阿J 發表於 2016-8-31 06:09:58


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1.Added possible cp (at trainer level 40) for Pokemon
2.Added candies to evolve amount3.Reworked pokestop event, now shouldn"t be called so frequent
3.Reworked pokestop event, now shouldn"t be called so frequent
4.For Custom route - now it will not display all pokestops at the map, will only display the pokestops which was hitted diring the route, that will help you to understand did u build it in right way
5.Gym removed from the map (was there as normal pokestop)

希望各位能幫點個評分+個GP! 讓我有更多發帖的動力!!

0458 發表於 2016-8-31 10:53:31


QQ君 發表於 2016-8-31 12:17:24



anything060769 發表於 2016-8-31 15:08:17

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