- 70473
- 帖子
- 471
- 主題
- 468
- 精華
- 0
- 積分
- 522
- 楓幣
- 738
- 威望
- 521
- 存款
- 0
- 贊助金額
- 0
- 推廣
- 0
- GP
- 43
- 閱讀權限
- 50
- 性別
- 保密
- 在線時間
- 28 小時
- 註冊時間
- 2014-7-14
- 最後登入
- 2015-5-16
MapleFunction.vb- Module MapleFunction
- '----------------------------------系統API宣告-----------------------------------'
- Private Declare Function OpenProcess Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Access As Integer, ByVal Handle As Boolean, ByVal ProcessId As Integer) As IntPtr
- Private Declare Function WriteProcessMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "WriteProcessMemory" (ByVal hProcess As IntPtr, ByVal lpBaseAddress As Integer, ByVal lpBuffer() As Byte, ByVal nSize As Integer, ByVal lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Integer) As Integer
- Private Declare Function ReadProcessMemory Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hProcess As IntPtr, ByVal lpBaseAddress As Integer, ByRef lpBuffer As Integer, ByVal nSize As Integer, ByVal lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Integer) As Integer
- '----------------------------------啟用所有CheckBox-----------------------------------'
- Public Sub AllCrackMemoryFunctionCheckBoxEnable(ByVal ParentControls As System.windows.Forms.Control.ControlCollection)
- For Each i As Control In ParentControls
- If i.Name.Contains("CheckBox") Then i.Enabled = True
- Next
- End Sub
- Structure MapleStoryProcess
- Shared WriteMapleStoryIntptr As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero
- Shared MProcess As Process = Nothing
- 'Public ID As Integer = Nothing '如VB2008編譯上出錯,請把這行的註解拿掉.
- '----------------------------------自定義指標格式-----------------------------------'
- Structure Pointer
- Public Address As Integer
- Public Offset
- End Structure
- '----------------------------------讀取楓之谷遊戲-----------------------------------'
- Public Function LoadMemory() As Boolean
- Try
- Dim MapleStoryProcess As Process = Process.GetProcessesByName("MapleStory")(0)
- If MapleStoryProcess.MainWindowHandle.Equals(IntPtr.Zero) = False Then
- WriteMapleStoryIntptr = OpenProcess(&H1F0FFF, False, MapleStoryProcess.Id)
- MProcess = MapleStoryProcess
- Return True
- End If
- Return False
- Catch ex As Exception
- Return False
- End Try
- End Function
- '--------------------------------讀取楓之谷遊戲(可指定Handle)------------------------'
- Public Function LoadMemory(ByVal Handle As IntPtr) As Boolean
- Try
- Dim AllProcessInHandle As Process() = Process.GetProcesses
- For Each P As Process In AllProcessInHandle
- If P.MainWindowHandle = Handle Then
- WriteMapleStoryIntptr = OpenProcess(&H1F0FFF, False, P.Id)
- MProcess = P
- Return True
- End If
- Next
- Return False
- Catch ex As Exception
- Return False
- End Try
- End Function
- Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Integer
- Private Declare Function GetWindowThreadProcessId Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Integer, ByRef lpdwProcessId As Integer) As Integer
- '--------------------------------讀取楓之谷遊戲(指定視窗)------------------------'
- Public Function OpenProcessByWindow(ByVal lpWindowName As String, Optional ByVal lpClassName As String = vbNullString) As Boolean
- Try
- Dim Pid As Integer
- GetWindowThreadProcessId(FindWindow(lpClassName, lpWindowName), Pid)
- Dim MapleStoryProcess As Process = Process.GetProcessById(Pid)
- If MapleStoryProcess.MainWindowHandle.Equals(IntPtr.Zero) = False Then
- WriteMapleStoryIntptr = OpenProcess(&H1F0FFF, False, MapleStoryProcess.Id)
- MProcess = MapleStoryProcess
- Return True
- End If
- Return False
- Catch ex As Exception
- Return False
- End Try
- End Function
- '----------------------------------寫入遊戲記憶體-----------------------------------'
- Public Function WriteByte(ByVal Address As Integer, ByVal ArrayOfByte As Byte())
- On Error Resume Next
- If WriteMapleStoryIntptr.Equals(IntPtr.Zero) Then
- MsgBox("Application Can't Catch MapleStory Process.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Error")
- Return False
- End If
