Gms V.66 Some Pointer/address/script/ct/cem
已有 711 次閱讀2019-8-29 02:11
ADDRESS: Pap Vac: 00803CEB Fall Through Floor: 00805B9C ZF [X] [X] LAG: 00803D5C ZF[X] [X] Blink Godmode: 0079E240 EDI-FFFF ZF [X] [ ] Super Tubi: 004C31C8 ZF [X][X] Instant Drop: 004CFA04 EIP: 004CFA59 Pin Typer: 004A368E CF[X] [ ] CS-EAX-X: 00808049 CS-EAX-Y: 008080AE Speed Up Attack Animation: 007B7E48 ZF[X] [X] Damage Filter: 005CE4F0 EIP: 005CE4F5 100% FINAL ATTACK: 007BCBF2 EIP: 007BCBF7 CS Critical: 005CEF5A ZF[X] [X] Sit Everywhere: 007B717D ZF [X] [ ] Leviate: 00805288 ZF[X] [X] CS Hit Hack: 007BB47D SF [X] [] Monster Dead Animation Remove: 005CC78F ZF [X] [X] POINTER Character Pointer: 009948A0 ---------Character X Offset: 03CC ---------Character Y Offset: 03D0 ---------Character Facing Direction Offset: 052C ---------Attack Counter Offset: 204C ---------Item X Offset: 0D58 ---------Item Y Offset: 0D5C ---------No Breathe Offset: 0528 ---------pID Offset: 0D90 Character EXP % Pointer: 009948A8 ---------EXP % Offset: 0B48 [Double Byte] People Scanner Pointer: 00994660 ---------People Scanner Offset: 18 Item Counter Pointer: 004D1BDF ---------Item Couter Offset: 28 Monster Counter Pointer: 0099465C ---------Monster Counter Offset: 24 Map ID Pointer: 009957B0 ---------Map ID Offset: 062C Channel Pointer: 009948B0 ---------Channel Offset: 204C Server Information Pointer: 009948B0 ---------Server Offset: 2048 0: Scania 1: Bera 2: Broa 3: Windia 4: Khaini 5: Bellocan 6: Mardia 7: Kradia 8: Yellonde 9: Demethos People Scanner Pointer: 00994660 ---------People Scanner Offset: 18 Mouse Pointer: 00994A08 ---------Mouse Offset: 0978 ----------------X: 84 ----------------Y: 88 Pet Pointer: 00995A64 ----------Pet Level Offset: 0668 ----------Pet Closeness Offset: 065C ----------Pet Fullness Offset: 0662 ----------Character Fame: 0628 *For Pet Information/Character Fame to show up you have to click on yourself ingame* Client-Side Clothes Hack Pointer: 009948A0 ----------Hair Offset: 95 ----------Hat Offset: 99 ----------Face/Emotion Offset: 9D ----------Eyes Offset: A1 ----------Earring Offset: A5 ----------Overall/Top Offset: A9 ----------Bottom Offset: AD ----------Shoes Offset: B1 ----------Gloves Offset: B5 ----------Cape Offset: B9 ----------Sheild Offset: BD ----------Weapon Offset: C1 Wall Pointer: 00994658 ----------Left Wall Offset: 24 ----------Right Wall Offset: 28 ----------Top Wall Offset: 2C ----------Bottom Wall Offset: 30 SCRIPT: Damage Control + No KB: Code: //Damage Control+No KB //007BE198 //39 5D 0C 75 05 39 5D 10 74 24 //EIP: MyGod [ENABLE] alloc(MyGod,64) registersymbol(MyGod) MyGod: pushad mov [ebp+c],0 mov [ebp+8],1 //4F790D59 mov [ebp+10],0 popad cmp [ebp+0c],ebx jne 007BE1A2 //BOTTOM ADDRESS OPCODE jmp 007BE19D //TWO ADDRESS BELOW [disable] dealloc(MyGod) unregistersymbol(MyGod) Miss Godmode: Code: //Miss Godmode //007BD577 //0F ? ? ? ? ? 8B 46 ? 8D 4E ? FF 50 ? 