 10900303 【題目】 1 A 2 2 A 3 0 A 1 3 A 4
303 次閱讀|0 個評論
熱度 1 skghner 2022-5-11 20:17
for the function f(X)=3√x(x-7)² which of the following statements are true ? 答案 : f (7) = 0 is a relative minimum 【題目】 Let A = J e1(1nx)2 dx , then 答案 : 0 A 1 Let a=∫1 0 x5(1-x3)1/3 dx,then 答:0A1 Let A be the area between the curves y = sin x and y = sin 2x from x = 0 to x = π 。then 答案: 2 A 3 For implicit function 2xy+ex+y -2=0 dy/dx (0,ln2)=? 答案: -1 - ln2 Suppose the demand and supply functions for a certain goods are given by: QD=10-P QS=P-4 Find the total economic surplus generated at the market equilibrium 答案: 9.0 Converting from type ____ to type ____ will result in the loss of data. 答案 : int, char Suppose A, B and C are three points on a linear demand as in the figure below. The comparison of price elasticities is 答案: ABC Which of the following statements is true? Oligopolists : 答案: all of the above. The expansion of capital that can occur in the long-run but not in the short-run, means that the long-run supply is 答案: more elastic than the short-run supply curve. A competitive firm will tend to expand its output so long as: 答案: Marginal revenues is greater than marginal cost. If resources are used efficiently, then _____. 答案: consumer surplus plus producer surplus is maximized If the quantity demanded increase as peoples incomes increase, the result of 【解答】 a normal good. A multitasking operating system developed in the early 1970s at Bell Laboratories: 答案: UNIX When marginal profit equals zero. 答案: profit is maximized. The prisoners’ dilemma is a simple game in which: 答案 : both parties are made worse off by following their own self-interests. Suppose the price of a good rises. When will the resulting substitution effect reduce the quantity demanded of the good? 答案: Always Suppose that the price of eggs increases from 75 cents to $1.00 per dozen and as a result a typical farmer experiences a decrease in egg sales from 300 to 200 dozen per week. Using the method of average values, the price elasticity of demand is 答案: 1.4 If a good is produced using inputs for which there are no substitutes, the good's 答案 : elasticity of supply is likely to be small. Which of the following would be most likely to cause the demand for cheese to shift from D0 to D1? 答案 : an increase in income, assuming cheese is a normal good Assume that we have a demand curve of the form.log(Q)=a-b×log(P)+c×log(I), where Q=quantity, P=price, I=income, and a, b, and c are positive constants. The income and price elasticities for the demand curve represented above are always 答案: constant A profit-maximizing firm in a competitive market is able to sell its product for $7. At its current level of output, the firm’s average total cost is $10. The firm’s marginal cost curve crosses its marginal revenue curve at an output level of 9 units. The firm experiences a 答案: loss of exactly $27. The owner of a local hot dog stand has estimated that if he lowers the price of hot dogs from $2.00 to $1.50, he will increase sales from 400 to 500 hot dogs per day. Using the midpoint formula, the demand for hot dogs is 答案: inelastic A short piece of information used to authenticate a message is commonly referred to as 答案: MAC Which of the following system is used to manage information about customers, interact with customers, and to improve a company's relationship with its customers? 答案: CRM If cigarettes and marijuana had been found to be substitutes, a tax placed on cigarettes would 答案: increase the demand for marijuana (In C) int x=1; if (x=2) x=3; the value of x is ____. 答案: 3 If price exceeds average costs under pure competition, in the long run ,______ firms will enter the industry, supply will ______, and price will be driven ______. 答案: more; increase; down Levi’s jeans sell for $100 a pair. Suppose at the profit maximizing quantity, Levi’s average total cost was $110 and Average variable cost was $55, which statement is true? 答案: Levi’s will produce in the short run but go out of business in the long run The kinked demand curve model was developed to help explain. 答案: rigidities in prices in oligopolistic industries. Suppose the price elasticity of demand for oil is 0.1. price elasticity of supply for oil is 0. In order to lower the price of oil by 20 percent, the quantity of oil supplied must be increased by 答案:2 percent. Raisin bran and milk are complementary goods. A decrease in the price of raisins will 答案:increase consumer surplus in the market for raisin bran and increase producer surplus in the market for milk. A freeze that destroys half of the water lily crop in Tainan would likely raise the price of water lily. 答案: reducing the quantity demanded for water lily and increasing the demand for tea Economic scarcity arises from 答案: limited resources and limitless wants . What kind of virus is typically hidden in MS word file? 