- WriteProcessMemory(WriteMapleStoryIntptr, Address, ArrayOfByte, ArrayOfByte.Length, False)
- Return True
- End Function
- Private Declare Function WriteProcessMemoryAPI Lib "kernel32" Alias "WriteProcessMemory" (ByVal hProcess As IntPtr, ByVal lpBaseAddress As Integer, ByRef lpBuffer As Integer, ByVal nSize As Integer, ByVal lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Integer) As Integer
- Public Function WriteLong(ByVal lpAddress As Integer, ByVal lpValue As Integer) As Integer
- Try
- Return WriteProcessMemoryAPI(WriteMapleStoryIntptr, lpAddress, lpValue, Len(lpValue), False)
- Catch ex As Exception
- Return 0
- End Try
- End Function
- Public Function MakeJmp(ByVal lpAddress As Long, ByVal lpJmpAddress As Long, Optional ByVal lpNops As Long = 0) As Long
- Dim JmpByte As Byte() = {&HE9}
- MakeJmp = CBool(WriteByte(lpAddress, JmpByte)) And CBool(WriteLong(lpAddress + 1, lpJmpAddress - lpAddress - 5))
- If lpNops = 0 Then Exit Function
- Return MakeJmp
- End Function
- Public Function MakeCall(ByVal lpAddress As Long, ByVal lpCallAddress As Long, Optional ByVal lpNops As Long = 0) As Long
- Dim CallByte As Byte() = {&HE8}
- MakeCall = CBool(WriteByte(lpAddress, CallByte)) And CBool(WriteLong(lpAddress + 1, lpCallAddress - lpAddress - 5))
- If lpNops = 0 Then Exit Function
- Return MakeCall
- End Function
- '----------------------------------讀取地址的Value-----------------------------------'
- Public Function GetValue(ByVal Address As Integer) As Integer
- On Error Resume Next
- If WriteMapleStoryIntptr.Equals(IntPtr.Zero) Then
- MsgBox("Application Can't Catch MapleStory Process.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Error")
- Return False
- End If
- Dim GetRetValue As Integer = vbNullString
- ReadProcessMemory(WriteMapleStoryIntptr, Address, GetRetValue, 4, False)
- Return GetRetValue
- End Function
- Public Function ReadLong(ByVal lpAddress As Long) As Long
- Dim Value As Integer = vbNullString
- ReadProcessMemory(WriteMapleStoryIntptr, lpAddress, Value, 4, False)
- Return Value
- End Function
- '----------------------------------讀取指標的Value-----------------------------------'
- Public Function GetPointerValue(ByVal Pointer As MapleStoryProcess.Pointer) As Integer
- On Error Resume Next
- If WriteMapleStoryIntptr.Equals(IntPtr.Zero) Then
- MsgBox("Application Can't Catch MapleStory Process.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Error")
- Return False
- End If
- Dim GetPointerMain, GetTheTrueValue As Integer
- ReadProcessMemory(WriteMapleStoryIntptr, "&H" + Pointer.Address, GetPointerMain, 4, False)
- ReadProcessMemory(WriteMapleStoryIntptr, GetPointerMain + "&H" + Pointer.Offset, GetTheTrueValue, 4, False)
- Return GetTheTrueValue
- End Function
- Public Function ReadPointer(ByVal lpAddress As Long, ByVal lpOffset As Long) As Long
- Return ReadLong(ReadLong(lpAddress) + lpOffset)
- End Function
- '----------------------------------十進位轉換16進位(Hex)-----------------------------------'
- Public Function IntegerHex(ByVal InPutInt As String) As Integer
- On Error Resume Next
- Return Microsoft.VisualBasic.Hex(InPutInt)
- End Function
- '----------------------------------16進位轉十進位(UnHex)-----------------------------------'
- Public Function IntegerUnHex(ByVal InPutInt As String) As Integer
- On Error Resume Next
- Return CLng("&H" & InPutInt)
- End
- End Function
- '----------------------------------結束遊戲<強制>-------------------------------------------'
- Public Function KillMapleStory() As Boolean
- Try
- MProcess.Kill()
- Return True
- Catch ex As Exception
- Return False
- End Try
- End Function
- '---------------------------------結束遊戲<普通>--------------------------------------------'
- Public Function EndMapleStory() As Boolean
- Try
- MProcess.CloseMainWindow()
- Return True
- Catch ex As Exception
- Return False
- End Try
- End Function
- '-------------------------------確認遊戲是否存在---------------------------------------------'
- Public Function MapleStoryCloseOrNot() As Boolean
- Return MProcess.HasExited
- End Function