8B 00 //EIP: Miss0939 [enable] registersymbol(Miss0939) registersymbol(MissRound) registersymbol(StopMiss) registersymbol(StopMiss1) alloc(Miss0939, 128) alloc(MissRound, 4) label(StopMiss) label(StopMiss1) Miss0939: inc [MissRound] cmp [MissRound], 7 // NUMBER OF MISS ja StopMiss xor eax,eax jmp 007BE198 //main address opcode StopMiss: mov [MissRound], 0 StopMiss1: jmp 007BD57D //bottom address [disable] unregistersymbol(Miss0939) unregistersymbol(MissRound) unregistersymbol(StopMiss) unregistersymbol(Stop) Mesos Drop: Code: [ENABLE] //007FF684 //89 86 ? ? ? ? 7d 47 68 //EIP: Drop //Amount: Amount you want alloc(Drop,32) alloc(Amount,4) registersymbol(Drop) registersymbol(Amount) Amount: dd 00 00 Drop: mov eax,[Amount] mov [esi+000000bc],eax jmp 007FF68A //BOTTOM ADDRESS [DISABLE] dealloc(Drop) dealloc(Amount) unregistersymbol(Drop) unregistersymbol(Amount) Unlimited Attack: Code: //Unlimited Attack //0080849 //89 03 8B 7D 10 85 FF 74 5E FF B6 ? ? ? ? 8D 46 ? 83 C0 ? 50 E8 // EIP : CSX [Enable] registersymbol(CSX) alloc(CSX,128) label(CSXReturn) CSX: push eax mov eax,[009948A0] //CHARACTER POINTER mov eax,[eax+204C] //ATTACK COUNTER OFFSET cmp eax,0000050 pop eax jg CSXReturn push eax mov eax,[009948A0] //CHARACTER POINTER mov eax,[eax+0D90] //pID OFFSET cmp esi,eax pop eax jne CSXReturn add eax,0a jmp CSXReturn CSXReturn: mov [ebx], eax jmp 0080804B //8B 7D 10 85 FF 74 5E FF B6 ? ? ? ? 8D 46 ? 83 C0 ? 50 E8 //OR BOTTOM ADDRESS [Disable] unregistersymbol(CSX) dealloc(CSX) Client-Sided Mouse Vac: Code: // Address:00894F22 //c3 55 8b ec 51 51 56 be ? ? ? ? 57 56 // EIP:CSXY //MYKEY: 0: Off 1-2: Mouse 3: [ENABLE] registersymbol(CSXY) alloc(CSXY, 1024) registersymbol(MYKEY) alloc(MYKEY, 4) registersymbol(MYCSX) alloc(MYCSX, 4) registersymbol(MYCSY) alloc(MYCSY, 4) registersymbol(CSXYOF) alloc(CSXYOF, 4) registersymbol(CSXOF) alloc(CSXOF, 256) registersymbol(CSYOF) alloc(CSYOF, 256) registersymbol(CSXYOF00) alloc(CSXYOF00, 4) registersymbol(CSXYOFTIME) alloc(CSXYOFTIME, 4) registersymbol(CSXYOFTIME00) alloc(CSXYOFTIME00, 4) registersymbol(CSXYOF10) alloc(CSXYOF10, 4) label(CSXY00) label(CSXY01) label(CSXY02) label(MOUSECSX) label(MOUSECSX00) label(MOUSECSY) label(MOUSECSY00) label(CSXYOUT) label(CSXYOUT00) label(MOUSECSX10) label(MOUSECSX11) label(MOUSECSX12) label(MOUSECSX20) label(MOUSECSX21) label(MOUSECSX22) label(MOUSECSY10) label(MOUSECSY11) //----------------------------------------------- MYKEY: DD 0 CSXYOFTIME00: DD 1000 //----------------------------------------------- MYCSX: DD 0 MYCSY: DD 0 //----------------------------------------------- CSXYOF: DD 0 CSXOF: DD 0 CSYOF: DD 0 //----------------------------------------------- CSXYOF00: DD 0 CSXYOFTIME: DD 0 //----------------------------------------------- CSXYOF10: DD 0 //----------------------------------------------- CSXY: cmp [MYKEY],0 je CSXY00 cmp [MYKEY],1 je CSXY01 cmp [MYKEY],2 je CSXY01 cmp [MYKEY],3 je CSXY02 jmp CSXY00 //----------------------------------------------- CSXY00: ret //----------------------------------------------- CSXY01: cmp dword ptr [esp], 00808049 //cs-EAX X //89 03 8b 7d 10 85 ff je MOUSECSX cmp dword ptr [esp], 008080AE //CS-EAX Y //89 07 8b 5d 14 85 db je MOUSECSY ret //----------------------------------------------- MOUSECSX: add esp,4 push eax mov eax,[009948A0] //character pointer //7FFDFBF8 mov eax,[eax+D90] //pID cmp esi,eax pop eax jne MOUSECSX00 call CSXYOUT push eax mov eax,[00994A08] //mouse pointer mov eax,[eax+0978] //offset mov eax,[eax+0084] //X offset mov [MYCSX],eax pop eax mov eax,[MYCSX] mov [ebx],eax jmp 0080804B //8b 7d 10 85 ff 74 5e //----------------------------------------------- MOUSECSX00: mov [ebx],eax jmp 0080804B //8b 7d 10 85 ff 74 5e //----------------------------------------------- MOUSECSY: add esp,4 push eax mov eax,[009948A0] //ITEM POINTER mov eax,[eax+D90] //pID offset-- ITEMX +1C cmp esi,eax pop eax jne MOUSECSY00 push eax mov eax,[00994A08] //mouse pointer mov eax,[eax+0978] //offset mov eax,[eax+0088] //Y offset mov [MYCSY],eax pop eax mov eax,[MYCSY] mov [edi],eax jmp 008080B0 //8b 5d 14 85 db 74 58 //----------------------------------------------- MOUSECSY00: mov [edi],eax jmp 008080B0 //8b 5d 14 85 db 74 58 //----------------------------------------------- CSXYOUT: cmp [MYKEY],2 jne CSXYOUT00 add [CSXYOF],1 mov edx,[CSXYOF] push eax mov eax,[009948A0] //character pointer //00978358 mov eax,[eax+D58] //item X offset //D58 mov [CSXOF+edx*4],eax mov eax,[009948A0] //character pointer //00978358 mov eax,[eax+D5C] //item Y offset //D5C mov [CSYOF+edx*4],eax pop eax mov [CSXYOF00],edx mov [MYKEY],1 ret //----------------------------------------------- CSXYOUT00: ret //----------------------------------------------- CSXY02: cmp dword ptr [esp], 00808049 //cs EAX X je MOUSECSX10 cmp dword ptr [esp], 008080AE //CS EAX Y je MOUSECSY10 ret //----------------------------------------------- MOUSECSX10: add esp,4 push eax mov eax,[009948A0] //character pointer //7FFDFBF8 mov eax,[eax+D90] //pID offset cmp esi,eax pop eax jne MOUSECSX11 call MOUSECSX20 mov edx,[CSXYOF00] mov eax,[CSXOF+edx*4] mov [ebx],eax jmp 0080804B //8b 7d 10 85 ff 74 5e //----------------------------------------------- MOUSECSX11: cmp [CSXYOF10],0 je MOUSECSX12 mov [CSXYOF10],0 mov edx,[CSXYOF00] mov eax,[CSXOF+edx*4] add eax,9 mov [ebx],eax jmp 0080804B //8b 7d 10 85 ff 74 5e //----------------------------------------------- MOUSECSX12: mov [CSXYOF10],1 mov edx,[CSXYOF00] mov eax,[CSXOF+edx*4] sub eax,9 mov [ebx],eax jmp 0080804B //8b 7d 10 85 ff 74 5e //----------------------------------------------- MOUSECSX20: add [CSXYOFTIME],1 mov edx,[CSXYOFTIME00] cmp [CSXYOFTIME],edx jge MOUSECSX21 ret //----------------------------------------------- MOUSECSX21: mov [CSXYOFTIME],0 sub [CSXYOF00],1 cmp [CSXYOF00],0 jle MOUSECSX22 ret //----------------------------------------------- MOUSECSX22: mov