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- 註冊時間
- 2013-2-7
- 最後登入
- 2023-8-8
本帖最後由 qqa589589 於 2018-3-7 12:29 編輯
PokeGo ++ 2.0已更新!
- 更新到官方寵物小精靈去應用程序0.91.1
- iPhone X通知修復
- 新的線餵飼過濾器*%lvl%*(僅限越獄)
- 增加口袋妖怪級別遇到通知
- 修正了導致崩潰的地圖上的錯誤
- 新的協調員名單*閃亮的檢查器/養殖*功能。現在我們將灰化您單擊的單元格。 (只限捐助者)
- 冷卻計時器根據反饋進行更新。
PokeGo ++ 2.0團隊
Hi All,
PokeGo++ 2.0 has been updated!
Release Notes 2.0r-59(0.91.1)
- Updated to the Official Pokemon Go App 0.91.1
- iPhone X notification fixes
- New cords feed filter *%lvl%* (Jailbroken only)
- Added pokemon level to encounter notification
- Fixed bug on map that was causing a crash
- New coords list *shiny checker/farming* feature. We will now grey the cells that you click. (Donor only)
- Cooldown timers updated based on feedback.
Happy Hunting,
PokeGo++ 2.0 Team