- '------------------------------- Auto Key Press ---------------------------------------------'
- Private Declare Auto Function PostMessage Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, ByVal Msg As UInteger, ByVal wParam As IntPtr, ByVal lParam As IntPtr) As Boolean
- Private Declare Function MapVirtualKey Lib "user32" Alias "MapVirtualKeyA" (ByVal wCode As Integer, ByVal wMapType As Integer) As Integer
- Private Declare Function ExitWindowsEx Lib "user32 " (ByVal uFlags As Integer, ByVal dwReserved As Integer) As Integer
- Private Const WM_KEYDOWN As Integer = &H100
- Dim hModuleNoFree As Integer
- Public Function RingPst(ByVal HWnd As Integer, ByVal KeyType As String, ByVal KeyCode As String)
- If KeyCode = "關閉電腦" Then ExitWindowsEx(1, 0)
- Dim myKeyValue As Integer = toKeyValue(KeyCode)
- Select Case KeyType
- Case "Press"
- PostMessage(HWnd, &H100, myKeyValue, MakeKeyLparam(myKeyValue, &H100))
- PostMessage(HWnd, &H101, myKeyValue, MakeKeyLparam(myKeyValue, &H101))
- Return 1
- Case "Down"
- PostMessage(HWnd, &H100, myKeyValue, MakeKeyLparam(myKeyValue, &H100))
- Return 1
- Case "Up"
- PostMessage(HWnd, &H101, myKeyValue, MakeKeyLparam(myKeyValue, &H101))
- Return 1
- Case Else
- Return 0
- End Select
- End Function
- Private Function toKeyValue(ByVal KeyCode As String) As Integer
- Dim strKey() As String = {"None", "Enter", "Shift", "Ctrl", "Alt", "Space", "PageUp", "PageDown", "Insert", "Delete", "Home", "End", "Left", "Up", "Right", "Down", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", "F5", "F6", "F7", "F8", "F9", "F10", "F11", "F12", "ESCAPE"}
- Dim intKey() As Integer = {0, &HD, &H10, &H11, &H12, &H20, &H21, &H22, &H2D, &H2E, &H24, &H23, &H25, &H26, &H27, &H28, &H30, &H31, &H32, &H33, &H34, &H35, &H36, &H37, &H38, &H39, &H41, &H42, &H43, &H44, &H45, &H46, &H47, &H48, &H49, &H4A, &H4B, &H4C, &H4D, &H4E, &H4F, &H50, &H51, &H52, &H53, &H54, &H55, &H56, &H57, &H58, &H59, &H5A, &H70, &H71, &H72, &H73, &H74, &H75, &H76, &H77, &H78, &H79, &H7A, &H7B, &H1B}
- For i = 0 To strKey.Length - 1
- If strKey(i) = KeyCode Then Return intKey(i)
- Next
- Return False
- End Function
- Private Function MakeKeyLparam(ByVal VirtualKey As Integer, ByVal flag As Integer) As Integer
- '參數VirtualKey表示按鍵虛擬碼,flag表示是按下鍵還是釋放鍵,用WM_KEYDOWN和WM_KEYUP這兩個常數表示
- Dim s As String
- Dim Firstbyte As String 'lparam參數的24-31位
- If flag = WM_KEYDOWN Then '如果是按下鍵
- Firstbyte = "00"
- Else
- Firstbyte = "C0" '如果是釋放鍵
- End If
- Dim Scancode As Long
- '獲得鍵的掃描碼
- Scancode = MapVirtualKey(VirtualKey, 0)
- Dim Secondbyte As String 'lparam參數的16-23位元,即虛擬鍵掃描碼
- Secondbyte = Right("00" & Hex(Scancode), 2)
- s = Firstbyte & Secondbyte & "0001" '0001為lparam參數的0-15位,即發送次數和其他擴展資訊
- MakeKeyLparam = Val("&H" & s)
- End Function
- '------------------------------- 申請記憶體 ---------------------------------------------'
- Private Declare Function VirtualAllocEx Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal hProcess As IntPtr, ByVal lpAddress As IntPtr, ByVal dwSize As IntPtr, ByVal flAllocationType As Integer, ByVal flProtect As Integer) As IntPtr
- Public Function Alloc(ByVal lpSize As Integer, Optional ByVal lpAddress As Integer = 0) As Integer
- Const MEM_COMMIT As Integer = &H1000
- Const PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE As Integer = &H40
- Dim pBlob As IntPtr = VirtualAllocEx(WriteMapleStoryIntptr, New IntPtr(lpAddress), New IntPtr(lpSize), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE)
- If pBlob = IntPtr.Zero Then Throw New Exception
- Return pBlob.ToInt32
- End Function
- '------------------------------- Address2Aob ---------------------------------------------'
- Public Function Adr2Aob(ByVal Address As Integer) As String
- Dim tmpAOB As String = Hex(Address).PadLeft(8, "0")
- Dim reAOB As String = Nothing
- For i = 1 To 7
- If (i Mod 2) = 1 Then
- reAOB = Mid(tmpAOB, i, 2) & " " & reAOB
- End If
- Next
- Return Trim(reAOB)
- End Function
- End Structure
- End Module
複製代碼 [size=100%]來源: knowlet3389.blogspot.tw