edx,[CSXYOF] mov [CSXYOF00],edx ret //----------------------------------------------- MOUSECSY10: add esp,4 push eax mov eax,[009948A0] //character pointer 7FFDFBF8 mov eax,[eax+D90] //pID offset cmp esi,eax pop eax jne MOUSECSY11 mov edx,[CSXYOF00] mov eax,[CSYOF+edx*4] mov [edi],eax jmp 008080B0 //8b 5d 14 85 db 74 58 //----------------------------------------------- MOUSECSY11: mov edx,[CSXYOF00] mov eax,[CSYOF+edx*4] add eax,1 mov [edi],eax jmp 008080B0 //8b 5d 14 85 db 74 58 //----------------------------------------------- [DISABLE] dealloc(CSXY) unregistersymbol(CSXY) dealloc(MYKEY) unregistersymbol(MYKEY) dealloc(MYCSX) unregistersymbol(MYCSX) dealloc(MYCSY) unregistersymbol(MYCSY) dealloc(CSXYOF) unregistersymbol(CSXYOF) dealloc(CSXOF) unregistersymbol(CSXOF) dealloc(CSYOF) unregistersymbol(CSYOF) dealloc(CSXYOF00) unregistersymbol(CSXYOF00) dealloc(CSXYOFTIME) unregistersymbol(CSXYOFTIME) dealloc(CSXYOFTIME00) unregistersymbol(CSXYOFTIME00) dealloc(CSXYOF10) unregistersymbol(CSXYOF10) Max Rush: Code: [ENABLE] //Address:008043C1 //9e 77 ? 33 bottom address //EIP:maxRush //maxRushCounter: //maxRushOnOff : 0=OFF 1=ON //RushCounter : //Round : registersymbol(maxRush) registersymbol(maxRushCounter) registersymbol(maxRushOnOff) registersymbol(EDIValue) alloc(maxRush, 1024) alloc(EDIValue,4) alloc(maxRushCounter,4) alloc(maxRushOnOff,4) label(doRushNormal) label(getEDIValue) label(doRushTele) label(doRushTeleStart) label(doRushTeleReturn) label(doRushResetCounterEnd) alloc(loctn,64) label(doRushTeleEnd) label(doEnd) registersymbol(RushCounter) alloc(RushCounter,4) registersymbol(Round) alloc(Round,4) alloc(VarRound,4) Round: dd 0 VarRound: dd 0 maxRushCounter: dd 2 RushCounter: dd 1 maxRushOnOff: dd 0 // {1: On, (char teleport, ????) | // 0: Off (platform id detect,??ID??) } EDIValue: dd 0 // platform id (??ID) maxRush: // 0075344B Push Eax Mov Eax,[009948A0] // char pointer Add Eax, D90 //pID Mov Eax, [Eax] Sub Eax, C // char pid Cmp Esi,Eax Pop Eax Je doRushNormal jmp 008043CA //Opcode of Original Address doRushNormal: call doRushTele JA 008043CA //Opcode of Original Address jmp 008043C3 //Bottom Address doRushTele: pushfd Cmp [maxRushOnOff],0 je getEDIValue call doRushTeleStart doRushTeleReturn: popfd ret // platform id detect. getEDIValue: push eax push edx push ecx mov eax,[esi+114] lea edx,[loctn] mov ecx,[RushCounter] shl ecx,1 shl ecx,1 mov [edx+ecx],eax pop ecx pop edx pop eax jmp doRushTeleReturn // start charactor teleport doRushTeleStart: push ebx push eax add [RushCounter],1 mov ebx,[maxRushCounter] cmp [RushCounter],ebx ja doRushTeleEnd push edx push ecx lea edx,[loctn] mov ecx,[RushCounter] shl ecx,1 shl ecx,1 mov eax,[edx+ecx] mov [esi+110],eax pop ecx pop edx jmp doRushResetCounterEnd doRushTeleEnd: cmp [Round],0 je doEnd add [VarRound],1 mov ebx,[Round] cmp [VarRound],ebx jbe doEnd push edx push ecx mov [VarRound],0 lea edx,[loctn] mov ecx,[RushCounter] shl