
- 62810
- 帖子
- 64
- 主題
- 33
- 精華
- 0
- 積分
- 34
- 楓幣
- 2964
- 威望
- 32
- 存款
- 0
- 贊助金額
- 0
- 推廣
- 0
- GP
- 32
- 閱讀權限
- 10
- 性別
- 保密
- 在線時間
- 41 小時
- 註冊時間
- 2014-5-26
- 最後登入
- 2019-5-7
1. 提取出body標籤部分–>剔除所有鏈接–>剔除所有script、註釋–>剔除所有空白標籤(包括標籤內不含中文的)–>獲取結果。
2. 直接匹配出非鏈接的、 符合在div、p、h標籤中的中文部分???
還是會有不少其它多餘信息啊,比如底部信息等。。 如何搞?不知道大家有木有什麼思路或建議?
這個類是從網上找到的一個php實現的提取網頁正文部分的算法,鄭曉在本地也測試了下,準確率非常高。- <?php
- class Readability {
- // 保存判定結果的標記位名稱
- const ATTR_CONTENT_SCORE = "contentScore";
- // DOM 解析類目前只支持 UTF-8 編碼
- const DOM_DEFAULT_CHARSET = "utf-8";
- // 當判定失敗時顯示的內容
- const MESSAGE_CAN_NOT_GET = "Readability was unable to parse this page for content.";
- // DOM 解析類(PHP5 已內置)
- protected $DOM = null;
- // 需要解析的源代碼
- protected $source = "";
- // 章節的父元素列表
- private $parentNodes = array();
- // 需要刪除的標籤
- // Note: added extra tags from http://www.111cn.net
- private $junkTags = Array("style", "form", "iframe", "script", "button", "input", "textarea",
- "noscript", "select", "option", "object", "applet", "basefont",
- "bgsound", "blink", "canvas", "command", "menu", "nav", "datalist",
- "embed", "frame", "frameset", "keygen", "label", "marquee", "link");
- // 需要刪除的屬性
- private $junkAttrs = Array("style", "class", "onclick", "onmouseover", "align", "border", "margin");
- /**
- * 構造函數
- * @param $input_char 字符串的編碼。默認 utf-8,可以省略
- */
- function __construct($source, $input_char = "utf-8") {
- $this->source = $source;
- // DOM 解析類只能處理 UTF-8 格式的字符
- $source = mb_convert_encoding($source, 'HTML-ENTITIES', $input_char);
- // 預處理 HTML 標籤,剔除冗餘的標籤等
- $source = $this->preparSource($source);
- // 生成 DOM 解析類
- $this->DOM = new DOMDocument('1.0', $input_char);
- try {
- //libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
- // 會有些錯誤信息,不過不要緊 :^)
- if (!@$this->DOM->loadHTML('<?xml encoding="'.Readability::DOM_DEFAULT_CHARSET.'">'.$source)) {
- throw new Exception("Parse HTML Error!");
- }
- foreach ($this->DOM->childNodes as $item) {
- if ($item->nodeType == XML_PI_NODE) {
- $this->DOM->removeChild($item); // remove hack
- }
- }
- // insert proper
- $this->DOM->encoding = Readability::DOM_DEFAULT_CHARSET;
- } catch (Exception $e) {
- // ...
- }
- }
- /**
- * 預處理 HTML 標籤,使其能夠準確被 DOM 解析類處理
- *
- * @return String
- */
- private function preparSource($string) {
- // 剔除多餘的 HTML 編碼標記,避免解析出錯
- preg_match("/charset=([\w|\-]+);?/", $string, $match);
- if (isset($match[1])) {
- $string = preg_replace("/charset=([\w|\-]+);?/", "", $string, 1);
- }
- // Replace all doubled-up <BR> tags with <P> tags, and remove fonts.
- $string = preg_replace("/<br\/?>[ \r\n\s]*<br\/?>/i", "</p><p>", $string);
- $string = preg_replace("/<\/?font[^>]*>/i", "", $string);
- // @see https://github.com/feelinglucky/php-readability/issues/7
- // - from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7130867/remove-script-tag-from-html-content
- $string = preg_replace("#<script(.*?)>(.*?)</script>#is", "", $string);
- return trim($string);
- }
- /**
- * 刪除 DOM 元素中所有的 $TagName 標籤
- *
- * @return DOMDocument
- */
- private function removeJunkTag($RootNode, $TagName) {
- $Tags = $RootNode->getElementsByTagName($TagName);
- //Note: always index 0, because removing a tag removes it from the results as well.
