Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit 是一款瀏覽器、軟體漏洞修復和防禦工具,支援保護和預防所有已知和未知的(0-day)零時差漏洞攻擊,保護那些使用傳統防毒軟體的使用者,即使其他安全產品防護失敗,它也能搭起系統的最後一道防護。該漏洞修復防禦工具內建一項獨家的應用程式漏洞保護技術,支援保護大量的電腦使用者免受惡意漏洞攻擊的煩擾。當發現一個新的安全性漏洞時,在對應的軟體廠商還未放出安全更新前,Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit 就能提供比一般防毒軟體更加有效的安全防護主動防禦漏洞攻擊。
Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit 應用軟體功能:
•支援保護瀏覽器以及瀏覽器常用的控制項:IE、Mozilla Firefox、Google Chrome、Opera、JAVA、Flash、Shockwave、Acrobat 和其他的外掛程式,上網也能被保護。
•支援保護常用的應用程式:Microsoft Word、Microsoft Excel、Microsoft PowerPoint、Adobe Acrobat Reader、Adobe Acrobat PRO 以及 Foxit Reader 等程式,辦公也能被保護。
•同樣也支援媒體播放機的保護功能:Windows Media Player、VLC Player、Apple QuickTime、Winamp 等…看影片也能被保護。
【軟體名稱】:Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit – 修復瀏覽器、軟體漏洞Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit shields browsers and software programs from attacks that exploit vulnerabilities in their code. A layer of protection that stops malware before it’s delivered to your door. Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit protects you against the security vulnerabilities in the code, which make up your software programs. Your software contains millions of lines of code, which unfortunately some people want to exploit. Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit protects you from these vulnerabilities which people can manipulate in order to infect your system with malware. The software gives you three layers of security protection around popular browsers and applications, thereby preventing the vulnerable code from being exploited.
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