copy 發表於 2015-8-23 18:08:38

【轉貼】《TERRA BATTLE 修改》V2.9.0 修改版 6種版本可選擇

Terra Battle (Super HP, Movement Phase & Max Power Gauge) - VER. 2.9.0

Playstore Link:

MOD製作者  tester123
Updated Mod 2.9.0 (many thanks  to tester123 for the updated mod as original modder AndyLee is no longer updating this mod)

- 1 HP Monster(怪物1滴血)
- High HP Players(玩家高血量)
- Extend Time(延長拖放時間)
- Last Battle(跳至最後戰鬥)

- Extend Time(延長拖放時間)
- 1 Hp Monster(怪物1滴血)
- High Hp Player(玩家高血量)
- Permanent Power Up (after first activation) (在第一次使用後 常駐P效果)
- Instant Power Up Point(P點立刻出現)
- 100% drop rate: eidolon, buddy, items, drops(100%機率獲得招喚獸,夥伴,物品)
- 100% chance to gain skill boost(100%機率增加B值)
- Increase max skill boost cap per battle(一場戰鬥後獲得B值增加最大)
- No level cap in arena metal zone (choose distribute evenly to max level your character with party of 6) (金屬關卡不會升級)
Try not to go over 100k gold and/or 2 million exp or else it won't save.(請勿獲得超過10萬金或是2萬經驗 否則不會儲存)

- No Heal(治癒無效)
- Extend Time(延長拖放時間)
- 1 HP Monster(怪物1滴血)
- High Hp Player(玩家高血量)

Mod 6:
- Mod 3 + Skip to Last Battle(第3版+跳至最後一場戰鬥)
- This mod allows you to farm stages with single battle twice, saving you stamina(這個我懶得翻....)

Mod 8:
- Mod 3 + no monster capture limit.(第3修改版+無怪物捕獲上限)

Mod 9:
- Mod 3 + Last Battle + Max Skill Boost Gain(第3修改版+最後戰鬥+獲得最大B值)

It is NOT recommend to use this mod in co-op as other player might see your mod stat and report you(不推薦使用此修改版本去玩合作遊戲,否則別的玩家會看到你的數值並且檢舉你)
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