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一些驚人的東西已經差不多了! Niantic支持reddit的官方代表
換句話說,令人難以置信的全球挑戰賽,以Youtube為中心的旅遊活動,都應該抓住他們對社區的所有炒作 - 儘管這很棒,但Niantic首席執行官漢克(John Hanke)上週暗示說看Niantic的文章正式翻倍:下週更多口袋妖怪GO新聞,100%提供新功能的承諾)。
我們的印像是,神奇寶貝GO旅遊活動是我們承諾的新聞,但顯然會有更多。如果你已經註意到公告的措辭,現在看來很明顯,這個消息將包含一些重要的和遊戲的重點。 Niantic的發行術語中的“特徵”幾乎總是意味著“遊戲元素和系統”,而不是內容更新或新的神奇寶貝。
也許我們會看到EX Raid邀請的刪除。也許他們會宣布第三代的能力即將到來。也許他們會用PvP的形式來重振競爭精神。如果你要求我們把錢放在一個功能上,我們會說PvP,但是不要在這裡引用我們。
手指交叉我們沒有錯。現在停止偷懶,出去捉住一些神奇寶貝 - 我們有一個挑戰完成!
PS: NianticIndigo確保每個人都能看到這個回應,並在各種不同的reddit線程中評論過三次。事故?幾乎不。點擊圖片查看完整分辨率,我們故意在這裡包含低分辨率,以節省您的移動帶寬。
something amazing has almost gone under the radar! NianticIndigo, the official representative of Niantic support on reddit, has shared the following statement today (source):
We still have more information to share about upcoming feature
changes, but it may be a few more days. Stay tuned.In other words, the incredible Global Challenge, the Youtube-centric Travel event, the gotta catch them all hype the community is currently in — all of that, albeit great, is not the news that John Hanke, Niantic’s CEO, hinted last week (see article Niantic officially doubles down:
more Pokemon GO news next week and 100% commitment on delivering new features).
We were under the impression that the Pokémon GO Travel event
was the news we were promised, but there is apparently more coming. If you’ve payed attention to the announcement wording, it now seems evident that the news will contain something significant and gameplay focused. The word “features” in Niantic’s publishing lingo almost always means “gameplay elements and systems”, not content updates or new Pokémon.
Maybe we’ll see the removal of EX Raid invitations. Maybe they’ll announce that abilities are coming with Gen III. Maybe they’ll reinvigorate the competitive spirit with a form of PvP. If you’d ask us to put money on a feature, we’d say PvP, but don’t quote us on
this.We’re in the dark same as you are. However, we are feeling cautiously optimistic. With the recent uplift in community and influencers engagement, the “we’re 100% committed” announcement and the relatively soonish release of Gen III (probably
less than a month away!), we can’t help but admit one thing: we firmly believe that 2018 will be a strong year for Pokémon GO.Fingers crossed we’re not wrong. Now stop slacking and go out catch some Pokémon — we’ve got a challenge to complete!
P.S. NianticIndigo made sure everyone sees this response and commented it three times in various different reddit threads. Accident? Hardly. Click the image for full resolution, we purposely include low res here in order to save your mobile bandwidth.
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