
p964504p 2024-5-11 13:58
各位如有需要 DMA硬件-DMA軟件-PUBG羅技壓槍宏-其他輔助-可以進入DC找到我 如有違規我在刪除貼文感謝 https://discord.gg/JQfyYgm8pE
25 次閱讀|0 個評論
moiraer 2024-5-11 09:57
題目:If price exceeds average costs under pure competition, in the long run ,______ firms will enter the industry, supply will ______, and price will be driven ______. 答案:more; increase; down
20 次閱讀|0 個評論
moiraer 2024-5-10 20:30
題目:Two goods are complements if a decrease in the price of one good 答案:increases the demand for the other good.
26 次閱讀|0 個評論
moiraer 2024-5-9 21:26
題目:The supply curve for a good or service shows the sellers 答案:minimun accptable price.
18 次閱讀|0 個評論
moiraer 2024-5-7 21:53
題目:The prisoners’ dilemma is a simple game in which: 答案:both parties are made worse off by follwing their own self-interests
25 次閱讀|0 個評論
moiraer 2024-5-6 20:39
題目:In the short run the magnitude of the own price elasticity of demand for ice cream: 答案 : is lower than in the long run.
23 次閱讀|0 個評論
Assume that we have a demand curve of the form.log(Q)=a-b×log(P)+c×log(I), whe .
殺很小 2024-5-5 06:46
【題目】 Assume that we have a demand curve of the form.log(Q)=a-b×log(P)+c×log(I), where Q=quantity, P=price, I=income, and a, b, and c are positive constants. The income and price elasticities for the demand curve represented above are always equal to zero. ...
30 次閱讀|0 個評論
moiraer 2024-4-29 22:00
題目: Nick can purchase each milkshake for $2. For the first milkshake purchased Nick is willing to pay $4, for the second milkshake $3, for the third milkshake $2 and for the fourth milkshake $1. What is the value of Nick's consumer surplus? 答案: 3
25 次閱讀|0 個評論
AJCDN003 2024-4-29 12:24
首先BGP多线带宽接入,BGP线路简单来说就是将电信、联通、移动等多家国内运营商的网络融合在一起的线路。区别于三线带宽,BGP线路为多线单IP,利用特定的路由器做自动解析,然后通过每个供应商独有的AS号来实现互联互通。在访问速度方面比三线三IP的带宽要快的多。并且有以下三点: 1、单线带宽接入 2、双 ...
11 次閱讀|0 個評論
moiraer 2024-4-28 09:19
題目:Suppose that the price of eggs increases from 75 cents to $1.00 per dozen and as a result a typical farmer experiences a decrease in egg sales from 300 to 200 dozen per week. Using the method of average values, the price elasticity of demand is 答案:1.4
24 次閱讀|0 個評論

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