CPU 溫度監控工具 – Core Temp,主要用於監控 CPU 內核的溫度以防止 CPU 超載,啟動 Core Temp 後它會即時顯示一般資訊(如:CPU 型號、核心數、執行緒、腳位、頻率以及每個核心的最高與最低溫度和負載等…),如果擔心自己的電腦會因 CPU 過熱而當機,那麼就使用 Core Temp 即時監控軟體來隨時掌握 CPU 的溫度狀態。
Core Temp is a powerful program to monitor processor temperature and other vital information. Core Temp is capable of displaying a temperature of each individual core of every processor in your system! You can see temperature fluctuations in real time with varying workloads. Core Temp is also motherboard agnostic.
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