ecx,1 shl ecx,1 mov eax,[edx+ecx] mov [esi+110],eax pop ecx pop edx jmp doRushResetCounterEnd doEnd: mov [RushCounter],0 // reset counter (????) pop eax pop ebx jmp doRushTeleStart doRushResetCounterEnd: pop eax pop ebx ret [DISABLE] dealloc(maxRush) dealloc(maxRushCounter) dealloc(maxRushOnOff) dealloc(PlatformIDList) unregistersymbol(maxRush) unregistersymbol(maxRushCounter) unregistersymbol(maxRushOnOff) dealloc(EDIValue) unregistersymbol(EDIValue) dealloc(loctn) unregistersymbol(RushCounter) dealloc(RushCounter) unregistersymbol(Round) dealloc(Round) dealloc(VarRound) Item Filter: Code: //item filter //EIP:ItemFilter //Address: 004CEEFA //89 47 34 8b 7d ec [ENABLE] alloc(ItemFilter,124) registersymbol(ItemFilter) label(ifreject) label(end) label(skip) alloc(IFTable,2048) alloc(ItemCounter,4) registersymbol(ItemCounter) ItemFilter: mov [ItemCounter],eax push ebx push esi xor ebx, ebx mov esi,IFTable ifreject: cmp eax,[esi] je skip cmp [esi],ebx je end add esi,4 jmp ifreject skip: mov eax,00 end: pop esi pop ebx mov [edi+34],eax jmp 004CEEFD //8B 7D EC 8B CE E8 ? ? ? ? 89 47 24 8B 7D EC IFTable: dd 1F6EE0 //Arrow for Bow dd 1F72C8 //Arrow for Crossbow dd 1F6EE1 //Bronze Arrow for Bow dd 1F72C9 //Bronze Arrow for Crossbow dd 1E8480 //Red Potion dd 1E8481 //Orange Potion dd 1E8482 //White Potion dd 1E8483 //Blue Potion //dd 1E8486 //Mana Elixer dd 1E8487 //Red Pill dd 1E8488 //Orange Pill dd 1E8489 //White Pill dd 1E848A //Blue Pill dd 1E848B //Mana Elixer Pill dd 1F47D4 //All Cure Potion dd 1F47D0 //Antidote dd 1F47D1 //Eye Drop dd 1F47D3 //Holy Water dd 1F47D2 //Tonic dd 1E8C50 //Dexterity Potion dd 1E8C52 //Magic Potion dd 1E8C55 //Sniper Potion dd 1E8C51 //Speed Potion dd 1E8C54 //Warrior Potion dd 1E8C53 //Wizard Potion dd 1E8C59 //Dexterity Pill dd 1E8C57 //Magic Pill dd 1E8C58 //Sniper Pill dd 1E8C5A //Speed Pill dd 1E8C56 //Warrior Pill dd 1EAB93 //Orange dd 1EAB94 //Lemon dd 1ED2AF //Sunset Dew dd 1E8868 //Watermelon dd 1EDA73 //Unagi dd 3D09B3 //A bundle of goby dd 3D09D7 //Axe dd 3D0950 //Bain's Spiky Collar dd 3D0994 //Binding Bridle dd 3D0963 //Bloctopus Key Chain dd 3D0909 //Blue Mushroom Cap dd 3D0900 //Blue snail Shell dd 3D0966 //Blue Toy Block dd 3D09A4 //Bubble Fish's Thoughts dd 3D0925 //Bubbling's Huge Bubble dd 3D0982 //Buffoon's Grandpa Clock dd 3D0980 //Buffy's Hat dd 3D09B8 //Butter-Toasted Squid dd 3D0946 //Cellion Tail dd 3D094F //Cerebes' Tooth dd 3D0908 //Charm of the Undead dd 3D096F //Cheap Battery dd 3D097D //Chief Gray's Sign dd 3D092C //Clang Claw dd 3D0971 //Clock Spring dd 3D0973 //Cog dd 3D0917 //Cold Eye's Tail dd 3D0921 //Croco Skin dd 3D090D //Curse Eye's Tail dd 3D091F //Cursed Doll dd 3D09BA //Dark Drake's Horn dd 3D0957 //Dark Leatty Furball dd 3D0937 //Dark Jr. Yeti's Skin dd 3D093E //Dark Nependeath's Seed dd 3D0939 //Dark Pepe's Beak dd 3D0919 //Dark Stone Golem Rubble dd 3D0938 //Dark Yeti's Horn dd 3D0983 //Deep Buffoon's Rock Piece dd 