POE 3.1 輔助 / PoEHUD 插件 / 自動打怪 / 看清楚標題 / 要自己走路 但是他會自動描準怪物打 / 半自動化
本帖最後由 張文獻 於 2018-1-2 16:46 編輯https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZvgzKsc1tI
PoEHUD Plugin: Aim BotIt only moves mouse over monster it does not cast for you, this was made when i was playing mf windripper doing breach vaults and it was EXTREMELY useful as it acted as a defensive mechanic.
It will move the mouse back to where it was when you first held down key.
You can change the key to activate aimer.
You can opt in for ignoring entities based on their paths (uses entity.Path.Contains(<your strings>))
This means you can auto aim that stupid blink arrow unique guy where its hard to keep track of what is the real one.
You can toggle what you aim based on Closest Unique > Closest Rare > Closest magic > Closest normal, or just what is closest
你可以根據最接近的 傳說怪物 > 稀有怪物 > 魔法怪物 > 一般怪物,或者最接近的自身的怪
如何達到半自動效果 / 安裝 自動喝水 開圖 自動放招打怪 / 滑鼠遊標自己點 / 完成免費外掛
這個要怎麼用@@ 放到遊戲資料夾嗎? 下載了 不是看很懂... 請問能教一下如何使用嗎? 可以請問樓主 哪裡找的到那個地圖可以看到怪物的紅點跟血條 看不懂 樓主您好 載點已經過期了 不能下載QQ as4780331 發表於 2018-1-2 03:25 static/image/common/back.gif
後來重整好幾次後才能下載 先來試試看好不好用 謝謝你的用心
請問下載後要如何使用?? 趕快來試看看 已下載,請問有人知道如何使用嗎? 看來要存錢買買了ˊ:(