答案: mac ro In long-run equilibrium of a competitive market, the number of firms in the markets adjusts so that all of the market demand is satisfied at a price equal to 答案: minimum average total cost Suppose the demand for gourmet coffee can be represented by a linear demand curve. When income rises cause the demand curve for gourmet coffee shift to the right parallelly: 答案: becomes less elastic at the price that prevailed before the change in income The kinked demand curve model assumes that a firm's rivals will 答案 : follow the firm's price decreases but not its price increases Which of the following acronyms refers to ports on laptop computer that accept small cards that server as expansion boards? 答案 : P CMCIA The fallacy of composition is evident in which of the following statements? 答案 : If each farmer works harder all farmers will be richer. If the price of the Walkman is below the equilibrium price, there will be a _______ of Walkmans and the price will _______. 答案 : shortage; rise The price elasticity of demand for cigarettes is 0.4. If government wants to reduce smoking by 10 percent, by how much should it raise the price of cigarettes by imposing a tax? 答案 : by 25 percent Under which of the following conditions would the interdiction of illegal drugs result in a decrease in the quantity of drugs sold and in a decrease in total spending on illegal drugs by drug users? 答案 :The price elasticity of demand for illegal drugs is 1.3 Nick can purchase each milkshake for $2. For the first milkshake purchased Nick is willing to pay $4, for the second milkshake $3, for the third milkshake $2 and for the fourth milkshake $1. What is the value of Nick's consumer surplus? 答案 : 3 CDC character set contains 64 characters, To represent any possible 10 character string needs at least 答案 :60 When demand increases and supply decreases, the 答案 :equilibrium price rises, and the equilibrium quantity might increase, decrease, or remain constant. In the short run the magnitude of the own price elasticity of demand for ice cream: 答案 :is lower than in the long run. 「微管仲,吾其被髮左衽矣。」的「微」字字義與下列何者相同? 答案 : 「微」夫人之力,不及此 The supply curve for a good or service shows the sellers’ 答案 :minimum acceptable price. Which of the following is the amount a person would invest now to receive a greater amount in the future? 答案 :Present value ( 甲 ) 子夏問曰:「『巧笑倩兮,美目盼兮,素以為絢兮。』何謂也?」子曰:「繪事後素。」曰:「禮後乎?」子曰:「起予者商也!始可與言《詩》已矣。」 ( 乙 ) 子夏曰:「日知其 所亡,月無忘其所能,可謂好學也已矣。」根據這兩段引文,子夏應列在孔門四科中的哪一科 答案 : 文學 What would happen to the equilibrium price and quantity of coffee if the wages of coffee-bean pickers fell and the price of tea fell? 答案 :Price will fall and the effect on quantity is ambiguous Suppose there are only two firms supplying in the market and they produce a homogeneous good. Two firms produce the good with the same constant marginal cost. Firms compete by setting price simultaneously . The equilibrium price of both firms must 答案 :equal to the marginal cost. 「 Last October, due to an early frost, the price for a pumpkin increased by 10 percent.As a result, the quantity demanded decreased from 2 million to 1.5 million. 」 Based on this statement, the 答案 :demand for pumpkins is elastic. Which of the following factors would not cause the demand curve for a given product to shift? 答案 :Changes in price. You are an economist for the Taipei City Subway Commission. Presently, the price of a subway ride is $80, and 250,000 seats are filled weekly. The income elasticity of demand is -0.60. If a recession lowered area incomes by 5 % , how many additional seats per week would the subway need? 答案 : 7,500 seats A firm in pure competition would shut down when 答案 :price is less than average variable cost. The figure shows the market for books before and after a sales tax is introduced. The tax on books is ____ a book, buyers pay ____ of tax per book, and the governments tax revenue is ____. 答案 :$1.20; $0.80; $12 Producer surplus is the : 答案 :difference between revenue and variable cost of production. The most fundamentaleconomic problem is 答案 :scarcity. Consumer surplus is: 答案 :the difference between the price one is willing to pay and the price one has to pay for the function f(X)=3√x(x-7)² which of the following statements are true ? 答案 :f (7) = 0 is a relative minimum The demand for a product tends to be inelastic if. 答案 :a small proportion of consumer's income is spent on the good. A simple linear demand function may be stated as Q= a-bP+cI where Q is quantity demanded , P is the product price, and I is consumer income. To compute an appropriate value for c, we can use observed values for Q and I and then set the estimated income elasticity of demand equal to. 答案 :c(I / Q) If resources are used efficiently, then ____. 答案 : consumer surplus plus producer surplus is maximized A decrease in the supply 答案 :raises its equilibrium price and decreases its equilibrium quantity. Which paradigm most accurately describes BASIC? 