- 7067
- 帖子
- 2823
- 主題
- 67
- 精華
- 0
- 積分
- 225
- 楓幣
- 20085
- 威望
- 181
- 存款
- 19856
- 贊助金額
- 0
- 推廣
- 0
- GP
- 1671
- 閱讀權限
- 100
- 性別
- 保密
- 在線時間
- 871 小時
- 註冊時間
- 2012-3-23
- 最後登入
- 2025-2-8
本帖最後由 Doem 於 2016-7-29 14:12 編輯
由於許多未測試,所以就不留在Toby大的文了 (反正也不會有人看 OwO
之後打工之餘有空的話會持續在此篇文章更新, 如果有人要幫我做一下自動更新我感激不盡 <(_ _)>
P.s 前面有標[Tested]是指在188.3版本時測試過確認該地址更新正確 (有些我覺得對卻沒測得還是有標,請見諒)
等量多一點我在分類 XD
-修正GetData系列5個函數 (我附的AOB不是在函數頭, 請看清楚 OwO)
-更新至TwMs V1.90.3
//以下順序可能會 XD 反正就那幾個Case
-新增CVecCtrl::IsFloating, CVecCtrl::IsSwimming, CVecCtrlUser::IsFloatSkyMap, CMob::FallDown 以及SetData和GetData系列函數
-修正TSecType<unsigned long>::GetData為正確地址
CMob::AddDamageInfo和CUserLocal::TryRegisterTelepor開頭都有稍微變動過, 函數關鍵的地方我就沒看了,
就...自行發掘吧~- TWMS V1.91.1 TWMS IDB 補完計畫 By Doem 最後更新:2016-07-29
- CVecCtrlSkillPet::CVecCtrlSkillPet(void) -> 011EF5A1 //** 8B ** E8 ** ** ** FF D9 EE 33 C0 DD 96 ** ** 00 00 [1/2]
- [Tested] CVecCtrl::raw_Move(CVecCtrl *this, int nX, int nY) -> 011E570F //56 8B ** 24 ** ** 8D 7E ** 33 D2
- CDropPool::TryPickUpDrop(CDropPool *this, tagPOINT *pt) -> 00677084 //55 8B EC 83 EC ** ** ** 8B ** 33 DB ** 8B 3D ** ** ** 01 39 5E **
- [Tested] CDropPool::TryPickUpDropByPet(CDropPool *this, CPet *pPet, tagPOINT *ptPos, SECPOINT *ptPosCheck) -> 00677A43 //6A ** B8 ** ** ** 01 E8 ** ** ** 00 8B ** 8B 3D ** ** ** 01 6A 00 6A 1E
- CSecurityClient::GetMemoryInfoForCRC32Code(CSecurityClient *this, int nIdx, int *nPos, int *nSize) -> 012F2A65 //8B ** 0C 8B 44 24 04 8B 14 C1
- CSecurityClient::GetCrc32Code(CSecurityClient *this, const char *pData, unsigned int dwSize, unsigned int *dwCrc, unsigned int *dwPos) -> 012F2A84 //55 8B EC 51 53 8B ** 08 56 8B 75 ** 8B **
- CDropPool::GetMoneyIconType(CDropPool *this, int nMoney) -> 0067612B //8B ** 24 04 83 ** 32 7D ** 33 C0
- CItemInfo::GetItemCoolTime(CItemInfo *this, int nItemID, int *nLimitMin, int *nLimitSec) -> 00859054 //6A ** B8 ** ** ** 01 E8 ** ** ** 00 8B 45 ** 99 BE ** ** ** 00 F7 FE FF 75 08
- CUIItem::UpdateItemCoolTime(CUIItem *this) -> 00D2139C //6A ** B8 ** ** ** 01 E8 ** ** ** 00 8B ** 8B 35 ** ** ** 01 8D 45 ** 50 8B ** 89 75 ** [1/2]
- [Tested] CMob::GetMaxHP(CMob *this) -> 0066D5AF //8B 81 ** ** 00 00 85 C0 74 ** 8B 40 04 C3
- [Tested] CUserLocal::SetDamaged(CUserLocal *this, int nDamage, int vx, int vy, int nIndex, unsigned int dwObstacleData, CMob *pMob, int nAttackIdx, int nDir, int bCheckHitRemain, int bSendPacket, int nDistributeCount) -> 01112BA5 //55 83 EC ** 68 ** 00 00 00 B8 ** ** ** 01 E8 ** ** ** 00 8B ** 89 75 ** 33 DB 89 5D ** 39 5D ** 74 ** 8D 8E
- CUserLocal::CheckMissByGuardSkill(CUserLocal *this, MobAttackInfo *pInfo, unsigned int aDamageRandom, int *nSkillID, int *nDamage, int *bDamageMissed, int *bGuard) -> 010A8198 //55 8B EC 83 EC ** 53 56 8B 35 ** ** ** 01 57 8D 45 ** 8B ** 50 8B CE E8 ** ** ** [1/2]
