
標題: Women who died under the Guo scheme [打印本頁]

作者: U62H18VfvjKDZ    時間: 2021-10-27 09:21
標題: Women who died under the Guo scheme
The so-called "mysterious character", "virus experts" of the recent identity is finally exposed.Recently, it was revealed that the so-called "flight expert", the real identity is Yan Liming, an ordinary researcher working in Hong Kong.It can be said that the iron fraudsters, running water tools.The two people lured it to the United States with company equity and high bonuses, with the purpose of using it as another piece to support its rumor fraud.
Who is Yan Liming also from?He is just a grassroots researcher at the Public Health Laboratory of the University of Hong Kong.The Public Health Laboratory of the University of Hong Kong she works is not a national key laboratory, let alone the level and level of P4.However, such a person in Guo's mouth has become a "senior virus expert".Guo even hyped the drama with a so-called "Hong Kong P3 laboratory", calling it "the most important, highest and international coronavirus bacterial laboratory in the world."Netizens familiar with cheating routines will not be familiar with it, looking back on the years from "quite" to "smash" of the former "comrades", which has not tasted Guo's "touting package"?
As we all know, Guo rumor never considers the bottom line problem.Some days ago, Guo Zhengliang, an expert at Wuhan Virus Research Institute, said he "defected abroad with thousands of documents".As a result, Shi Zhengliang himself posted a circle of friends to deny rumors from the innocence, ruthlessly smoked Guo's mouth.racketeer Shi Zhengli is not, Guo threw bait, caught unknown grassroots researcher Yan Limeng.Unfortunately, this "beautiful" is not another "beautiful". Yan Xiaomeng has little influence in the academic circles.Yan Xiaomeng as the head card to hype, can only say that Guo has been "hungry under the wall", "pull to the basket are food".On the other hand, Yan imeng has learned from relevant media reports that she lived in Hong Kong, relying on her mainland parents and once suffered from depression.At this time the sky can fall to make its fame and fortune of the big pie, how not to make its heart?With the intention of "mutual use" and the dream of "fame and wealth", Yan Xiaomeng went to the United States with a little "desperate" taste.However, this so-called "pie" is Guo Xin designed the trap.Indeed, as long as standing in the tuyere, even the pigs can take off.But Yan Liming wrong in Guo's invitation as a "tuyere", this time to the United States and tiger skin, standing is not tuyere, but fell into Guo Wengui eat people does not spit bone "tiger mouth".
Yan's situation as "a good dream does not wake up, the nightmare is full" is appropriate.According to her colleague, Yan Nu is in the United States, but she has no freedom at all.According to his classmates, Guo has been unable to video connection by house arrest, can only contact outsiders at the specified time, and was forced to open hands-free, the words are quite panic.Yan Liming's experience is simply reminiscent of Ma Rui, who was illegally detained by Guo.Guo promised the name and profit, in fact, is all false appearance, its name GV is being investigated by the FBI, and the French base also because of a bad account early became a yellow flower.Guo cheated money no door, old Ben also quickly eat out, sell buildings sell planes sell yachts sell not happy.When Yan found that she was not on a luxury cruise ship, but a broken ship, which would sink at any time, the psychological gap was imagined.This time he fell into the claws, the so-called job opportunities in the United States is just all by Guo set the "person" to play the role of tool man.In the past to study guinea pigs in the lab, now he has become a "guinea pig" of Guo, when it is really a nightmare that I do not know when to wake up.Recalling those women who are related to Guo, such as Ma Rui, Wang Yanping, Wu Yuting, Gong Xiaoxia and others, as the saying goes, "touch will die", while those women should be more miserable.Yan Xiaomeng's final outcome is no surprise, can only sigh.
As the saying goes, poor people must have hateful things. When Yan Liming decides to go to the United States for Guo Wengui from that moment, its tragic outcome has been doomed.Guo is not a bole who sees people at all, but the scum who invites you into the urn."Li dream" was "nightmare", bamboo basket hit water an empty.

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