答案 :Imperative or procedural The demand for Chocolate Chip Cookie ice cream is likely quite elastic because 答案 : other flavors of ice cream are good substitutes for this particular flavor. Each standard library has a corresponding: 答案: Header file Each standard library has a corresponding: 答案: Header file Crude oil can be refined into home heating oil or gasoline. If very cold weather caused the price of home heating oil to increase, then 答案: the equilibrium price of gasoline would rise. Bonds that have an option exercisable by the issuer to retire them at a stated dollar amount prior to maturity are known as: 答案 :Callable bonds. If a fall in the price of good A increases the quantity demanded of good B, 答案 : A and B are complements Suppose the price elasticity of demand for tickets of Taiwan High Speed Railway (THSR) is 1.5.Ceteris paribus, when THSR reduces its prices, its revenue 答案 :will go up. Good A and good B are substitutes in production. The demand for good A increases so that the price of good A rises. The increase in the price of good A shifts the 答案 : supply curve of good B leftward. If the market price is higher than the equilibrium price. 答案 : a surplus exists and the market price will fall until it equals the equilibrium price and the surplus is eliminated. The statement “An increase in the price of gasoline will lead to a decrease in the amount purchases” is 答案 : a positive statement If a price increase of 5 percent increases the quantity demanded of another good by 2 percent, the goods must be and the cross elasticity of demand equals 答案 : substitutes; 0.4. Apples and oranges are substitute goods. A freeze in Florida destroyed a good portion of the orange crop. Ceteris paribus, the price of 答案 : both apples and oranges will rise. Two goods are complements if a decrease in the price of one good 答案 : increases the demand for the other good. which of the following would be most likely to cause the demand for cheese to shift from d0 to d1 答案 : an increase in income, assuming cheese is a normal good Which of the following statement is normative ? 答案 : Higher taxes are needed to support education. Which of the following is an imperative programming language? 答案 : Ada For a good that is a necessity, 答案 :demand tends to be inelastic.
1644 次閱讀|0 個評論
熱度 4 avatarcyt 2022-4-17 10:16
【題目】 Under which of the following conditions would the interdiction of illegal drugs result in a decrease in the quantity of drugs sold and in a decrease in total spending on illegal drugs by drug users? The price elasticity of supply for illegal drugs is 0.8. The price elasticity of demand for illegal drugs is 1.3. The interdiction has the effect of shifting the demand curve for illegal drugs to the right. The interdiction has the effect of shifting the supply curve for illegal drugs to the right. 【題目】 If the price of the Walkman is below the equilibrium price, there will be a _______ of Walkmans and the price will _______. surplus; fall shortage; rise surplus; rise shortage; fall 【題目】 Assume that we have a demand curve of the form.log(Q)=a-b×log(P)+c×log(I), where Q=quantity, P=price, I=income, and a, b, and c are positive constants. The income and price elasticities for the demand curve represented above are always equal to one. equal(i.e., income elasticity always equals price elasticity). equal to zero. constant. 【題目】 A decrease in the supply increases both its equilibrium price and its equilibrium quantity. decreases both its equilibrium price and its equilibrium quantity. lowers its equilibrium price and increases its equilibrium quantity. raises its equilibrium price and decreases its equilibrium quantity. 【題目】 Consumer surplus is: the difference between the price one is willing to pay and the price one has to pay the price one is willing to pay divided by its actual price negative for an inferior good the difference between the substitution and income effect 【題目】 A multitasking operating system developed in the early 1970s at Bell Laboratories: FreeBSD NetWare UNIX Linux 【題目】 Suppose the price elasticity of demand for oil is 0.1. price elasticity of supply for oil is 0. In order to lower the price of oil by 20 percent, the quantity of oil supplied must be increased by 20 percent. 200 percent. 2 percent. 0.2 percent. 【題目】 Which paradigm most accurately describes BASIC? Functional Object oriented Logic Imperative or procedural 【題目】For implicit function 2xy+ex+y -2=0 dy/dx (0,ln2)=? 1 - ln2 -1 - ln2 1 + ln2 0 【題目】 Let A = J e1(1nx)2 dx , then 就可以找到答案了 --- 答案: 0 A 1 【題目】 Assume that we have a demand curve of the form.log(Q)=a-b×log(P)+c×log(I), where Q=quantity, P=price, I=income, and a, b, and c are positive constants. The income and price elasticities for the demand curve represented above are always 答案: constant . 【題目】 Let A = 【題目】 A decrease in the supply 答案: raises its equilibrium price and decreases its equilibrium quantity. 【題目】 The supply curve for a good or service shows the sellers’ maximum acceptable price. average acceptable price. target price. minimum acceptable price.
