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Crude oil can be refined into home heating oil or gasoline. If very cold weather
wsx008899 2024-12-16 07:43
每日答題: Crude oil can be refined into home heating oil or gasoline. If very cold weather caused the price of home heating oil to increase, then 答案: the equilibrium price of gasoline would rise
個人分類: 每日答題|21 次閱讀|0 個評論
Crude oil can be refined into home heating oil or gasoline. If very cold weather
殺很小 2023-11-13 02:38
【題目】 Crude oil can be refined into home heating oil or gasoline. If very cold weather caused the price of home heating oil to increase, then the supply of gasoline would increase. the demand of gasoline would decrease. the supply of home heating oil would decrease. the equilibrium price of gasoline would rise.
個人分類: 答題系列|147 次閱讀|0 個評論
Crude oil can be refined into home heating oil or gasoline. If very cold weather
x226941981 2022-2-14 03:38
【題目】 Crude oil can be refined into home heating oil or gasoline. If very cold weather caused the price of home heating oil to increase, then the supply of home heating oil would decrease. the equilibrium price of gasoline would rise. ----答案 the supply of gasoline would increase. the demand of gasoline would decrease.
348 次閱讀|0 個評論
【題目】 Crude oil can be refined into home heating oil or gasoline. If very col ...
x226941981 2021-12-19 10:07
【題目】 Crude oil can be refined into home heating oil or gasoline. If very cold weather caused the price of home heating oil to increase, then the equilibrium price of gasoline would rise. -------答案 the supply of home heating oil would decrease. the demand of gasoline would decrease. the supply of gasoline would increase.
355 次閱讀|0 個評論

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