張文獻 發表於 2018-1-2 09:24:13

POE 3.1 輔助 // PoEHUD - DLL 注入器 // 往後讓插件 更接近 全自動化

外國的月亮比較圓 // 搬運公司 // 我會慢慢把英文 中文化{:35_1968:}// 給個 GP 吧 {:35_1930:}

更新日期 : 2017 /12 / 28


自動打怪插件 版本 3.1 日期   12 / 27
自動整理倉庫 版本 3.1 日期   01 / 02
開圖 Zoom Hack 版本 3.1 日期 12 / 19
開圖 Map Hack 版本 3.1 日期 12 / 19


Simple Flask Manager for PoeHUDBackground
HELLO Everyone, 1 year ago my Friends (Alex, Treasure) and I released the Auto Flask Manager. It wasn't the best flask manager but that was the only option people had so people used it. Some builds loved it but for some builds it was useless. Over the period of 1 year you guys made some requests/demands out of which I fulfilled most of it but due to some architecture limitation of that flask manager I couldn't fulfill all of those. In any case, I didn't forget all of those unfulfilled requests.

Since the start of this league ( approx 1 month ago ), I started working on the new flask manager. I build this new flask manager from scratch with following requirements in my mind.

1: All flasks considered as same ( no defensive/offensive/speed flask shit )
2: Triggers should define when to drink the flask ( the new architecture have ability to incorporate any trigger you guys can think of ).
3: User has to tell everything about the flask and its trigger ( Flask Manager will assume nothing ).
4: It should be as performance efficient as it can be.

So I present you Simple Flask Manager. A Flask manager good enough to make you forget that flasks exists in the game.

Video --> 2017-12-29_23-20-18 - Streamable <--- VideoP1

1. Awesome UI
2. Ability to debug single flask in the debug mode.
3. Ability to reserve/unreserve flask uses for hard enemy/bosses
4. Tooltips that explain everything
5. Automatically detect the flask duration
6. Performance efficient
7. Triggers, Triggers and Lots of triggers ( See Video )
8. Ability to add more Triggers

1: Implement more triggers ( some triggers are still in progress )
2: Allow multiple triggers on a single flask ( e.g. drink flask when -> low life OR when attacking )
currently, you can have multiple triggers but they will restrict the flask usage ( e.g. drink flask when -> low life AND attacking )

How to Get it
This is just a support thread, it will contain updates, changelog, issues, work in progress stuff.
Also, In case of questions/issues with this flask manager reply on this post.
To know how to get it click here or ping me on unofficial PoeHUD discord server.

Treasure ( Testing and reporting Bugs )
Alex ( Testing and reporting Bugs )

ShukuangChen 發表於 2018-1-25 19:18:32

下在後 運行 沒反應 求大神教學

s62784300 發表於 2018-2-7 13:27:34


andyucs 發表於 2018-2-13 13:25:45


a123456590 發表於 2018-2-14 00:18:44

不知道怎麼弄又都英文= =

陳品堯 發表於 2018-2-21 17:57:04


kinkcam 發表於 2018-2-23 17:09:16


s66604369 發表於 2018-3-4 03:24:56

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查看完整版本: POE 3.1 輔助 // PoEHUD - DLL 注入器 // 往後讓插件 更接近 全自動化