3157 次閱讀|0 個評論
tsung1215 2022-1-24 00:09
----- 題目 範本 ---- 【題目】: -- 【 答案 】 : ----- 圖表 ---- 【題目】: The figure shows the market for books before and after a sales tax is introduced. The tax on books is ____ a book, buyers pay ____ of tax per book, and the governments tax revenue is ____. -- 【 答案 】 : $1.20; $0.80; $12 --------- 【題目】: Which of the following would be most likely to cause the demand for cheese to shift from D0 to D1? -- 【 答案 】 : an increase in income, assuming cheese is a normal good --------- 【題目】: Suppose A, B and C are three points on a linear demand as in the figure below. The comparison of price elasticities is -- 【 答案 】 : A B C. --------- ----- 函數 ---- 【題目】: -- 【 答案 】 : f (7) = 0 is a relative minimum --------- 【題目】: -- 【 答案 】 : 0 A 1 --------- 【題目】: -- 【 答案 】 : 0 A 1 --------- 【題目】: -- 【 答案 】 : 9.0 --------- 【題目】: -- 【 答案 】 : -1 - ln2 --------- 【題目】: Assume that we have a demand curve of the form.log(Q)=a-b×log(P)+c×log(I), where Q=quantity, P=price, I=income, and a, b, and c are positive constants. The income and price elasticities for the demand curve represented above are always -- 【 答案 】 : constant. --------- 【題目】: (In C) int x=1; if (x=2) x=3; the value of x is ____. -- 【 答案 】 : 3 --------- 【題目】: Let A be the area between the curves y = sin x and y = sin 2x from x = 0 to x = π 。then -- 【 答案 】 : 2 A 3 --------- ----- 中文 ---- 【題目】: (甲)子夏問曰:「『巧笑倩兮,美目盼兮,素以為絢兮。』何謂也?」子曰:「繪事後素。」曰:「禮後乎?」子曰:「起予者商也!始可與言《詩》已矣。」(乙)子夏曰:「日知其 所亡,月無忘其所能,可謂好學也已矣。」根據這兩段引文,子夏應列在孔門四科中的哪一科 -- 【 答案 】 : 文學 --------- 【題目】: 「微管仲,吾其被髮左衽矣。」的「微」字字義與下列何者相同? -- 【 答案 】 : 「微」夫人之力,不及此 --------- --------- --------- ----- 動漫 ---- 【題目】: 在日本TV動畫中有許多經典角色,請問圖中的小可愛是誰? -- 【 答案 】 : 井芹仁菜《Girls Band Cry(ガールズバンドクライ)》 --------- 【題目】: 在TV動畫《Lycoris Recoil 莉可麗絲》中,請問圖中角色手上拿的胖次是誰的? -- 【 答案 】 : 井之上瀧奈 --------- 【題目】: 在日本TV動畫中有許多經典角色,請問圖中的幽靈是誰? 【 答案 】 : 八奈見杏菜《敗北女角太多了!》 --------- 【題目】: 在TV動畫《搖曳露營△》中,某位角色有養狗(如下圖),請問飼主是誰? -- 【 答案 】 : 齊藤惠那(斉藤 恵那) --------- 【題目】: 在第一季TV動畫《藥師少女的獨語》中,請問是何人擔任女主角「貓貓」的請假出宮的保人? -- 【 答案 】 : 李白 --------- 【題目】: 在動畫及小說《刀劍神域》中,請問主角「桐谷和人」在現實中的戀人是誰? -- 【 答案 】 : 結城明日奈 --------- 【題目】: 在TV動畫《轉生成女性向遊戲只有毀滅END的壞人大小姐》中,請問「卡塔莉娜·庫萊耶思」的初吻獻給誰? -- 【 答案 】 : 吉奧多·史提亞德 --------- 【題目】: 在漫畫及動畫《戀上換裝娃娃》中,主角「五条新菜」原先立志成為的職業是何者? -- 【 答案 】 : 女兒節娃娃工匠 --------- 【題目】: 在動畫及小說中有許多異世界的作品,請問以下哪位主角是經由召喚前往異世界的? -- 【 答案 】 : 深澄真(月光下的異世界之旅) --------- 【題目】: 在動畫《為美好世界獻上祝福!》中,鬼畜和真使用偷竊(Steal)技能奪取了許多女性的胖次,請問以下何人的胖次沒有被和真奪取過? -- 【 答案 】 : 阿克婭 --------- 【題目】: 在動漫及小說中,網友常戲稱的「如果智障有顏色,那麼一定是藍色」是指以下何人? -- 【 答案 】 : 阿克婭(為美好世界獻上祝福!) --------- 【題目】: 在TV動畫《葬送的芙莉蓮》中,請問以下哪位不是原「勇者一行人」? -- 【 答案 】 : 費倫 --------- 【題目】: 在TV動畫《我推的孩子》中,星野愛的小孩星野愛久愛海(阿奎亞)前世的職業是什麼? -- 【 答案 】 : 醫生 --------- 【題目】: 在動畫《SPY×FAMILY間諜家家酒》中,以下哪位是擁有讀心術的超能力者? -- 【 答案 】 : 安妮亞·佛傑 --------- 【題目】: 在TV動畫《中二病也想談戀愛!》中,以下哪位不曾罹患「中二病」? -- 【 答案 】 : 五月七日茴香 --------- 【題目】: 在第一季TV動畫《我內心的糟糕念頭》中,主角市川京太郎第一個加Line的異性同學是誰? -- 【 答案 】 : 關根萌子 --------- 【題目】: 在TV動畫《熊熊勇闖異世界》中,主角「優奈(ユナ)」的召喚獸有黑熊跟白熊,請問黑熊名叫什麼? -- 【 答案 】 : 熊緩(くまゆる) --------- 【題目】: 在漫畫及動畫《迷宮飯》中,請問原先是為了拯救誰而返回地下城? -- 【 答案 】 : 法琳‧托登 【題目】: 在第一季TV動畫《我內心的糟糕念頭》中,市川京太郎的Line頭貼是放誰? -- 【 答案 】 : 拉姆 --------- 【題目】: 在TV動畫《不正經的魔術講師與禁忌教典》中,「Shock volt」的基本詠唱為「雷精啊 以紫電之衝擊 擊敗他(雷精よ・紫電の衝撃以って・撃ち倒せ)」,若改成「雷精啊 以紫電 之衝擊 擊敗他(雷精よ・紫電の・衝撃以って・撃ち倒せ)」會變怎樣? -- 【 答案 】 : 向右轉 --------- 【題目】: 在第一季TV動畫《魔王軍最強的魔術師是人類》中,以下誰不知道主角「艾克」真實身分是人類? -- 【 答案 】 : 帕斯狄歐 --------- 【題目】: 在第一季TV動畫《敗北女角太多了!》