標籤: log
Assume that we have a demand curve of the form.log(Q)=a-b×log(P)+c×log(I), whe .
殺很小 2024-5-5 06:46
【題目】 Assume that we have a demand curve of the form.log(Q)=a-b×log(P)+c×log(I), where Q=quantity, P=price, I=income, and a, b, and c are positive constants. The income and price elasticities for the demand curve represented above are always equal to zero. equal to one. equal(i.e., income elasticity always equals price elasticity). constant.
個人分類: 答題系列|112 次閱讀|0 個評論
Assume that we have a demand curve of the form.log(Q)=a-b×log(P)+c×log(I), whe .
x226941981 2022-1-1 08:25
【題目】 Assume that we have a demand curve of the form.log(Q)=a-b×log(P)+c×log(I), where Q=quantity, P=price, I=income, and a, b, and c are positive constants. The income and price elasticities for the demand curve represented above are always constant. ------答案 equal to zero. equal(i.e., income elasticity always equals price elasticity). equal to one.
242 次閱讀|0 個評論
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