3D09CD //Dirty Bandage dd 3D091E //Dragon Skin dd 3D090E //Drake's Skull dd 3D0985 //Dual Pirate's Propeller dd 3D0907 //Evil Eye's Tail dd 3D0992 //Evil Spirit dd 3D0944 //Fierry's Tentacles dd 3D0918 //Fire Boar's Tooth dd 3D0951 //Firebomb Flame dd 3D0955 //Fire Sentinel Shellpiece dd 3D0912 //Firewood dd 3D09A5 //Flamboyant Petal dd 3D09A2 //Flamboyant Scale Skin dd 3D094C //Flyeye Wing dd 3D0990 //Free Spirit dd 3D0984 //Ghost Pirate's Key dd 3D0987 //Gigantic Viking Hat dd 3D090C //Green Mushroom Cap dd 3D0948 //Grupin Tail dd 3D09A7 //Hard Needle dd 3D0960 //Hard Walnut dd 3D0933 //Hector's Tail dd 3D090F //Horny Mushroom Cap dd 3D09D0 //Horse Skull dd 3D09B9 //Ice Backbone dd 3D0996 //Ice Piece dd 3D0954 //Ice Sentinel Shellpiece dd 3D09B5 //Iced Shark's Fin dd 3D09B7 //Ink Bottle dd 3D09B2 //Iron Boar Armor dd 3D0927 //Iron Hog's Metal Hoof dd 3D0943 //Jr. Boogie's Horns dd 3D094E //Jr. Cerebes' Tooth dd 3D0922 //Jr. Necki's Skin dd 3D0958 //Jr. Pepe's Fish dd 3D0953 //Jr. Sentinel Shellpiece dd 3D0930 //Jr. Yeti's Skin dd 3D0981 //Lazy Buffy's Marble dd 3D0905 //Leaf dd 3D0915 //Leather dd 3D0956 //Leatty Furball dd 3D0920 //Ligator Skin dd 3D09B6 //Lime Powder Bottle dd 3D0947 //Lioner Tail dd 3D092B //Lorang Claw dd 3D094A //Lucida Tail dd 3D093C //Lunar Pixie's moon piece dd 3D091A //Lupin Doll dd 3D091D //Lupin's Banana dd 3D093D //Luster Pixie's Sunpiece dd 3D0936 //Lycanthrope's Toenail dd 3D0929 //Malady's Experimental Frog dd 3D0978 //Mateon's Tentacle dd 3D097A //Mecateon's Laser Gun dd 3D0970 //Mechanical Heart dd 3D0924 //Medicine With Weird Vibes dd 3D09B1 //Mixed Block dd 3D0968 //Motor dd 3D090B //Mushroom Spore dd 3D09A0 //Needle dd 3D093A //Nependeath's Seed dd 3D0906 //Octopus's Leg dd 3D0901 //Orange Mushroom Cap dd 3D096C //Panda Doll dd 3D09CF //Pelvic Bone dd 3D0932 //Pepe's Beak dd 3D0911 //Pig's Head dd 3D0902 //Pig's Ribbon dd 3D0969 //Plane Controller dd 3D0964 //Plastic Crown dd 3D0979 //Plateon's Helmet dd 3D099F //Poison Poopa's Poisonous Spikes dd 3D099E //Poopa Egg dd 3D0967 //Propeller dd 3D095F //Rat Trap dd 3D0977 //Receiving Apparatus dd 3D0910 //Red snail Shell dd 3D09CE //Rib dd 3D09A3 //Seahorse Horn dd 3D09A1 //Seahorse Tail dd 3D099D //Seal Meat dd 3D099B //Seal Skin dd 3D099C //Seal Tooth dd 3D0995 //Sealed Bottle dd 3D0993 //Sealed Teddy Bear dd 3D0991 //Sealed-up Grandpa Clock dd 3D09C3 //Seedling dd 3D093F //Sentinel Shellpiece dd 3D09B4 //Shark Denture dd 3D09A6 //Shrimp Meat dd 3D09CC //Skeledog's Bone dd 3D09C5 //Slate dd 3D090A //Slime's Bubble dd 3D0974 //Small Egg dd 3D0976 //Small Spaceship dd 3D0913 // snail Shell dd 3D0999 //Snorkle dd 3D14BD //Soft Feather dd 3D0949 //Solid Horn dd 3D0975 //Space Food dd 3D0961 //Spiderweb dd 3D0904 //Squishy Liquid dd 3D093B //Star Pixie's Piece of Star dd 3D0962 //Sticky Spiderweb dd 3D14BC //Stiff Feather dd 3D092A //Stirge's Wing dd 3D0916 //Stone Golem? Rubble dd 3D09A8 //Sunflower