中,主角溫水和彥用4K電視及8K電視形容女性,請問溫水的4K是指哪位女角? -- 【 答案 】 : 八奈見杏菜 --------- 【題目】: 在TV動畫《Lycoris Recoil 莉可麗絲》中,請問何人不是「LycoReco」的店員? -- 【 答案 】 : 春川風希 --------- 【題目】: 在動畫《盾之勇者成名錄》中,以下哪位並非是人類或亞人,而是魔物? -- 【 答案 】 : 菲洛 --------- 【題目】: 在小說《無職轉生~到了異世界就拿出真本事~》中,以下何者不是主角「魯迪烏斯·格雷拉特」的老婆? -- 【 答案 】 : 諾倫·格雷拉特 --------- 【題目】: 在TV動畫《地下城中的人》中,請問地下城寶箱中的寶物大多是如何產生的? -- 【 答案 】 : 員工補貨 --------- 【題目】: 在第一季TV動畫《持續狩獵史萊姆三百年,不知不覺就練到LV MAX》中,高原的魔女「亞梓莎・埃札瓦」這三百年來平均每天大約狩獵多少隻史萊姆? -- 【 答案 】 : 21-30 --------- 【題目】: 在漫畫及動畫《總之就是很可愛》中,請問女主角「由崎司」真實年齡大約幾歲? -- 【 答案 】 : 81+ --------- 【題目】: 在TV動畫《魔法禁書目錄》中,請問以下哪位不是超能力者(Level 5)? -- 【 答案 】 : 白井黑子 --------- 【題目】: 在TV動畫《不當哥哥了!(お兄ちゃんはおしまい!)》中,緒山真尋為何會從男人變成女兒身? -- 【 答案 】 : 喝了妹妹研發的藥水 --------- 【題目】: 在TV動畫《肌肉魔法使-MASHLE-》中,請問主角「馬修·班地德」最愛吃的東西是何者? -- 【 答案 】 : 泡芙 --------- 【題目】: 在TV動畫《不要欺負我,長瀞同學》中,某人為了讓跟蹤狂死心曾要求主角八王子直人(學長)假裝成她的男朋友,請問某人是誰? -- 【 答案 】 : 櫻(さくら) --------- 【題目】: 在TV動畫《我內心的糟糕念頭》中,主角山田杏奈的家是在大樓中的第幾樓? -- 【 答案 】 : 16樓 --------- 【題目】: 在動畫及小說《狼與辛香料》中,女主角「赫蘿」的真實身分是? -- 【 答案 】 : 巨狼 --------- 【題目】: 在動畫及小說《不時輕聲地以俄語遮羞的鄰座艾莉同學》中,請問主角「久世政近」是「周防有希」的什麼人? -- 【 答案 】 : 親哥哥 --------- 【題目】: 在第一季TV動畫《鹿乃子乃子乃子虎視眈眈》中,請問以下哪位不是「小鹿社」成員? -- 【 答案 】 : 貓山田根子 --------- 【題目】: 在動畫及小說《反派千金等級99~我是隱藏頭目但不是魔王~》中,請問以下哪位愛上了主角「尤蜜拉·多克尼斯」? -- 【 答案 】 : 派翠克·阿修巴頓 --------- 【題目】: 在動畫及漫畫《五等分的新娘(五等分の花嫁)》正傳中,主角「上杉風太郎」最終選擇誰成為伴侶? -- 【 答案 】 : 中野四葉 --------- 【題目】: 在小說及動畫《我想成為影之強者!》中,以下何者不是七影? -- 【 答案 】 : 拉姆達(ラムダ) --------- 【題目】: 在第一季TV動畫《敗北女角太多了!》中,因為發生了一些事,導致八奈見杏菜父親某月的薪資全部都用 O O 來支付,請問 O O 是什麼? -- 【 答案 】 : 素麵 --------- 【題目】: 在動畫、漫畫及小說《零之使魔》中,請問主角「露易絲・法蘭西斯・露・布朗・杜・拉・瓦利埃爾」召喚的使魔種族是? -- 【 答案 】 : 人類 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ----- 綜合 ---- 【題目】: Suppose the demand for gourmet coffee can be represented by a linear demand curve. When income rises cause the demand curve for gourmet coffee shift to the right parallelly: -- 【 答案 】 : becomes less elastic at the price that prevailed before the change in income --------- 【題目】: Levi’s jeans sell for $100 a pair. Suppose at the profit maximizing quantity, Levi’s average total cost was $110 and Average variable cost was $55, which statement is true? -- 【 答案 】 : Levi’s will produce in the short run but go out of business in the long run --------- 【題目】: A competitive firm will tend to expand its output so long as: -- 【 答案 】 : Marginal revenues is greater than marginal cost. --------- 【題目】: What kind of virus is typically hidden in MS word file? -- 【 答案 】 : macro --------- 【題目】: In long-run equilibrium of a competitive market, the number of firms in the markets adjusts so that all of the market demand is satisfied at a price equal to -- 【 答案 】 : minimum average total cost --------- 【題目】: A freeze that destroys half of the water lily crop in Tainan would likely raise the price of water lily. -- 【 答案 】 : reducing the quantity demanded for water lily and increasing the demand for tea. --------- 【題目】: Apples and oranges are substitute goods. A freeze in Florida destroyed a good portion of the orange crop. Ceteris paribus, the price of -- 【 答案 】 : both apples and oranges will rise. --------- 【題目】: The prisoners’ dilemma is a simple game in which: -- 【 答案 】 : both parties are made worse off by following their own self-interests. --------- 【題目】: Suppose the price elasticity of demand for oil is 0.1. price elasticity of supply for oil is 0. In order to lower the price of oil by 20 