使用说明跟往常一样,低调使用。*What do the MOD?*
Bypass Version:
- Original Game but bypassed for Cheat Engine, example with no skill cooldown in the video. Root needed for GameGuardian!
- Cheat Popup Bypassed
GameGuardian Download: GameGuardian
Free MOD:
- One Hit without high Damage
- Low HP
- High Speed (Always First Turn)
- Cheat Popup Bypassed
- Don't use monster with skills where the damage depends on speed
- Everything is shared, the best way is to take a monster with AOE Damage as leader.
- In Arena you maybe loose.
*How to install* (安装方法)
1. Remove original game(卸载原始的官方游戏)
a. if you played with mod before, you can install new mod over it.(如果现有版本就是MOD版,可直接升级)
2. Download modded APK(下载MOD的APK)
3. Install modded APK(安装)
4. Enjoy =)(好了)
百度云盘链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1eLI6IThxT_tYOOMkxZuNBA 密码: 6666
蓝奏云盘: https://www.lanzous.com/b389540/ 密码:xssm
謝謝 感恩 大大 好新立馬 下載感謝多謝 :lol:lol:lol 又要麻煩您了~是否有改4.1.1 魔靈招喚 低調修改 感謝您