- while($Tag = $Tags->item(0)){
- $parentNode = $Tag->parentNode;
- $parentNode->removeChild($Tag);
- }
- return $RootNode;
- }
- /**
- * 刪除元素中所有不需要的屬性
- */
- private function removeJunkAttr($RootNode, $Attr) {
- $Tags = $RootNode->getElementsByTagName("*");
- $i = 0;
- while($Tag = $Tags->item($i++)) {
- $Tag->removeAttribute($Attr);
- }
- return $RootNode;
- }
- /**
- * 根據評分獲取頁面主要內容的盒模型
- * 判定算法來自:http://code.google.com/p/arc90labs-readability/
- * 這裡由鄭曉博客轉發
- * @return DOMNode
- */
- private function getTopBox() {
- // 獲得頁面所有的章節
- $allParagraphs = $this->DOM->getElementsByTagName("p");
- // Study all the paragraphs and find the chunk that has the best score.
- // A score is determined by things like: Number of <p>'s, commas, special classes, etc.
- $i = 0;
- while($paragraph = $allParagraphs->item($i++)) {
- $parentNode = $paragraph->parentNode;
- $contentScore = intval($parentNode->getAttribute(Readability::ATTR_CONTENT_SCORE));
- $className = $parentNode->getAttribute("class");
- $id = $parentNode->getAttribute("id");
- // Look for a special classname
- if (preg_match("/(comment|meta|footer|footnote)/i", $className)) {
- $contentScore -= 50;
- } else if(preg_match(
- "/((^|\\s)(post|hentry|entry[-]?(content|text|body)?|article[-]?(content|text|body)?)(\\s|$))/i",
- $className)) {
- $contentScore += 25;
- }
- // Look for a special ID
- if (preg_match("/(comment|meta|footer|footnote)/i", $id)) {
- $contentScore -= 50;
- } else if (preg_match(
- "/^(post|hentry|entry[-]?(content|text|body)?|article[-]?(content|text|body)?)$/i",
- $id)) {
- $contentScore += 25;
- }
- // Add a point for the paragraph found
- // Add points for any commas within this paragraph
- if (strlen($paragraph->nodeValue) > 10) {
- $contentScore += strlen($paragraph->nodeValue);
- }
- // 保存父元素的判定得分
- $parentNode->setAttribute(Readability::ATTR_CONTENT_SCORE, $contentScore);
- // 保存章節的父元素,以便下次快速獲取
- array_push($this->parentNodes, $parentNode);
- }
- $topBox = null;
- // Assignment from index for performance.
- // See http://www.peachpit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=31567&seqNum=5
- for ($i = 0, $len = sizeof($this->parentNodes); $i < $len; $i++) {
- $parentNode = $this->parentNodes[$i];
- $contentScore = intval($parentNode->getAttribute(Readability::ATTR_CONTENT_SCORE));
- $orgContentScore = intval($topBox ? $topBox->getAttribute(Readability::ATTR_CONTENT_SCORE) : 0);
- if ($contentScore && $contentScore > $orgContentScore) {
- $topBox = $parentNode;
- }
- }
- // 此時,$topBox 應為已經判定後的頁面內容主元素
- return $topBox;
- }
- /**
- * 獲取 HTML 頁面標題
- *
- * @return String
- */
- public function getTitle() {
- $split_point = ' - ';
- $titleNodes = $this->DOM->getElementsByTagName("title");
- if ($titleNodes->length
- && $titleNode = $titleNodes->item(0)) {
- // @see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/717328/how-to-explode-string-right-to-left
- $title = trim($titleNode->nodeValue);
- $result = array_map('strrev', explode($split_point, strrev($title)));
- return sizeof($result) > 1 ? array_pop($result) : $title;
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Get Leading Image Url
- *
- * @return String
- */
- public function getLeadImageUrl($node) {
- $images = $node->getElementsByTagName("img");
- if ($images->length && $leadImage = $images->item(0)) {
- return $leadImage->getAttribute("src");
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * 獲取頁面的主要內容(Readability 以後的內容)
- *
- * @return Array
- */
- public function getContent() {
- if (!$this->DOM) return false;
- // 獲取頁面標題
- $ContentTitle = $this->getTitle();
- // 獲取頁面主內容
- $ContentBox = $this->getTopBox();
- //Check if we found a suitable top-box.
- if($ContentBox === null)
- throw new RuntimeException(Readability::MESSAGE_CAN_NOT_GET);
- // 複製內容到新的 DOMDocument
- $Target = new DOMDocument;
- $Target->appendChild($Target->importNode($ContentBox, true));
- // 刪除不需要的標籤
- foreach ($this->junkTags as $tag) {
- $Target = $this->removeJunkTag($Target, $tag);
- }
- // 刪除不需要的屬性
- foreach ($this->junkAttrs as $attr) {
- $Target = $this->removeJunkAttr($Target, $attr);
- }
- $content = mb_convert_encoding($Target->saveHTML(), Readability::DOM_DEFAULT_CHARSET, "HTML-ENTITIES");
- // 多個數據,以數組的形式返回
- return Array(
- 'lead_image_url' => $this->getLeadImageUrl($Target),
- 'word_count' => mb_strlen(strip_tags($content), Readability::DOM_DEFAULT_CHARSET),
- 'title' => $ContentTitle ? $ContentTitle : null,
- 'content' => $content
- );
- }
- function __destruct() { }
- }
複製代碼 |