- CMob::AddDamageInfo(CMob *this, unsigned int dwCharacterId, int nSkillID, int nSLV, int tDelayedProcess, int nHitAction, int bLeft, int nDamage, int bCriticalAttack, int nAttackIdx, int nMultipleBySkill, tagPOINT pt, Ztl_bstr_t sHitAni, int bChase, bool bLifting, int nMoveType, int nBulletCashItemID, int nMoveEndingPosx, int nMoveEndingPosY, int bMoveLeft, ECharacterSkill eRandSkill, bool bAssist, bool bDot, HitPartsProcessor *pHitPart, int nSummonAttackIdx, int nRandomHitOffset) -> 00960B69 //6A ** B8 ** ** ** 01 E8 ** ** ** 00 8B ** 89 ** ** 8B 35 ** ** ** 01 83 65 ** 00
- CMob::IsBossMob(CMob *this) -> 004D47C8//56 8B ** 8B ** ** ** 00 00 E8 ** ** ** FF 85 C0 75 ** 39 ** ** ** 00 00 [1/2]
- [Tested] CVecCtrlMob::SetMobTeleport(CVecCtrlMob *this, tagPOINT ptMobTeleportDest) -> 0086CC3F //8B 44 24 04 89 81 ** ** 00 00 8B 44 24 08 C7 81 ** ** 00 00 01 00 00 00
- CDraggableItem::PopItemINBAg(CDraggableItem *this, CUIBag *pBag, int x, int y) -> 006610AA //55 8B EC 83 EC ** 83 3D ** ** ** 01 00 53 56 57 8B ** 0F 85 ** ** 00 00 83 7D ** 00
- CDraggableItem::PopItemInBag(CDraggableItem *this, int nItemID) -> 0065F2B7 //55 8B EC 83 EC ** 83 3D ** ** ** 01 00 53 56 57 8B ** 0F 85 ** ** 00 00 8B 7E ** FF 76
- [Tested] CAESCipher::Encrypt(char *pDest, char *pSrc, int nLen, unsigned int *pdwKey, int bUseKey) -> 004B7B6C //55 8B EC 81 EC 3C 01 00 00 A1 ? ? ? ? 33 C5 89 45 FC [2/2]
- [Tested] CAESCipher::Decrypt(char *pDest, char *pSrc, int nLen, unsigned int *pdwKey, int bUseKey) -> 004B7ACA //55 8B EC 81 EC 3C 01 00 00 A1 ? ? ? ? 33 C5 89 45 FC [1/2]
- CWvsContext::SendMapTransferRequest(CWvsContext *this, int nPacketType, unsigned int dwTargetField, int nItemType) -> 01297DB8 //In CUIMapTransfer::DeleteSelectedField Function
- CUIMapTransfer::DeleteSelectedField(CUIMapTransfer *this) -> 00D816F2 //56 8D B1 ** 00 00 00 8B ** 85 C0 7C ** FF B1
- CUserLocal::HandleUpKeyDown(CUserLocal *this) -> 010D8A1A //6A ** B8 ** ** ** 01 E8 ** ** ** 00 8B ** 8B 0D ** ** ** 01 33 DB 3B ** 74 ** 39 59 ** 74 ** E8 ** ** ** FF
- CPortalList::FindPortal(CPortalList *this, int x, int y, int nXrange) -> 00A29031 //55 8B ** 83 EC ** 8B 41 ** 89 4D ** 85 C0 74 ** 8B 40 ** 53 8D 58 ** 56 57 85 DB 7C ** 8B 41 ** 8B 74 ** ** 83 7E 08 00
- CPortalList::FindPortalGroup(long) -> 00A2ADEF //6A ** B8 ** ** ** 01 E8 ** ** ** 00 33 C0 89 45 ** 8B 75 ** 89 46 ** 89 45 ** 56 8D 45 ** 50 83 C1 28 C7 45 [3/3]
- CUserLocal::TryRegisterTeleport(CUserLocal *this, SKILLENTRY *pSkill, int nSLV, const char *sPortalName, const char *sTargetPortalName, int bForced, bool bAddAttackProc) -> 010CCCF8 //55 83 EC ** 68 ** ** 00 00 B8 ** ** ** 01 E8 ** ** ** 00 8B ** 89 7D ** 33 DB 89 5D ** 8B 75 **
