MegaUploader is an upload client for MEGA.CO.NZ
* Fast: You can upload multiple files simultaneously, squeezing the bandwidth.
* Lightweight: Takes up less than 2MB and consumes little resources. It requires no installation, is a single exe. It doesn't create giant temporary files. Just uses a small buffer in memory.
* Secure: No ads, banners, or anything. It doesn't collect information from user. Only connects to MEGA.CO.NZ to upload the files, and periodically checks for updates. Nothing else. And sensitive internal information is stored locally encrypted using DPAPI and AES.
* Simple: Its interface is simple to use: add links and start uploading. That's all!
* Complete: It allows pausing, stopping and resuming file uploading . It enqueues files, grouping them by packages, can limit the upload speed, is multilingual, can be configured to automatically start or shut down the PC when finish, can reconnect in case of error, etc.