抓取時間 |
2025-02-28 10:39:01 am |
目標網址 |
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網頁標題 |
StressMyPC 5.51 Stress test for your PC. Let him sweat. |
網頁描述 |
StressMyPC is stress testing software, to do a PC stability test ergo computer stress test at fully load of the hardware. |
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注意!目標網址即便顯示安全也不保證絕對安全。 惡意網站常常會利用各種方式(如:新建網域、顯示A/B網頁等)來躲避安全檢測。 若目標網站要求提供身分資訊、付款資訊、下載軟體等請務必再三確認後再考慮是否行動。 |
網頁預覽 |
StressMyPC 5.51 Stress test for your PC. Let him sweat.
StressMyPC is stress testing software, to do a PC stability test ergo computer stress test at fully load of the hardware.