Windows 更新清理工具 – Dism++ 是一款採用微軟內部 API 編寫非常強悍的 Windows 系統精簡管理工具,它具有獨一無二的更新清理功能、系統修復、已安裝更新、驅動管理、驅動匯出等豐富功能,此外還可以統計系統空間的分佈情況、精簡不需要過期的驅動程式、Windows 功能、清理不常見的垃圾、清理更新時殘留下來已淘汰的更新檔,達到清理和精簡系統的目的。
Dism++ is the new version of DismMgr(DismMgr is the new version of Windows Update Cleanup), but Dism++ is different from DismMgr beacuse Dism++ is not to use DismAPI which Microsoft provided( uses an undocument libaray from Microsoft called DismCore(Windows Deployment Imaging Service the Management Type Library) like Dism from Microsoft.We can provide more the underlying features.
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