- COpenGatePool::TryEnterOpenGate(tagPOINT,tagPOINT &) -> 009F93A0 //6A ** B8 ** ** ** 01 E8 ** ** ** 00 8B ** 89 5D ** 8B 3D ** ** ** 01 8B 87 ** ** 00 00
- CClientSocket::SendFullMemoryCheckResult(CClientSocket *this) -> 005D1629 //6A ** B8 ** ** ** 01 E8 ** ** ** 00 8B ** 6A ** 8D 4D ** C6
- CVecCtrl::IsFloating(CVecCtrl *this) -> 011E0741 //56 8B ** 8B ** FF 50 ** 85 C0 75 ** 8B ** E8 ** ** ** FF 85 C0 75 **
- CVecCtrl::IsSwimming(void) -> 004CA8BC //55 8B EC ** ** ** 8B ** E8 ** ** ** FF 85 C0 74 ** 33 C0 40
- CVecCtrlUser::IsFloatSkyMap(CVecCtrlUser *this) -> 011F512E //8B 81 ** ** 00 00 85 C0 74 ** 8D ** ** E8 ** ** ** ** 85 C0 74 **
- CMob::FallDown(CMob *this) -> 0093E0AD //55 8B ** 83 EC ** ** 8B ** E8 ** ** ** FF 85 C0 0F 84 ** ** 00 00 8B 0D ** ** ** 01
- TSecType<unsigned long>::GetData(TSecType<unsigned long> *this) -> 004ACE94 //66 3B ** ** 75 ** 8A [1/5]
- TSecType<long>::GetData(TSecType<long> *this) -> 004B25DB //66 3B ** ** 75 ** 8A [2/5]
- TSecType<double>::GetData(TSecType<double> *this) -> 004CA0F6 //66 3B ** ** 75 ** 8A [3/5]
- TSecType<unsigned char>::GetData(TSecType<unsigned char> *this) -> 0058C02C //66 3B ** ** 75 ** 8A [4/5]
- TSecType<int>::GetData(TSecType<int> *this) -> 005D10FF //66 3B ** ** 75 ** 8A [5/5]
- TSecType<unsigned long>::SetData(TSecType<unsigned long> *this, const unsigned int data) -> 004AC94A //Before ret of TSecType<XXX>::GetData function, you can see call TSecType<XXX>::SetData function
- TSecType<long>::SetData(TSecType<long> *this, const int data) -> 004B22D6
- TSecType<double>::SetData(TSecType<double> *this, const long double data) -> 004C95B5
- TSecType<unsigned char>::SetData(TSecType<unsigned char> *this, const char data) -> 005891FC
- TSecType<int>::SetData(TSecType<int> *this, const int data) -> 005D0BA4
- CVecCtrlUser::WorkUpdateActive(CVecCtrlUser *this, int tElapse) -> 011F6113 //6A ** B8 ** ** ** 01 E8 ** ** ** 00 8B ** 8B 3D ** ** ** 01 33 ** 89 7D ** 3B ** [2/2]
- CVecCtrl::WorkUpdateActive(CVecCtrl *this, int tElapse) -> 011E4DBC //55 8B ** 83 EC ** ** ** 8B ** E8 ** ** ** FF 33 ** 85 C0 74 **
- CMovePath::SetKeyPadState(CMovePath *this, int bLeftKeyPressed, int bRightKeyPressed, int bUpKeyPressed, int bDownKeyPressed) -> 009967FC //6A ** 83 C1 ** E8 ** ** ** FF 8A
- CVecCtrl::SetInput(CVecCtrl *this, int nInputX, int nInputY, bool bResolveAction) -> 011DD330 //80 7C ** ** 00 8B 54 ** ** ** 8B 7C ** ** 8B ** 89 90 ** ** 00 00 89 B8 ** ** 00 00
- get_update_time() -> 01196A43 //A1 ** ** ** 01 8B 40 ** C3
- CUserLocal::SetInGameForcedInput(CUserLocal *this, int *nPos_X, int *nPos_Y) -> 010C84E2 //55 8B ** A1 ** ** ** 01 ** ** 33 ** 8B ** 39 B8 ** ** 00 00
- CUserLocal::SetAttractMove(CUserLocal *this, int *nPos_X, int *nPos_Y) -> 010C7C37 //55 8B EC ** 8B ** 8B ** FF 50 ** 8B ** E8 ** ** ** FF