percent, the quantity of oil supplied must be increased by -- 【 答案 】 : 2 percent. --------- 【題目】: Which of the following is an imperative programming language? -- 【 答案 】 : Ada --------- 【題目】: Producer surplus is the : -- 【 答案 】 : difference between revenue and variable cost of production. --------- 【題目】: Economic scarcity arises from -- 【 答案 】 : limited resources and limitless wants. --------- 【題目】: In the short run the magnitude of the own price elasticity of demand for ice cream: -- 【 答案 】 : is lower than in the long run. --------- 【題目】: The kinked demand curve model was developed to help explain. -- 【 答案 】 : rigidities in prices in oligopolistic industries. --------- 【題目】: If the price of the Walkman is below the equilibrium price, there will be a _______ of Walkmans and the price will _______. -- 【 答案 】 : shortage; rise --------- 【題目】: A short piece of information used to authenticate a message is commonly referred to as -- 【 答案 】 : MAC --------- 【題目】: The demand for Chocolate Chip Cookie ice cream is likely quite elastic because -- 【 答案 】 : other flavors of ice cream are good substitutes for this particular flavor. --------- 【題目】: A profit-maximizing firm in a competitive market is able to sell its product for $7. At its current level of output, the firm’s average total cost is $10. The firm’s marginal cost curve crosses its marginal revenue curve at an output level of 9 units. The firm experiences a -- 【 答案 】 : loss of exactly $27. --------- 【題目】: Nick can purchase each milkshake for $2. For the first milkshake purchased Nick is willing to pay $4, for the second milkshake $3, for the third milkshake $2 and for the fourth milkshake $1. What is the value of Nick's consumer surplus? -- 【 答案 】 : $3 --------- 【題目】: The most fundamentaleconomic problem is -- 【 答案 】 : scarcity. --------- 【題目】: 「Last October, due to an early frost, the price for a pumpkin increased by 10 percent.As a result, the quantity demanded decreased from 2 million to 1.5 million.」 Based on this statement, the -- 【 答案 】 : demand for pumpkins is elastic. --------- 【題目】: The supply curve for a good or service shows the sellers’ -- 【 答案 】 : minimum acceptable price. --------- 【題目】: Raisin bran and milk are complementary goods. A decrease in the price of raisins will -- 【 答案 】 : increase consumer surplus in the market for raisin bran and increase producer surplus in the market for milk. --------- 【題目】: What would happen to the equilibrium price and quantity of coffee if the wages of coffee-bean pickers fell and the price of tea fell? -- 【 答案 】 : Price will fall and the effect on quantity is ambiguous. --------- 【題目】: The statement “An increase in the price of gasoline will lead to a decrease in the amount purchases” is -- 【 答案 】 : a positive statement. --------- 【題目】: Which paradigm most accurately describes BASIC? -- 【 答案 】 : Imperative or procedural --------- 【題目】: Consumer surplus is: -- 【 答案 】 : the difference between the price one is willing to pay and the price one has to pay --------- 【題目】: Good A and good B are substitutes in production. The demand for good A increases so that the price of good A rises. The increase in the price of good A shifts the -- 【 答案 】 : supply curve of good B leftward. --------- 【題目】: Bonds that have an option exercisable by the issuer to retire them at a stated dollar