2016. 11. 6
[backcolor=rgba(255, 253, 245, 0.74902)]Pokémon GO updated to version 0.45.0 for Android and 1.15.0 for iOS
[backcolor=rgba(255, 253, 245, 0.74902)]Trainers, [backcolor=rgba(255, 253, 245, 0.74902)]Pokémon GO is in the process of being updated to version 0.45.0 for Android and 1.15.0 for iOS devices. Below are some release notes and comments from our development team. [size=1em]You’ll earn bonuses for the first Pokémon catch and PokéStop visit each day. You’ll receive a larger bonus when you do this seven days in a row. [size=1em]When you defeat the Gym Leader at a rival Gym, there will be a brief period of time where only you will be able to place a Pokémon in the open Gym. [size=1em]The amount of Prestige a rival Gym loses when you defeat a regular Gym member has increased. The amount of Prestige gained by training at a friendly Gym has been lowered. [size=1em]Minor text fixes
[backcolor=rgba(255, 253, 245, 0.74902)]
The Pokémon GO team
每日任務 在萬聖節活動之後,Niantic 或許終於發現活動對於維持玩家的熱度是多麼的有幫助,因此再推出「每日任務」獎勵機制,玩家每天首次抓寶、刷 PokéStop 時,都可獲得額外的 500經驗值和 600 星塵,連續 7 天達成任務,則可再獲得 2000 經驗值和 2400 星塵。 打贏道館的玩家可優先放寶可夢 當玩家打贏敵方道館的館長時,會有一段時間是只有你可以放新的精靈寶可夢進入道館。不再像以前一樣,旁邊圍觀的玩家會先看到白色空著的道館,並趁打道館的玩家還來不及放新的寶可夢上去時,放入自己的寶可夢,坐收漁翁之利。改版以後,認真打道館的玩家不會再嘔氣,想坐收漁翁之利的玩家也沒機會了。 打贏道館的聲望值量經過改變 打道館的聲望值會經過調整。打贏敵方道館時,敵方道館會損失比以往更多的聲望值;打贏我方道館時,我方道館會增加比以往更少的聲望值。也就是說,要「拆塔」更容易,但要「疊塔」變得更困難,或許 Niantic 已經發現,在訓練我方道館可以用 6 支寶可夢後,道館層數越疊越高且不容易撼動,因而做出調整。 看來這次的更新後對於打道館(建塔、拆塔)會帶來很大的衝擊。不過我道是很讚成打贏道館後不會再輕易被其他玩家搶先站上道,這點決對要推一下。