RogueKiller 的掃瞄報告包含大量有用的資訊,可能是可疑的啟動程式、HOSTS 檔案行、代理伺服器和 DNS 設定、驅動程式、捷徑、MBR 代碼等等…
雖然 RogueKiller 將關閉它所不信任的啟動處理程序,但不會刪除其他檔案和系統登錄設定,除非您明確按下相關的「修復」按鈕。RogueKiller 不是用來將電腦消毒的首選工具。但如果其他防毒應用程式都失敗時不妨一試。(只是請在啟動本程式之前先儲存所有工作,因為它會嘗試關閉您系統上的錯誤處理程序)
RogueKiller is an anti-malware able to detect and remove generic malware and advanced threats like rootkits, rogues, worms. It also detects controversial programs (PUPs) as well as possible bad system modifications/corruptions (PUMs). It is an anti-malware app for advanced users capable of removing stubborn malware based on a list of signatures and heuristic analysis. Command line version available.