amount prior to maturity are known as: -- 【 答案 】 : Callable bonds. --------- 【題目】: Suppose the price of a good rises. When will the resulting substitution effect reduce the quantity demanded of the good? -- 【 答案 】 : Always. --------- 【題目】: Two goods are complements if a decrease in the price of one good -- 【 答案 】 : increases the demand for the other good. --------- 【題目】: A multitasking operating system developed in the early 1970s at Bell Laboratories: -- 【 答案 】 : UNIX --------- 【題目】: For a good that is a necessity, -- 【 答案 】 : demand tends to be inelastic. --------- 【題目】: If cigarettes and marijuana had been found to be substitutes, a tax placed on cigarettes would -- 【 答案 】 : increase the demand for marijuana. --------- 【題目】: If a price increase of 5 percent increases the quantity demanded of another good by 2 percent, the goods must be and the cross elasticity of demand equals -- 【 答案 】 : substitutes; 0.4. --------- 【題目】: Suppose there are only two firms supplying in the market and they produce a homogeneous good. Two firms produce the good with the same constant marginal cost. Firms compete by setting price simultaneously . The equilibrium price of both firms must -- 【 答案 】 : equal to the marginal cost. --------- 【題目】: When demand increases and supply decreases, the -- 【 答案 】 : equilibrium price rises, and the equilibrium quantity might increase, decrease, or remain constant. --------- 【題目】: You are an economist for the Taipei City Subway Commission. Presently, the price of a subway ride is $80, and 250,000 seats are filled weekly. The income elasticity of demand is -0.60. If a recession lowered area incomes by 5%, how many additional seats per week would the subway need? -- 【 答案 】 : 7,500 seats --------- 【題目】: Under which of the following conditions would the interdiction of illegal drugs result in a decrease in the quantity of drugs sold and in a decrease in total spending on illegal drugs by drug users? -- 【 答案 】 : The price elasticity of demand for illegal drugs is 1.3. --------- 【題目】: The expansion of capital that can occur in the long-run but not in the short-run, means that the long-run supply is -- 【 答案 】 : more elastic than the short-run supply curve. --------- 【題目】: Which of the following acronyms refers to ports on laptop computer that accept small cards that server as expansion boards? -- 【 答案 】 : PCMCIA --------- 【題目】: If a good is produced using inputs for which there are no substitutes, the good's -- 【 答案 】 : elasticity of supply is likely to be small. --------- 【題目】: The owner of a local hot dog stand has estimated that if he lowers the price of hot dogs from $2.00 to $1.50, he will increase sales from 400 to 500 hot dogs per day. Using the midpoint formula, the demand for hot dogs is -- 【 答案 】 : inelastic. --------- 【題目】: The fallacy of composition is evident in which of the following statements? -- 【 答案 】 : If each farmer works harder all farmers will be richer. --------- 【題目】: If resources are used efficiently, then _____. -- 【 答案 】 : consumer surplus plus producer surplus is maximized --------- 【題目】: Which of the following is the amount a person would invest now to receive a greater amount in the future? -- 【 答案 】 : Present value --------- 【題目】: If a fall in the price of good A increases the quantity demanded of good B, -- 【 答案 】 : A and B are