- CUserLocal::Jump(CUserLocal *this, int bEnforced, int bEnforcedPrepareJump, int bUpkey) -> 010C48D9 //6A ** B8 ** ** ** 01 E8 ** ** ** 00 8B ** 8D BE ** ** ** 00 8B ** E8 ** ** ** FF 85 C0 74 ** 8B **
- IVecCtrlOwner::IsOnFoothold(IVecCtrlOwner *this) -> 011DD8E8 //8B 01 FF 50 ** 8B C8 E8 ** ** ** FF F7 D8 1B C0 F7 D8 C3 [25/26]
- CVecCtrlMob::CtrlUpdateActiveStop(CVecCtrlMob *this) -> 011EA6B1 //Case 0 , 8B 86 ** ** 00 00 2B ** 74 ** 48 74 ** 48 74 ** 48 74 ** 48
- CVecCtrlMob::CtrlUpdateActiveMove(CVecCtrlMob *this) -> 011EA876 //Case 1
- CVecCtrlMob::CtrlUpdateActiveJump(CVecCtrlMob *this) -> 011EAD27 //Case 2
- CVecCtrlMob::FlyCtrlGuardingBefore(CVecCtrlMob *this) -> 011EB62E //Case 3
- CVecCtrlMob::CtrlUpdateActiveFly(CVecCtrlMob *this) -> 011EDACB //Case 3
- CVecCtrlMob::CtrlUpdateActiveEscort(CVecCtrlMob *this) -> 011EB193 //Case 4
- CVecCtrlMob::CtrlUpdateActiveMoveForward(CVecCtrlMob *this) -> 011EAB09 //Case 5
- CMinionPool::FindHitMinionInRect(CMinionPool *this, tagRECT *rc, CMinion **apMinion, int nMaxCount, CMinion *pExcept, bool bFindFromEnemy, int nWishMobID, int rPoison, unsigned int dwWishTemplateID, int nSkillID) -> 009244A4 //6A ** B8 ** ** ** 01 E8 ** ** ** 00 8B ** FF 75 ** 8B 0D ** ** ** 01 33 FF 89 7D ** 89 7D ** [1/2]
- CSkillInfo::GetSkill(CSkillInfo *this, int nSkillID) -> 00AFC921 //6A ** B8 ** ** ** 01 E8 ** ** ** 00 8B ** 83 ** ** 00 83 ** ** 00 8D ** ** 50 8D 45 ** 8D 7E ** [3/4]
- CMob::OnHit(CMob *this, CMob::DAMAGEINFO *damageInfo, int bZigZagDamage) -> 00968002 //55 83 EC ** 6A ** B8 ** ** ** 01 E8 ** ** ** 00 8B ** 89 5D ** 83 ** ** 00 E8 ** ** ** FF
- bool __thiscall SKILLENTRY::IsFastAttack(SKILLENTRY *this) -> 0101C0C5 //33 C0 83 B9 ** ** 00 00 FF 0F 95 C0 [1/2]
- SKILLLEVELDATA::LoadLevelData(SKILLLEVELDATA *this, int nSkillID, _com_ptr_t<_com_IIID<IWzProperty,&_GUID_986515d9_0a0b_4929_8b4f_718682177b92> > pLevelData, SKILLLEVELDATACommon *pLevelCommon, int nLevel, _com_ptr_t<_com_IIID<IWzProperty,&_GUID_986515d9_0a0b_4929_8b4f_718682177b92> > pStrSR) -> 00AD69B0 //55 8D 6C ** ** 83 EC ** 6A ** 68 ** ** ** ** 64 A1 00 00 00 00 50 B8 ** ** 00 00 E8 ** ** ** 00 A1 ** ** ** 01 33 C5 [3/7]
- CUserLocal::TryDoingFallDown(CUserLocal *this) -> 01094654 //8B ** 8D 88 ** ** ** 00 83 ** 00
- CMob::TryDoingFallDown(CMob *this) -> 00930AEB //E8 ** ** ** FF 85 C0 74 ** 8B 81 ** ** 00 00 85 C0 74 ** 8D ** ** EB ** [3/3]
- CMobPool::FindHitMobInRect(CMobPool *this, tagRECT *rc, CMob **apMob, int nMaxCount, CMob *pExcept, int nWishMobID, int rPoison, unsigned int dwWishTemplateID, int bIncludeDazzledMob, int bIncludeEscortMob, int nSelectRangeSkillID, int nSelectRangeX, int nCurUserX, int nSkillID, int bFindBoss) -> 0096DC0A //6A ** B8 ** ** ** 01 E8 ** ** ** 0 8B ** FF 75 ** 8B 0D ** ** ** 01 33 FF [2/2]
複製代碼 |
總評分: 楓幣 + 65
GP + 5