Seed dd 3D0972 //Table Clock dd 3D0923 //Tablecloth dd 3D091C //Tauromacis's Horn dd 3D092E //Taurospear's Horn dd 3D096A //Teddy's Cotton dd 3D096B //Teddy's Yellow Ribbon dd 3D099A //Toy Baby Seal dd 3D097F //Toy Drum dd 3D096D //Toy Duckling dd 3D096E //ToyTroyan Sword dd 3D0903 //Tree Branch dd 3D092D //Tortie Shell dd 3D0986 //Viking Sail dd 3D0935 //Werewolf's Toenail dd 3D0934 //White Pang's Tail dd 3D0914 //Wild Boar's Tooth dd 3D091B //Wild Cargo's Eye dd 3D82BA //Wooden Board dd 3D097B //Worn-Out Goggle dd 3D0965 //Yellow Toy Block dd 3D0931 //Yeti's Horn dd 3D0952 //Zombie's Lost Gold Tooth dd 3D0945 //Zombie's Lost Tooth dd 3D098F //Zombie Teddy Bear dd 3D7E3C //Monster Card dd 3D7E3D //Bloctopus Omok Piece dd 3D7E31 //Mushroom Omok Piece dd 3D7E3A //Octopus Omok Piece dd 3D7E39 //Omok Table dd 3D7E3F //Panda Teddy Omok Piece dd 3D7E3B //Pig Omok Piece dd 3D7E3E //Pink Teddy Omok Piece dd 3D7E30 //Slime Omok Piece dd 3D7E40 //Trixter Omok Piece dd 3D09C4 //Wooden Board dd 3D82CD //Rice Powder dd 3D82CE //Honey dd 3D82CF //Leaf dd 3D82D0 //Glutinous Rice Powder dd 3D82D1 //Pot of Honey dd 3D82D2 //Bottle of Oil dd 3D82D3 //Gold Song Pyun dd 3D82D4 //Han Gwa Set dd 3D8410 //Blue Gift Box dd 3D8411 //Yellow Gift Box dd 3D8412 //Green Gift Box dd 00 [DISABLE] dealloc(ItemFilter) unregistersymbol(ItemFilter) dealloc(IFTable) dealloc(ItemCounter) unregistersymbol(ItemCounter) Monster KnockBack: Code: //Monster KB //ADDRESS=005CEEF2 //74 44 ff b3 ? ? ? ? 8d 83 ? ? ? ? 50 //EIP: ABack //AttackDir 0: Normal 1: Knock Back alittle 2: Knock Back Far 3: KnockBack Toward You 4: KnockBack toward Corner [ENABLE] registersymbol(ABack) registersymbol(ABackOnOff) registersymbol(AttackDir) alloc(ABack, 128) alloc(ABackOnOff, 4) alloc(AttackDir, 4) label(doABackNormal) ABack: cmp [ABackOnOff],0 jz doABackNormal push eax mov eax,[AttackDir] mov [ebp+28],eax pop eax doABackNormal: DB 85 C0 JMP 005CEEF4 // BOTTOM ADDRESS ABackOnOff: dd 1 dd 1 AttackDir: dd 2 dd 2 [DISABLE] dealloc(ABack) dealloc(ABackOnOff) dealloc(AttackDir) unregistersymbol(ABack) unregistersymbol(ABackOnOff) unregistersymbol(AttackDir) BYOR (Bring Your Own Rope): Code: //BYOR // Address:00876EEB //55 8B EC 51 8B 55 08 8B 45 10 // EIP:rope [ENABLE] alloc(BYORope,32) alloc(crope,32) alloc(rope,64) Registersymbol(rope) rope: jmp BYORope BYORope: mov [crope+c],eax mov eax,crope push [ecx+10] pop [eax+10] push [ecx+18] pop [eax+14] ret 10 jmp 00876EF2 //8B 45 10 3B D0 89 4D FC 7D 08 crope: dd 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 [DISABLE] Unregistersymbol(rope) dealloc(BYORope) dealloc(rope) dealloc(crope) HERE'S MAPLE GLOBAL V66 CEM [00400000-00A00000]: http://www.unknowncheats.me/forum/do...o=file&id=3842GMS66.CThttp://www.unknowncheats.me/forum/do...o=file&id=3843Hack AOB.rarhttp://www.unknowncheats.me/forum/do...o=file&id=3841Credits go to-djdavy714
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