complements --------- 【題目】: The price elasticity of demand for cigarettes is 0.4. If government wants to reduce smoking by 10 percent, by how much should it raise the price of cigarettes by imposing a tax? -- 【 答案 】 : by 25 percent --------- 【題目】: Converting from type ____ to type ____ will result in the loss of data. -- 【 答案 】 : int, char --------- 【題目】: Which of the following statements is true? Oligopolists : -- 【 答案 】 : all of the above. --------- 【題目】: Suppose that the price of eggs increases from 75 cents to $1.00 per dozen and as a result a typical farmer experiences a decrease in egg sales from 300 to 200 dozen per week. Using the method of average values, the price elasticity of demand is -- 【 答案 】 : 1.4 --------- 【題目】: Which of the following system is used to manage information about customers, interact with customers, and to improve a company's relationship with its customers? -- 【 答案 】 : CRM --------- 【題目】: Each standard library has a corresponding: -- 【 答案 】 : Header file --------- 【題目】: If price exceeds average costs under pure competition, in the long run ,______ firms will enter the industry, supply will ______, and price will be driven ______. -- 【 答案 】 : more ; increase ; down --------- 【題目】: Which of the following statement is normative? -- 【 答案 】 : Higher taxes are needed to support education. --------- 【題目】: A firm in pure competition would shut down when -- 【 答案 】 : price is less than average variable cost. --------- 【題目】: The demand for a product tends to be inelastic if. -- 【 答案 】 : a small proportion of consumer's income is spent on the good. --------- 【題目】: When marginal profit equals zero. -- 【 答案 】 : profit is maximized. --------- 【題目】: Which of the following factors would not cause the demand curve for a given product to shift? -- 【 答案 】 : Changes in price. --------- 【題目】: If the quantity demanded increase as peoples incomes increase, the result of -- 【 答案 】 : a normal good. --------- 【題目】: If the market price is higher than the equilibrium price. -- 【 答案 】 : a surplus exists and the market price will fall until it equals the equilibrium price and the surplus is eliminated. --------- 【題目】: CDC character set contains 64 characters, To represent any possible 10 character string needs at least -- 【 答案 】 : 60 Bits --------- 【題目】: Crude oil can be refined into home heating oil or gasoline. If very cold weather caused the price of home heating oil to increase, then -- 【 答案 】 : the equilibrium price of gasoline would rise. --------- 【題目】: The kinked demand curve model assumes that a firm's rivals will -- 【 答案 】 : follow the firm's price decreases but not its price increases. --------- 【題目】: Suppose the price elasticity of demand for tickets of Taiwan High Speed Railway (THSR) is 1.5.Ceteris paribus, when THSR reduces its prices, its revenue -- 【 答案 】 : will go up. --------- 【題目】: A decrease in the supply -- 【 答案 】 : raises its equilibrium price and decreases its equilibrium quantity. --------- 【題目】: A simple linear demand function may be stated as Q= a-bP+cI where Q is quantity demanded , P is the product price, and I is consumer income. To compute an appropriate value for c, we can use observed values for Q and I and then set the estimated income elasticity of demand equal to. -- 【 答案 】 : c(I/Q)
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